
A/N: Thanks to qazse as always for help with reactions

A hunter was shown running through the darkness as a black Rathian-like Flying Wyvern with glowing red parts landed on the ground briefly, before going back into the air and lashing out at the hunter. "Where does it come from? What does it want? What IS it!? The answers to all ALWAYS are unknown. All that is certain... is death." Rage declared with his usual ominous echo as the Wyvern attacked the hunter and unleashed a powerful blast that seemed to knock the hunter down and make them slowly begin to pass out. "And no! It's not just a black and red Rathian!" Rage said in agitation as everything went completely black.

Many of the students got a shiver up their spines at the sight of the monster, with Velvet, Ruby and Neo clinging to their respective crushes. "Why does he always have to be so ominous and creepy? Why can't he make a nice happy intro?" Velvet asked.

"Because being mysterious and ominous gets people hooked, bun bun. Now they wouldn't be able to click away if they wanted to" Coco explained softly.

"It's alright, Neo. It's not that bad. It honestly just looks like a Rathian." Yang told her.

"Yeah, but the black and red make it way creepier. Especially in thick fog you can barely see in." Neo explained.

"And the glowing red eyes don't help, either. They're cool, but really scary." Ruby said, hiding behind Cinder.

"But, that lets you know where it is, right? So that can help you avoid it." Cinder reminded the young Rose girl.

"Yeah, but then you remember there's some super sharp teeth and a spiky chin just under those eyes." Ruby said.

A group of hunters was then seen running through the forest towards a creature that, indeed, looked like a black and red Rathian. "Hello, my fellow hunters and welcome today as we talk Unknown. Oh yes, going by no name, no species, no category... simply Unknown. An enigma wrapped in destruction and heading straight for every single soul. This is the Black Flying Wyvern and it is an apocalyptic force that is as powerful as it is... Well, mysterious. So first, let's ignore what your parents taught you and judge it on its appearance." Rage explained as the hunters attacked the monster, before putting up the images of Unknown, Rathalos and Rathian. "It does look like an amalgamation of Rathian and Rathalos. So essentially yeah, it's a combination of that, but instead red and black." Rage said, speaking almost as if he were rapping, even with a beat playing, before going black. "Is it just me or did that have a weirdly okay flow to it?" Rage asked with the usual echo.

"But at least in the case of Rathian and Rathalos, they have vibrant and bright colors that give you somewhat of a warning to keep your distance. This Unknown could strike from anywhere at any point." Winter pointed out.

"I've always found the combination of black and red to be intimidating. That's why at first I thought Ruby wore them, to try and scare people off so they wouldn't pick on her for being younger and smaller than everyone else." Weiss said.

"Hey! We're practically the same height! Especially when we don't wear heeled boots!" Ruby complained.

"Honestly, this creature looks closer to a Grimm than it does to a Rathalos, with those colors." Pyrrha admitted.

The image of the three Flying Wyverns was featured again. "Anyway! Yeah, it is a hybrid form, but it's not related to either species- at least not directly. Some theories posit that it is a distant cousin, or perhaps a case of divergent evolution: two organisms of a common ancestor ending up as different species. So perhaps if we trace the lineage of Unknown back far enough, we may find that Rathalos link. For now, though, it is very much its own animal." Rage explained as an image showed a cat being the common ancestor of four genetic variations of cats that then became a house cat, a cheetah, a lion and a black leopard.

The intellectuals in particular were quite intrigued by Rage's theory. "Fascinating! Branching paths from a common ancestor have the potential to yield similar, yet equally unique versions of similar monsters, such as a Rathalos with lightning powers instead of fire." Penny said.

"Indeed. And if they Unknown did indeed branch off similar ancestors as Rathalos and Rathian, then maybe other monsters did as well, like in the images with those felines. Who knows how many variations of similar monsters there could be." Glynda said, deeply intrigued.

"Oh, there's definitely a lot of them. That is quite a sizeable family reunion." Katana said, thinking of all the various- well, variations, or Rathalos there are.

The hunters were shown fighting the monster again as the creature's eyes were now glowing red. "It's black and red coloring is absolutely amazing, adored by many and it really does give this aura of menace to the creature. It is an invader, regularly showing up in various biomes, often when hunters are fighting other monsters, at which point they ruin your day, your week, your month, or your year." Rage said, singing the last bit, everything going black as a guitar rift was played, followed by a squishing noise. "But where this creature calls its actual home, where it makes its nest, where it can be found natively is- and I'm gonna be saying this a lot- Unknown. Now, it is not a dimorphic species, the males and the females both look the same and they both are adorned in these crimson spikes. The ones on the wings can quite literally be detached and fired at opposition, not only impaling them through even the toughest hide and armor, but releasing upon impact, corrosive steam gushing out to ruin them even further. It is quite nasty." Rage explained as the fight continued.

"Spike launcher! that is so awesome!" Nora said.

"Gotta say, out of all the things I was expecting, that wasn't one of 'em. Especially not with the steam." Qrow admitted.

"Simply an extra layer of challenge to overcome." Hazel declared.

"One would think to simply block the spikes, but that would get you hit with the steam. So dodging is the only option. Should be easy with our speed." Adam smirked.

"Yeah, but it's still so cool! And imagine if it could shoot dozens or hundreds of those spikes at once like Seregios doing its Kinship Attack! That'd be amazing!" Ruby cried out.

The fight now moved to some strange ruins as the monster began to glow red. "Male no mistake, Unknown is of Elder Dragon level, of HIGH Elder Dragon level. It wields a fury that most other monsters cannot hope to match. It is comfortable in nearly any environment, it has armor to turn away any blade, it has a roar that makes that of the Tigrex's look like a mere squeak-" Rage explained, before cutting to a Tigrex as it readied to unleash its mighty roar, only to unleash a tiny, frog-like squeak instead. "And this creature is said to emanate pure evil." Rage declared ominously as the monster was flaming at the mouth.

An IMMEDIATE look of horror washed over the faces of the Faunus girls. "Oh, dear gods! Not again!" Velvet shrieked.

"Normal Tigrex is already loud enough! If one of these things ever showed up, no Faunus in that kingdom, maybe even that CONTINENT, would be able to stand it." Blake said in fear.

"It'd probably blow our eardrums out before we ever got a chance to even see it!" Ilia whimpered.

However, some of that dread was alleviated by Tigrex squeaking like a kitten. "Okay, something about a giant dragon sounding like a kitten is just too perfect. I can't stop myself from laughing." Jaune chuckled along with several others.

"I know, right? I'm sure even Fatalis would be adorable if it made a squeaking noise!" Summer cooed.

The monster swept its tail back and forth to knock down the hunter in front of it. "Now, it can move quick, it has powerful wings, it can run just as competently, it can carve deep craters into the Earth, crush huge slabs of rock and, generally, is right bloody good at making alive things... not that." Rage warned, before showing the hunters fighting it in the desert at night. "The only behavior of note that the Guild has managed to record is, during certain periods of time, great flocks of them gather in the desert. The purpose is- again, this is gonna come up a lot- unknown, though breeding is the most likely answer." Rage explained as the Unknown fired a strange projectile from its mouth, resulting in what looked to be an electric tornado.

"Oh, goodie. A huge group of them in one place." Ren said sarcastically.

"And if they are mating, then you know things are about to get loud." Roman said with a smirk.

"I'm willing to bet they set volume records even by their standards." Emerald agreed.

"I do hope this period of time is well-documented and have definitive dates of when it starts and finishes." Ozpin said.

"Agreed. Any desert regions would have to be evacuated immediately and the area would have to be cordoned off." Ironwood agreed.

The monster then charged towards one of the hunters on the ground. "So how does a legendary confrontation with this Wyvern go down? Initially, it may seem to be a pushover to a naïve hunter, slower and less threatening than even a normal Rathian when first encountered. But the secret of Unknown lies in its Rage. See, it harbors a sheer white hot anger that the combined might of Seething Bazel, Savage Deviljho, Furious Rajang, Raging Brachydios, could not hope to come close to." Rage declared, as a Rajang was shown going from normal to golden. "You see Rajang, right? Normal, enrages golden fur and then goes further beyond with his red, hardening arms, a level 2 to his enrage, if you were." Rage explained, before returning to the fight in the desert. "Well, when it comes to Unknown, there's not three levels of enraged, not four, not five, NOT SIX, but SEVEN! Seven levels of 'I'm going to kill you harder!'" Rage declared, the number 7 appearing big and bold, front and center.

Many jaws dropped and heads whipped back and forth in a double take. "Seven stages of hate and Rage?! That's insane!" Weiss cried out.

"And I thought Yang had anger issues." Nora said with a smirk as Yang let out an indignant "Hey!".

"Still, for it's anger to outclass all the previously mentioned monsters infamous for being constantly furious... That's truly an unfathomable level of anger. That can't be good for the monster's health." Penny said.

"I'm wondering if it's anger and hate may even match Fatalis." Cinder said in concern.

The fight then returned to the ruins. "At least in its more strong variations, the base form has five enraged states, but still! FIVE enraged states! And they don't go away once triggered. See this fight is all about ramping intensity, as you chip away... Well, the enrages move through like gears: one, two, three, four, five until you have unlocked the creature's true potential with your AUDACITY at the notion you may somehow end it. And this comes with many changes throughout the fight, many visual alterations, but of course... augmentations to its onslaught. It will start to huff black smoke, a shroud of darkness all around it. Eventually, yellow flames will swirl, replaced then by blue, white hot and devouring. Finally, it will flare up crimson, the patterns across it glowing and coursing. Burning. When its eyes glow crimson, it is ready to disintegrate all before it." Rage explained as the various visual changes to the monster were shown one after the other.

Many of the crew marveled at the creature as its body began to light up. "That is so cool!" Ruby said in awe.

"I know, right? Red and black are already an epic color combo, but a neon or glowing red is just incredible." Coco said, adoring the creature's aesthetics.

"And you can never go wrong with a flame design. I keep meaning to add some to Bumblebee." Yang added.

"Yep. On pure looks, this thing's definitely in my top 5. Looks like it should be on a heavy metal album cover." Qrow admitted.

The enraged monster then tore up a huge chunk of the ground, shattering it and letting it rain down, before creating a crater as it slammed down. "As you may imagine, it has various... let's say impressive flame attacks: great gouts of flamethrowers, burning lines, churning up the rock. If you can think of a way to- you know- burn something to death, then Unknown has you covered. It can also whip up, using the smoke from its internal rage, what amounts to a storm of black winds. These pitch black clouds... Well, they obscure all vision and render a would-be prey or aggressor helpless for an oncoming attack. It is truly a terrifying experience." Rage said grimly as the hunter was seen running through thick smoke that made it almost impossible to see, the only source of light coming from Unknown's glowing red eyes and wings as the creature raged in the darkness, all while epic music was playing.

Many in the group became uneasy as the hunter was shrouded in total darkness. "Oh, man. That's a different kind of terrifying." Jaune said nervously.

"Indeed. Being unable to see is already unnerving, but knowing you are in complete darkness with a deadly and furious monster in that darkness with you, having to rely on your other senses to keep you safe... it's just as much psychological as well as physical." Winter pointed out.

"And that's assuming you can still hear and it hasn't destroyed your eardrums with its roar." Blake added.

"But look at it's glowing red eyes! It's scary, but you can't say it's not cool!" Ruby said.

"Yeah!" Yang and Nora cheered.

"It really is amazing, the way the red streaks move through the darkness." Summer agreed, much to everyone's surprise.

The monster was now radiating with red and orange fire while its eyes and wings glowed red, flying into the air to attack again. "The temperaments of this monster is infamous and while they may be calm at first, there is nothing quite like the rage of a black Flying Wyvern. Going from what appears to be a Rathian clone, the same moves, to an Elder Dragon-dwarfing giant of flame that has an arsenal at its command that could almost make Fatalis blush. And, of course, poison too, as you might expect, though that is definitely not the focus. There is nothing quite as intimidating when that Unknown appears and challenges you." Rage admitted as the hunter desperately tried to evade the monster's attacks.

"I was REALLY hoping poison wouldn't be a part of this." Pyrrha said fearfully.

"He's exaggerating, right? It can't really outclass with Elder Dragons and its fire doesn't really contend with Fatalis, right?" Ren questioned.

"It is definitely a match for most elders. And it's flames aren't quite as good as Fatalis, but it's still some of the strongest you'll find. It CANNOT be underestimated." Katana told him.

The black smoke clouded the hunter's vision once more as Unknown unleashed a massive orange and blue fireball. "So, there is a few further versions: there is the Supremacy version of unknown. Supremacy species are essentially, well... Stronger, more powerful individuals that are older, more experienced, essentially another way of being like Deviants or Variants. They are well revered among their kinds and Supremacy Unknown is the one that takes the enraged states all the way to six." Rage explained as the monster fired its spikes into the ground.

"Oh, come on! Can't we go one monster without it having a stronger version!" Roman complained.

"Unfortunately, these things happen, Roman certain mutations or adaptations that make a creature superior to other members of their species." Glynda told him.

"Exactly. Survival of the fittest, pure and simple." Emerald agreed.

"Still, it doesn't mean we have to like it. Let's just hope stage six isn't that much worse." Ironwood said.

"Why would you say that?!" Ilia complained.

The Unknown then somehow created a ring of fire around it and the hunter, the ground beneath glowing orange from the heat. "And in this new six mode, swirling blue flames surround it and... Well, it has a brand new move. It will crash into the ground, causing boulders to flip, sending hunters flying. It follows with a roar that immediately renders all nearby unconscious. It will then flap its wings its wings and burst into the air. And, by the way, the air pressure created by said wing flap is also enough to kill, the sheer force and intensity of it is... Well, unimaginable. Careening towards the now helpless, falling hunter, it will connect with such power that when both it and the hunter hit the ground... Well, it carves a trench in the Earth as it annihilates the unfortunate victim." Rage explained as this attack was displayed.

Everyone was shocked at the absolute savagery of the new attack the monster unleashed on the hunter. "So, what was that you were saying about hoping it's not so bad, General?" Ilia questioned sarcastically.

"Even the blue fire surrounding it is quite a bit more troubling. Blue flames are of significantly higher temperatures than orange flames, so it would be nearly impossible for anyone to approach it without receiving harmful burns, with the possible exception of Miss Fall or Miss Xiao Long." Ozpin noted.

"I'd be able to withstand it. You only get stronger by powering through difficult trials." Hazel insisted.

"Maybe, but none of us are surviving that big combo attack. Each one of those attacks looks like they should kill on their own. Put them all together, that is the ultimate overkill." Neo analyzed, almost on the level of Ruby with a weapon.

"Then we'd just have to kill it before it tries that attack." Adam declared.

The monster continued to rage as the hunters tried to keep up and attack while avoiding its attacks. "Finally then, there is what's known as the Solstice War Unknown, basically an even more insane version of this monster that appeared at the same time as an abnormally strong Disufiroa. This Solstice War Unknown has that seventh enraged state and it is absolutely bonkers nuts. It also gets access to the Dragon element, so... Yeah, you know it means business." Rage explained as the dark smoke was shown on an even greater scale. "Most notably, a new signature attack where it turns the darkness wings up to eleven, leaving just its red glowing eyes as a trail and eventually land in the center of this storm of darkness amongst the hunters, inhale every single scrap of this evil air- yes, EVIL AIR!" Rage explained ominously with an echo as everything darkened. "And release it all in one Armageddon-esque explosive shockwave, destroying all who get hit and then having a celebratory roar for good measure." Rage finished as the monster unleashed one more explosion.

To say the least, the more responsible among the adults were left completely floored at everything they've just heard. "It's still just so hard to grasp. It looks like a simple and common creature in this world. And yet this is one of the few amongst these creatures, which are still animals, that truly deserves to be called a monster." Glynda said.

"Indeed. With the savagery with which it fights, along with its dark coloring and glowing red and orange parts, it honestly looks more like one of Salem's creations." Ozpin agreed.

"Exactly. I trust that it's not on the list of monsters coming to Remnant." James said.

"Oh, no. Definitely not. I'd rather not cause more damage than the God of Darkness." Katana assured them.

"Oh, come on! It looks so epic in this form!" Yang complained.

"Yeah! It's a total badass! And I wanna be even more badass by beating it!" Nora declared.

"It does look really scary like this, but it also looks really pretty with the red and orange parts that glow and that cool dark red energy it gives off." Ruby admitted.

"Ozpin, your students are insane." Winter whispered to him.

"Sadly, I'm well aware." He admitted quietly.

"You guys know the drill. Give us your thoughts." Tekko said.

"I still can't believe that the Guild hasn't given it a proper name!" Weiss cried out.

"I agree. Rage clearly was able to give us a decent amount of information on it, to say that it is Unknown is rather insulting." Glynda agreed.

"Exactly. Especially after all the time they've known about it, considering Shara Ishvalda was given a name after only being recently discovered and slain." Winter added.

"I don't know. The name's kind of growing on me." Yang said.

"Yeah. It just sounds cool, you know? Unknown!" Ruby recited the creatures name in an ominous tone, waving a hand out in front of her. Nora and Neo nodded sagely at this.

"Short, sweet and to the point." Coco agreed.

"Not to mention badass." Qrow added.

"I think it fits, too. It gives it kind of an air of mystery." Summer tacked on that final note.

"Anyway, I think it's super cool! It's such a badass, especially when it goes enraged! I mean, don't get me wrong, it is scary, but the glowing eyes, seeing the trail move through the dark fog it creates, the glowing flames on it's wings, It's just so amazing, you know!?" Ruby gushed as if she were speaking about Huntsmen and Huntresses.

"There's nothing 'cool' about it! It's scary and evil and wants to kill everything! Its heart only knows HATE!" Velvet cried out, clinging to Coco.

The fashionista responded by patting her partner on the back. "Let's just agree to disagree, Bun-Bun." She told her softly.

"So, what's up next?" Cinder asked.

"Oh, well, good news. Sai just made a lore about a certain monster and-" Katana explained, before her phone suddenly started ringing, which she quickly answered. "Hello? Wait, what? NO WAY. Oh, man. That has got to be the most insane timing like... EVER. Sai's gotta be pissed." She said, before hanging up.

"What is it?" Glynda asked.

"Rage made a video first. Now people will probably think Sai copied him." Katana explained once more.

"Wow. That's gotta suck." Nora said.

"Oh well. I already got the script for Sai's video, so we're doing that one. Anyway, get ready for a monster with maddening manipulation of water... Namielle." Katana said, playing the video.

A/N: So, yeah, I'm doing Sai's lore video instead of Rage's. Sorry, I know some of you guys aren't the biggest fan of my brother, but I am, so I'm doing his lore... Plus, he already gave me a script for it, so I can be lazy and don't have to type up Rage's! XP

So, Sai's video is titled "Terror of the Torrent! Namielle lore". So, be sure to watch that before or while reading this chapter and be sure to show Sai some support. He's only a few subs away from 400. And then he'll play Ace Attorney, my favorite series!
