
A/N: Thanks as always to my buddy qazse for help with reactions and to my brother Sai for giving me the script and making the video in the first place. The video in question is "The Birdie Bard! Qurupeco Lore". Be sure to check it out before or as you read along with it and subscribe to Sai and all that good junk.

The fiver bro chuckled as he sat around the canteen as always. "So, you're telling me you can perfectly mimic ANYONE? Okay then, do an impression of Sora!" He challenged whoever the person was that made the proclamation.

As one might expect, Sai was revealed to be the one he was talking to. "Very well, then." The host accepted, clearing his throat as the image of a boy with spiky brown hair was seen, likely who he would be impersonating. "The darkness may destroy my body, but it can't touch my heart. My heart will stay with my friends. It'll never die!" He said in a voice much higher and younger-sounding that his own.

"Whoa. Not bad. Didn't think Sai could do a high-pitched voice like that." Yang admitted.

"Higher and younger, too. Raising your pitch is one thing, but actually sounding younger takes some skill." Qrow praised.

"You should know, because you can't do it!" Summer teased her old teammate.

"So, that must mean that this creature must be some kind of mimic." Ozpin realized.

The Fiver Bro was shocked an impressed at this. "Whoa! Not bad! Okay... what about Spawn?" He thought of a voice that might stump the Sapphire Star.

The host cleared his throat once again as the image of a black and white demon in a red cape was shown next. "Who made you God, little man? Not that gun, not that uniform, nothing! You wanna scare people? Fine. I need a scarecrow." Sai declared menacingly in a low, gruff voice.

"He's got deep voices down pat, too." Coco said.

"Y-yeah. A little TOO good. That was really scary." Velvet said, shivering a bit.

"Definitely one of the coldest lines I've ever heard." Adam agreed.

"And it does make you stop and think. When are you taking your authority too far?" Ironwood questioned, imagining either Sai or this Spawn demon saying such a sentence to him if he had continued down the path he led on the main timeline.

The Fiver Bro laughed at this. "Whoa, dude! That gave me chills! But okay, try a girl's voice. No way you can do that!" The glutton said confidently, certain that Sai wouldn't be able to do a feminine voice.

For the final time, the Sapphire Star cleared his throat. " For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee." Sai recited, perfectly mimicking the voice of Pyrrha Nikos.

Everyone- especially the teens- were floored at Sai not only perfectly doing a feminine voice, but one they personally knew. "Whoa, Pyrrha! He sounded JUST like you!" Nora said in amazement.

"I know, right?! I could TOTALLY see you saying something like that, Pyrrha!" Ruby agreed, awestruck.

"She DID say that before. Those were her EXACT words when she unlocked my aura!" Jaune confirmed.

"But... Did I really sound like that? Am I really that... preachy?" Pyrrha asked.

The more sensitive and polite members of the cast looked at each other nervously, before looking back at Mistral's champion. "Nooooo..." Jaune, Velvet and Ruby all denied awkwardly.

However, that was all for naught, thanks to the more blunt of the teens. "Yes." Ren, Nora, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Emerald and Coco all said.

Pyrrha shrank a bit at this. "W-well, it was a religious creed I believe in. I find inspiration in it and I thought it was inspirational when I said it to Jaune at the time. But now that I hear it myself, it does sound... a bit corny." She admitted.

This practically floored the Fiver Bro, leaving him almost too shocked to keep eating. Almost. "Whoa, that's amazing, dude! You've got to be the best impressionist I've ever seen!" He exclaimed in awe of Sai's vocal talents.

Sai chuckled at this as he struck a pose. "Yep. You could say I'm a regular Qurupeco." The host boasted, clearly quite pleased with his ability.

"Qurupeco? That must be the monster's name. So, it IS indeed a mimic, then." Glynda said.

"I like that name. It sounds quite interesting. And very exotic." Weiss said, imagining it cat with a fancy spotted coat like a Serval, or an elegant bird like a macaw.

The gluttonous hunter appeared to be confused at this. "Qurupeco? What's that? And can I eat it?" He asked, wondering what Sai was talking about and what it might taste like.

"Seriously, why is he even here? Clearly, he's not qualified to be there." Blake wondered.

"Probably because we've seen the Commander is equally unreliable, so he doesn't oversee the hunters who are or are not doing their job." Ren theorized.

"To be fair, they are on an island far from the mainland of the Old World, so it would be a rather inefficient waste of time, manpower and resources to send ONE hunter home, across the ocean, to the Old World." Penny noted.

"True, but that doesn't mean they can't fire him and make him work a different job, forcing him to do his own work instead of requesting others to do it for him. And he would actually have to get up out of that stool and exercise, as a bonus." Winter said.

The host turned away and grumbled at this. "No, it's one of the monsters we hunt." He explained, just barely holding back the annoyance in his voice.

The Fiver Bro seemed even more surprised at this. "We hunt monsters?" He asked, ONCE AGAIN somehow forgetting the job he was in the New World to do.

"WHY DO THEY KEEP HIM AROUND?!" Everyone demanded all at once.

"Man. I never thought I'd pick Mercury over another living being, but if I had to choose between them... give me ol' robo-legs any day." Roman said.

Crickets could be heard as Sai was clearly done with the gluttonous hunter's antics. "You know what, I think I have one more impression for you... Hadoken!" He declared, shooting a blue fireball from his hand at the Fiver Bro, resulting in an explosion.

"You know, I know he's a fire demon, but SOMEHOW... I always forget he can do that." Roman said, shocked along with several others as Sai blasted the gluttonous hunter with the blue fireball.

"So that makes TWICE now Sai has blown him up, plus he shot him on another occasion. How is this man still alive?!" Cinder questioned.

"That must be some really good armor." Hazel theorized.

"Eh. It's pretty standard stuff. Our going theory is that he has a MASSIVELY increased healing capacity from pigging out on so much high-quality meals all day." Tekko said.

"Any chance we can get a recipe book from your world?" Neo asked, getting the idea for a chain of restaurants with Palicos as workers.

Sai was stood next to the Admiral with his arms crossed to mimic the former head of the Commission. "They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but in the animal kingdom, is is a way of survival in order to get ahead of the competition. One example is Blue Jays using audio mimicry and replicate the sounds of hawks in order to scare competitors away from their food source or lesser predators away from them or their nest. And another being visual mimicry, like the non-venomous Scarlet Kingsnake adapting to have a very similar color pattern to the actually venomous coral snake as a means to ward off predators. We humans even had to invent a rhyme to know which one to stay away from: 'red on yellow, kill a fellow- red on black, venom lack'. Although, I'd personally advise just not touching any snake you see in the wild." The host explained as the colorful blue birds were shown, then cutting to comparison picture of two similarly colored snakes.

Many of the animal loves let out an "aww" at the blue bird. "It's so cute!" Ruby cooed.

"Yeah. I think blue jays might actually be my favorite bird." Emerald agreed.

"That's crazy, though. I knew they could make lots of noises, but not hawk screeches!" Ilia said in amazement.

Katana briefly paused the video at this. "Oh, you think THAT'S impressive? You should see the male Lyrebird." Katana said, putting the bird on the screen, where it perfectly mimicked other birds and even inanimate objects, like cameras, care alarms, chainsaws, toy laser guns and even a person, distinctly saying "awesome!".

"Man, that IS awesome!" Yang said in amazement.

"Oh, yes. They use these noises to attract mates." Penny explained.

Neo then gasped. "I just got an EPIC idea for a prank!" She exclaimed, quickly gaining the attention of the less mature members of the group. "You hide the Lyrebird in a crowded area like a mall or superstore... And get it to imitate the sound of a machine gun firing! Making everyone either duck to the floor or run in a panic!" She declared, bursting out into laughter, alongside Roman, Yang, Nora and Qrow.

Everyone else, however, was disgusted at the idea. "Neo Politan! That is terrible! You're making people believe their lives are in danger!" Glynda snapped.

"What's worse, that fear and panic would attract Grimm." Ironwood scolded as well.

"Exactly. You should all be ashamed of yourselves! Especially you, Yang." Summer scolded her eldest daughter.

"Y-yeah... Totally ashamed..." Ruby said awkwardly, nodding in agreement with her mother but secretly also found the idea funny.

And then, they were surprised at seeing how similar the two snakes were. "Whoa. Yeah, if he didn't point out the different patterns, I would've thought that's the same snake." Jaune admitted.

"Certainly subtle changes, but sometimes, that's the biggest difference." Pyrrha told him.

"That's a different rhyme then I heard, though. The one I was taught was 'red and yellow, you're a dead fellow. Red and black, you're okay, Jack." Hazel said.

"Eh. With sayings like those, there's a hundred different ways of saying the same saying." Emerald told him.

Then, a few couldn't help but chuckle at Sai's suggestion not to pick up wild snakes. "No shit. Who would be dumb enough to pick up a wild snake out of nowhere?" Winter asked.

"I think you give people too much credit." Cinder told her.

"Funny you mention that. Ruby would always try and catch them when she was little, because she thought they were 'living gummy worms!" Yang laughed as Ruby groaned and pulled her hood over her face.

"Nora was exactly the same. She even caught and almost bit a snake once, but I stopped her." Ren admitted.

Nasai was then seen in combat against a Deviljho. "And our monster of today's discussion falls into a similar category as the Blue Jay, mimicking the sounds of bigger animal to scare away predators. But Qurupeco can do SO much more than that." Sai declared as his son let out a whistle, summoning a bird-like monster with a strangely-shaped beak to his side.

"Quite the colorful creature. Mother would certainly want something like this in her menagerie." Weiss said, admiring the bird-like monster's plumage.

"Certainly wouldn't mind a hat with a couple of its feathers in it." Coco agreed. "But I feel like we've seen it before. SOMEWHERE, in all these videos, it's definitely made an appearance, but I can't remember where." The fashionista racked her brain wondering where it recognized the Bird Wyvern from.

"Ooh! I remember! It was in the Kinship Attacks! It launched a bomb at its enemy with its beak!" Nora exclaimed.

"Leave it to Nora to remember something involving explosives." Blake said with a smirk.

"But did anyone else notice Nasai swapped out a Kirin for the bird thing while fighting a Deviljho? Can't tell if the kid's brave... or insane." Qrow said. He'd almost said 'stupid', but he didn't want to insult the boy, ESPECIALLY not in the presence of the kid's aunt and older cousins.

"Oh, don't worry. It may not seem like much, but a Qurupeco might be a Rider's best friend." Tekko assured him.

The young rider was now on the beach, circling the monster in question and observing its features. "The Bird Wyvern that is the most outright bird-like after Malfestio and Aknosom, Qurupeco is almost the spitting image of a bird with beautiful green, yellow and orange plumage, with iridescent purple feathers on its back between its shoulder and a bright red chest- more on that later. It has stubby, partially webbed three-toed feet and a long oar-like that that unfolds into a similar shape to a Japanese war fan, revealing brightly-colored skin, likely as a warning to ward off predators. Then, we drift away from bird and more into pterosaur territory with its large, leathery wings with thick, bulky growths on them, but we'll get to that later as we now get to its most eye-catching feature, its beak, which strangely for a bird, is filled with teeth and an expanding crest on the top has a rather open cone-like shape." Sai listed the creature's various features as each one was focused on.

"I think it's nice seeing more simple monsters like this, that are just birds or just giant wolves, as opposed to crazy amalgamation monsters like Pukei-Pukei." Velvet said.

"Quite. Variety is the spice of life, but sometimes it is preferably to slow down and appreciate the simpler things." Ozpin agreed.

"So, the cone shape of the beak must serve some purpose. But what? And what of the growths on the wings and the red chest. They must serve some purpose if he specifically pointed them out." Adam noted.

"We'll just have to wait and see." Ilia told him.

Nasai was now riding on the monsters back as they slowly walked along the shore. "So, as you can see, it's a relatively basic monster, not too much going on here, so you might not expect much from it. And indeed, it is relatively low on the food chain, doing their best to avoid all the big predators it my encounter: Rathalos, Rathian, Tigrex, Deviljho, Lagiacrus and Plesioth and it mostly gets by on scavenging and fishing." The Sapphire Star as the Bird Wyvern attempted to scoop up a fish, only for a Jaggi to come from nowhere and snatch it up first.

"So, we're not making money with Qurupeco guard dogs. Good to know. Guess it's either for being a songbird or feathered accessories." Roman said, unimpressed.

"I'm sure they do something cool. Just give them a chance." Pyrrha suggested.

But then they saw the Jaggi snatching fish from the Qurupeco. The cinnamon trio were about to offer condolences, along the lines of "poor birdie...", but then Blake stood up furiously. "How dare you! Tear those raptors apart, Qurupeco! Stealing fish is an unforgivable act!" Blake snapped furiously, before turning to the rest of the audience. "You all should know this by now, but just in case, let me tell you now: don't EVER attempt to take my fish away from me." She warned them in a dead serious tone of voice.

Everyone sweatdropped at this, but couldn't deny they were intimidated. "N-none of us planned on it, Blake. But thanks for the FRIENDLY reminder." Yang said nervously.

Another Jaggi came in and snatched another fish from the poor Bird Wyvern. "But if you weren't expecting much from it, you'd be in for quite a surprise. They also often find themselves competing with packs of Jaggi, which while one of the smaller and weaker species of raptors, have sizeable female Jaggia in their midst, as well as a decently powerful Great Jaggi, so Qurupeco must be ready to contend with this. And indeed, it IS, for you see, the crest on Qurupeco's beak expands into the shape of a megaphone, allowing it to amplify its cries and a large, red throat sac- also used for intimidation and attracting mates- inflates to take in a lot of air for a deep, powerful roar, that can sound like pretty much any predator out there." Sai added as, after having its fish repeatedly snatched, then having the Jaggi about to gang up on it, the Qurupeco inflated its throat sac and let out a loud roar... that sounded like that of a Deviljho, scaring off the raptors.

Most of the crew jumped at the World Eater's roar coming out of the Bird Wyvern, with Blake and Velvet even jumping behind the couch. "W-wow. Th-that's... p-pretty impressive..." Velvet said fearfully as she peered over the top of the couch.

"Y-yes. Spot on. I would've almost assumed it was the real thing." Glynda said nervously.

"Man, Jho really did a number on you, didn't he?" Tekko asked.

"With all the horrific things it's capable of, can you blame us?" Summer asked.

"That roar is burned into my memory! Is this how you feel when you see electricity, Cinder?" Ruby asked.

"It's definitely close." Cinder confirmed.

The Bird Wyvern inflated its throat sac and roared once again. "So, yes, Qurupeco can perfectly replicate the roars of any other monster, even the biggest and most dangerous predators out there, which scares off just about anything that might think about messing with Qurupeco... Even though they should clearly see it's a bird making that roar, not the predator they're scared of." The Sapphire Star as the Jaggi fled from the colorful bird.

"Huh. When he puts it like that, it does seem kind of stupid." Neo admitted.

"Well, when you hear the roar of something so much higher than you on the food chain, you can't afford to dismiss that possible threat." Hazel explained.

"Indeed. The wild is a dangerous place for animals, they have to be alert to everything around them. Even the cries of other animals is enough to get most creatures to run, because they know whatever is making those noises is likely running FROM something." Penny agreed.

"Not to mention, these roars would likely attract any nearby apex predators, as they'd likely believe it to be a rival in their territory." Winter added.

The Qurupeco was then seen flying through the air to escape a Barioth. "In addition, in the rare event this DOESN'T work, Qurupeco is a very capable flyer, unlike a large percentage of winged Bird Wyverns, so if push comes to shove, they can fly away from anything they can't handle." Sai informed as the Bird Wyvern flew high into the sky, turning around and knocking down the Pseudo-Wyvern.

"Whoa. They must be pretty good if they can outpace a Barioth in the air like that." Ruby said in awe.

"Yeah. If I could've chosen my Semblance, I probably would've gone with flight." Jaune agreed.

"But now both Sai and Rakka Suripa have said most Bird Wyverns aren't very good at flying. Kind of weird for something called BIRD Wyverns, don't you think? As in, the things that FLY?" Nora asked.

"Well, there are actually a decent number of birds that either can't fly, or aren't very good at it, so I suppose it isn't THAT strange." Weiss said.

Nasai and his Qurupeco continued to walk along the beach shore, the Bird Wyvern looking like it was bobbing its head to some music. "So, with these two factors, along with it being faster than most larger Wyverns, allowing it to avoid direct conflict, Qurupeco are pretty chill and do their best to live unproblematic lives. They just like to go about their day, looking like they're absolutely vibing to their favorite song. And they are typically found in the Deserted Island, Sandy Plains or Misty Peaks of the Old World." The host explained as monster and Rider strode through the valley they were in.

There were quite a few laughs at Sai's statement. "Oh, my gosh! They really do look like they're just vibing!" Yang laughed.

"And whatever song they're listening to must be a bop!" Nora agreed, bopping her head in time with the Qurupeco.

"Yeah. I bet I could really get jiggy to that." Summer said, dancing in her seat a bit, much to her daughters' horror.

"Mom, no..." They groaned, mortified and completely embarrassed.

The pompadoured rider and the Bird Wyvern were then seen in combat against a Mizutsune. "But, that's not to say they are incapable of fighting. When the need arises, they are still quite capable of holding their own, striking with a variety of pecks, flailing chicken kicks and slaps from their surprisingly sturdy tails. And, if they want to hit really hard, they'll even fly up into the air and drop down on the opponent for some serious damage." The Sapphire Star listed off the creature's combat capabilities as the attacks he listed were shown.

"Yeah, other than the tail, this is all stuff we've seen before." Emerald said, unimpressed.

"I-I'm sure it has more to offer than that." Velvet said, wanting to give the bird a chance.

"I doubt he'd bother making the video if it was just like things we've already seen before." Qrow said.

The Qurupeco was now hopping around while striking the two growths on its wings together. "But they've also got a few hidden tricks up their sleeves, or rather, on their wings. Like I said before, they have a pair of brown growths on their wings. And, besides just being strong weapons they can also hit their enemies with, they can be struck together to create a spark, much like flint rocks, which is why these growths are known as Flintstones. But why is this important? Well, Qurupeco is capable of launching out globs of mucus at its opponents." Sai explained as, indeed, the Bird Wyvern shot a spray of mucus from its mouth at a Daimyo Hermitaur. "And, aside from being disgusting, this mucus is highly flammable, so if you get covered in it and then Qurupeco makes a spark with its flint growths, well..." The host trailed off as the Bird-Wyvern continued to strike its flints.

The colorful bird then leapt towards the Mizutsune they'd been fighting. "What the fu-?!" Someone screamed as if it was supposed to be the Mizutsune itself, before a massive explosion was seen, alongside someone laughing maniacally.

But then, several of them soon became disgusted at the creature's unique ability. "Eww! Why is it mucus again!?" Ruby said in disgust.

"Nature is beautiful in many ways... But that's not one of them." Glynda agreed.

"Still, it is quite interesting it developed such an... interesting defense mechanism. That could make it a good partner for some huntsmen who specialize in fire dust rounds." Winter noted.

"Ugh. I think I'd rather be set on fire than covered in disgusting mucus." Weiss said, everyone giving her a "seriously" look.

Nasai was now on his Qurupeco's back, holding a barrel bomb above its head. "And this makes them useful partners for Riders as, among other reasons we'll get to later, they can use these Flintstones to ignite the fuse on barrel bombs, then launch it right at an enemy's face with their beak, exploding and doing some serious damage and greatly tenderizing the specific part it was launched at." Sai added as Nasai rolled the bomb down his Monstie's beak, before the Bird Wyvern launched it at the Velocidrome they were facing.

"Oh, that would be quite useful if we still used bombs with fuses." Pyrrha said, giggling a bit.

"Aww, man! That would've been amazing to have during our food fight! We could've had it launch watermelons with its beak! Like a catapult." Nora complained, recalling back to the food fight with team RWBY.

"That feels like an extreme waste of the uses of this monster. Though, I have to admit, I can't imagine what else we'd do with it other than its use of mucus Winter mentioned earlier." Ironwood said.

The colorful bird then let out another call, summoning a Daimyo Hermitaur to its side. "But, the main thing we're here for is that beak. I made fun of monsters running away when Qurupeco mimicked other monsters before, but that was probably a good idea, as more often than not, the Qurupeco's call serves to attract whatever creature it was mimicking, the older the Qurupeco, the more dangerous the monster they can call. Fun fact, we first discovered Deviljho because of this, some hunters went to deal with a pesky Qurupeco and it let out a roar they never heard before... The NEXT thing they heard was boss music as a pickle dinosaur burst through the trees and proceeded to decimate them." The Sapphire Star added as he was shown running away from a Deviljho.

"So, a walking dinner bell, huh? That could've been useful back in our crime days." Roman said, imagining him and Neo cornered with a Qurupeco companion, before it suddenly belted out a roar that lured in a Seregios to cause havoc as the criminals made their escape.

"Kinda sucks for the bird, though. Roars to scare its enemies and escape a beating, only to call in a predator that turns it into a snack." Neo said, feeling sorry for the poor Bird Wyvern.

But then, they were quite surprised to hear this creature's involvement in Deviljho's discovery. "Well, it must have sucked to be those guys. 'Oh, yeah. Go out and hunt a megaphone bird, it will be easy'! Then Deviljho pops out and rips you to shreds." Cinder said, also sympathetically.

"Yeah. Those guys must have had worse luck than I EVER did with my old semblance. My WORST days still topped that unfortunate hunting trip." Qrow said with a chuckle.

And then Ruby and Yang couldn't help but giggle at the boss music joke. "So, I guess they have that meme on Earth, too." Yang laughed lightly.

"That's good! More fun memes for everyone!" Ruby cheered.

A younger Razara and her Barioth were seen in combat against a Qurupeco and a Plum Daimyo Hermitaur. "And so, more often than not, the monsters called forth by the Qurupeco's- well, calls, will fight for the Bird Wyvern in combat. Seems strange they'd fight for something they normally eat, but audio mimicry has that effect on occasion. There was once a story of a trio of lions saving a little girl from some kidnappers because they thought her screams sounded like one of their cubs... And I researched this for a solid five minutes and couldn't find anything saying this is false, so don't say I don't do my research." Sai declared as the girl and her Monstie struggled against the combined force of the two monsters.

Many of the cast were shocked by this new info. "Wait, what?! It actually fights for the Qurupeco!? That means we have to deal with TWO monsters!? That's insane!" Blake said, shocked and a bit nervous at the thought of such a thing happening to her or her team.

"I wonder how the Qurupeco ever figured that out? Because you'd think they'd run any time the monster they called actually showed up." Ilia wondered.

"Probably after one showed up during the fight and attacked whatever the Qurupeco was fighting and not the Qurupeco itself." Adam theorized.

And then, several jaws hit the floor when Sai told the tale of lions rescuing a girl. "No way! That's so cool! You think of animals saving people, you'd think like dogs, dolphins or maybe even pigs. But I NEVER would've guessed LIONS to save somebody." Coco said, amazed.

"I know, they're absolutely incredible!" Velvet said happily, with the other two members of the cinnamon trio nodding in agreement.

"Indeed. The king of the beasts has earned even more respect from me." Hazel said.

Nasai's Qurupeco as shown dancing as it clacked its Flintstones together. "Oh, but we're STILL not done yet, my friends, as this is merely the surface of the Qurupeco's vocal talents. They are what my lovely lady Lightning would call Synergists, who support the team by empowering them." The host explained as Lightning was briefly shown. "Or rather, for my DnD fans out there, they are the bards, healing injuries and buffing allies to make them stronger and more durable with their mystical songs and dances." Sai elaborated as the Bird Wyvern finished its dance and let out a call, causing itself and Nasai to glow for a moment.

The Bird-Wyvern was doing its dance yet again. "~Me and my crew are gonna mess ya up!~" The Qurupeco sang as it did its call to empower itself and its rider once again.

Jaune and Ruby gasped excitedly at this, dashing together and locking hands in amazement at the monster's new ability. "It's just like Monsters and Mazes!" Jaune said excitedly.

"So cool! Bard is my second favorite class after Artificer!" Ruby exclaimed in joy.

"Oh, I remember how much fun we had playing that back in the day! I remember you were a Rogue-Bard dual class, Glynda." Summer teased her old friend.

"Indeed. I wonder just how many songs it has and how close to Bard spells they are?" Glynda wondered.

All the while, Yang also found the monster's abilities awesome, as she, too, was a MnM fan, usually playing as either a Monk or a Fighter. However, she kept the hobby to herself, not wanting to look like a geek by admitting her love for the game.

Nasai now faced off against a wild Qurupeco with help from his Teostra Monstie. "So, yes, Qurupeco brings a lot more to the table than one would expect at first, but remember, it's still quite low on the food chain and/or threat level. Firstly, it is weak to ice. Next, note that when I said 'most of the time', monsters called by Qurupeco will fight for it, meaning there ARE times when monsters won't fight for it and attack it instead, so now it has a hunter AND a predator to deal with. Also, its throat sac and crest are rather fragile and can be broken to affect its ability to call for help and the Flintstones can be broken as well. Also, when its throat sac is expanded, it's vulnerable to sonic bombs to deafen and disorient it. Also, if they are attacked and interrupted during the process of their songs to buff or heal their allies, they can again be disoriented, resulting in them actually healing the hunter and their allies." Sai explained as his son slammed an oversized bell on the Bird Wyvern, before his Teostra hit it with a stream of fire.

"Ice is its weakness, huh? Wouldn't have been my first guess." Yang said.

"It does make sense. The warm coloring of its feathers would suggest it lives in warm climates, so it likely isn't used to colder weather and temperatures. In addition, birds generally struggle to maintain body heat in weather much colder than the 50's, expending most of their energy fluffing up to trap air between their feathers for insulation and not eating." Penny explained.

"Quite strange that it's vulnerable to loud noises, though, considering most of what it does is loud noises." Ozpin pointed out next.

"Maybe it throws off their concentration or something?" Qrow suggested.

"Cool that we can get the buffs for ourselves, though. Can you imagine the Qurupeco's face when it's about to heal itself or its friends, then gets attacked and heals its enemies?" Neo asked with a smirk.

"It was at this moment that he knew... He fucked up." Emerald said, the two former thieves giggling.

The pompadoured Rider was then seen holding a Qurupeco egg. "However, this is assuming a Qurupeco makes it to adulthood to become a problem, which is rarely the case, as the little bundles of joy have a number of problems simply with the nature of their species." Sai explained in a grim tone as a baby Qurupeco hatched from the egg. "First off, from the moment they are born, their vocal organs are fully developed. This is dangerous, because their calls can sometimes unintentionally lure in a dangerous predator. Thankfully, the parents usually scare them off with the roar of a larger predator, but this doesn't always work or the parents aren't always there to defend their babies." The Sapphire Star elaborated as a Qurupeco summoned a Daimyo Hermitaur again.

The good mood was quickly lost upon this revelation. "Those poor babies..." Velvet said, already on the verge of tears.

"Endangered by their own vocal chords. Something entirely beyond their control. That's so horrible." Pyrrha said, also tearing up a bit.

"The parents must be devastated if they aren't there to save the babies in time." Blake said sadly.

"Why does nature have to be so horrible?!" Ruby cried out, tears actively starting to leak out.

"Well, at least we're probably past the worst of it... Right?" Jaune asked, looking to the hostesses, who didn't answer. "Right?" He asked. Still no response.

Nasai's Qurupeco was doing its dance in preparation to buff itself and its Rider. "In addition, Qurupecos do a dance to perform their songs, so the babies need to practice and perform those dances to perfect them. The problem with that is, Qurupecos build their nests on high cliffs or tall rock spires. Great for keeping them away from predators, not so great when you have a tiny, uncoordinated baby hopping around and stumbling all over the place..." The host added as the Monstie completed its danced and boosted itself and Nasai.

JonTron then did a double-take, looking rather concerned. "I don't like where this is going..." He said worriedly, raising a hand and pointing forward.

Many froze as they were slowly starting to piece together where Sai was going with this. "Oh, no. I'm definitely not liking this either." Weiss said in horror.

"No... Not that..." Summer prayed to any god that would answer.

"What? What is it?" Ruby asked nervously.

"I... think it's better if you just listen, Ruby." Cinder said, unsure how to break it to her girlfriend.

The Bird Wyvern was shown doing its dance yet again. "Yes, unfortunately, despite the best efforts of the parents using their tails as cover trying to prevent any lethal falls from happening, the majority of Qurupeco chicks die from falling out of the nests and plummeting from the great heights intended to keep them safe in the first place. Irony is one cruel mistress." Sai informed sadly as his son defeated the wild Qurupeco.

"No... Not the babies!" Ruby said, tearing up, before absolutely bawling and hugging Cinder tightly.

"It's not fair! They need those heights to stay safe from predators, but then they're in danger of falling! They must be so scared before they hit the ground!" Velvet sobbed as well, cuddling into Coco.

"Why does nature have to be so cruel!?" Pyrrha wept into Jaune's shoulder.

"There's risk to everything in the world. Nothing is truly 100% safe. In this case, you should just be thankful that there ARE still Qurupeco's that make it to adulthood." Ren told them.

Nasai and his Qurupeco were walking along the beach, vibing once again. "So, that is Qurupeco, probably one of the most unique and interesting Bird Wyverns out there, beautiful colorations, generally unproblematic and an absolute wonder to observe and see all the different ways they are capable of using their vocal abilities. However, we're not quite done yet, as there is a subspecies, the Crimson Qurupeco." The host declared as the younger Razara and Crystal were shown in combat against a red-feathered Qurupeco.

"Ooh, I like the colors on this one." Cinder said as she admired

"I admit, the blue and red do go quite well together." Weiss agreed.

"But once again, I can't imagine how this creature would camouflage in the wild." Penny said.

"Then again, in our world, they'd be almost invisible in the Forever Falls." Winter pointed out.

The pompadoured teen was now seen riding this new version of the Bird Wyvern, walking through a cave while vibing like the first one. "So, first of all, the obvious: the colors are different, now a deep crimson with a vibrant teal as a secondary color for a much more exotic appearance. And, as is common with these subspecies, these ones are a good bit larger and more powerful than the normal variety. And in addition, despite still being at the same low level on the food chain and sticking to their pescatarian diet, these ones are more aggressive than the original, due to the fact they live in the harsher environments of the Volcano and Flooded Forest." Sai explained as the red Bird Wyvern charged and attacked a Velocidrome.

"Makes sense. You have to toughen up to make the harsh world you live in." Adam said.

"But you would think that extra size and power, coupled with that aggression, would put them higher up on the food chain." Hazel complained in disappointment.

"They just fit into their role in the ecosystem well. No need to fix what isn't broke." Emerald told him.

"And its choice in diet definitely doesn't need fixing." Blake said in approval of a fellow fish-lover.

Nasai and his Crimson Qurupeco now faced off against a Plesioth and a pair of Hermitaur. "And in combat, it's once again rather similar: pecks, kicks, tail slaps and dropping down on an opponent. And they also spit out globs of mucus at their opponents, but this time, said mucus is conductive instead of flammable and their Flintstones create electric sparks when struck together to electrocute enemies and cause Thunderblight. In addition, they can also create a blinding flash of light by striking the Flintstones together, similar to Gypceros, to stun both hunter and predator alike." The Sapphire Star informed as the red Bird Wyvern unleashed spheres of electricity at the enemy and even had a beam struggle with the Plesioth, overpowering its water jet cutter with its surge of electricity.

"Ooh, okay! Now this guy's getting interesting!" Nora said excitedly.

"What, you like it because of the mucus?" Jaune asked in disgust.

"ELECTRIC mucus! That makes it better!" Nora declared.

"I mean, hey, if it can take on a Plesioth in a beam battle, I'd say it's working for them." Roman said with a shrug.

"That'll be one big fish fry." Neo said.

Again, the younger Razara and Crystal faced off against the Crimson Qurupeco and a Plum Daimyo Hermitaur. "And, yet again, they have similar vocal capabilities as the original, able to call forth larger monsters to attack hunters. However, this time, they go a step above with their call also instantly enraging whatever monster they call into the battlefield. In addition, unlike the original, they can let out a loud cry that requires a set of earplugs in order to drown out, unless you want to feel like your eardrums are about to burst. And above all, in addition to the original's ability to heal and boost themselves and other monsters, they also take on the role of Saboteurs, as Lightning calls them, having roars that WEAKEN their opponent, making them more feeble and less durable. A truly nasty combo, having your enemies strengthened while you and your allies are weakened." Sai warned as the Bird Wyvern let out a loud roar that made the Barioth falter while its Rider was knocked back.

The Crimson Qurupeco danced once again as it prepared its draining dance. "~You're a short motherfucker and nobody likes you!~" It mocked viciously in song form before letting out its roar that knocked the two down and back once again.

To no one's surprise, the more immature of the cast couldn't help but laugh at the mocking song. "That's so mean, but so funny!" Nora laughed.

"Oh, man. If I had heard that while we were still enemies, I DEFINITELY would've used that on you, Neo." Yang giggled.

"And you would've paid for it." Neo warned her.

"Still, like he said, the ability to buff oneself and ones allies, coupled with the ability to debuff one's enemies is a truly fearsome combo, especially with it bringing enraged monsters into the area. I would definitely mark these as creatures meant to only be hunter by teams." Glynda said.

Thankfully, the female Rider and her Monstie started to turn the fight around. "However, all is not lost. They have LITERALLY all the exact same weaknesses as the original: the same weakness to ice, the same vulnerability to loud noises when their throat sac is inflated and you can steal the healing or buff they plan to give to themselves or other monsters with a loud noise or damage to their throat sac as they perform their dance." The host declared as the two defeated the Crimson Qurupeco.

"The same weakness? That doesn't happen too often." Nora said.

"Well, Sai did say they live in volcanoes, so they're probably not used to the cold." Pyrrha theorized.

"So, it looks like you can relax, general. They probably won't be swarming Atlas any time soon." Cinder said to Ironwood, earning so laughter from the students, as they all knew that was the general's immediate concern upon hearing about any monster.

Nasai and his Crimson Qurupeco walked through a cave while vibing once more. "And so, that is everything on the Crimson Qurupeco. Very similar, but unique enough in its own right and a range of impressive abilities to put it on another level from its normal counterpart. And with that done, we have reached the end of our discussion on the colorful bird. I am a big fan of these guys, they're absolutely striking in the visuals department, they bring a level of unpredictability into the fight because you never know what monster they might call in for back up and, as gross as it is, there mucus abilities can make them quite a challenge when they use them to their full extent. And, come on, how cool is it that there's a LITERAL Bard monster out there?" Sai finished as the Bird Wyvern did it's dance and roar to buff its allies one last time.

"I totally agree with Sai! A Bard monster is just the coolest! It's the only monster that ACTUALLY fits into an MnM class!" Ruby said excitedly.

"Yeah, could you imagine if we had these guys on our side? We'd be unstoppable!" Jaune said, equally excited.

"Indeed. Now it's almost a shame they can't tolerate the cold, because one or both of these would be amazing in mother's menagerie. And, in an absolute worst case scenario, they would be excellent guard animals for mother and Whitley if anyone broke into the mansion." Winter added.

"Or they could even possibly provide additional vocals at my concerts." Weiss said as well.

Katana stopped the video and looked to the cast. "Well? You know what I'm gonna say." She requested their thoughts.

"It was awesome! Sai already said it, but having a Bard monster out there is just awesome! And like I said, they'd be great companions for Huntsmen teams!" Jaune said.

"I wouldn't mind hearing the songs they sing. Sai didn't really give us any audio of their ACTUAL singing. Just some other bard singing." Weiss pointed out.

"Or maybe they're so good at mimicking, they even managed to mimic that song!" Nora theorized.

"Ooh! I just thought of a great prank with these guys!" Neo said, all of the pranksters in the audience leaning towards her. "We bring a Qurupeco out into the middle of a town or city or village FIRST THING in the morning, before the sun is even up, then we make it do the LOUDEST monster roar anyone's ever heard!" She instructed, the pranksters bursting out in laughter. "Half the people in town would wet themselves! We might even get a few heart attacks!" She added, the laughter becoming absolutely uproarious.

"Neo, that's cruel. It is incredibly important to get the proper amount of sleep. Any less than seven hours is unhealthy, even more so if you repeatedly get less than seven hours. Not to mention, as you yourself said, that could cause people heart attacks. I consider a prank to be taken too far if it threatens a person's life." Glynda scolded.

"But I DO like the idea of it summoning stronger monsters to fight with it. More of a challenge, which is always fun for me." Yang said, shadowboxing a bit, before looking to the hostess. "So, Katana, are we getting-" Yang asked, even beating Ruby to her usual question, but Katana held a hand up to stop her.

"Yes, Yang. Qurupeco will be coming to Remnant. They play an important level at the lower end of the food chain as prey for larger monsters and pest control for bugs and population control for fish, as well as clean-up crew as scavengers." Katana explained, much to the excitement of Yang, Ruby and most of the other DnD fans.

"Sorry to rain on your parade once again students," Ironwood said, pausing for a minute to let the students air out their grievances with groans, complaints, a few boos and even someone calling him a wet blanket, "But while I see your arguments for bringing them to Remnant, shouldn't we also consider the dangers, like them unintentionally luring more dangerous monsters to nearby villages outside of the protection of the Kingdoms? Not to mention, since they're living megaphones with wings, they'll be constant headaches for anyone remotely NEAR their territory and could even cause some poor, unfortunate elders to have heart attacks as Neo said." He pointed out.

"Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I see your concerns, BUT... I don't care." Katana said, causing the general to facevault. "That's what Huntsmen are for. To protect people outside the Kingdom. That's how they earn their keep. It's not like they'll have to defend against Grimm much once monsters show up. I'm, like, 80% certain the monsters will be decimating Grimm populations for entering their territory." She told them.

"I suppose that is fair enough." Winter said. "So, what is next, then?" She asked.

"Oh, well, this time you're in for a treat, since you'll be learning about one of the biomes of the new world, as well as TWO monsters that live within it. To everyone in Atlas, I think you'll have feel a kinship to this place. So get ready to witness the Frost Islands, alongside the Tetranadon and Goss Horag." Katana said, starting the next video.

A/N: The video in question is Manzac11's "Kamura Village Animal Guide Edition | Part 3: Fatal Frost Way". Now, sorry to Manzac11, but we'll be skipping the part with Somnacanth and Aurora Somnacanth, as Sai plans to do these later. Not to mention, the chapter would be WAY TOO LONG if we included them.

Seriously, Manzac- I love you, buddy, but you NEED to chill with these super long lores. Even Sai's weapons of monsters hunter, his longest lore which was a two-parter, is STILL shorter than most of yours.
