
A/N: Thanks as always to qazse for help with reactions! Also, since FF's alert system hasn't been working right for quite a while, I can't seem to get in touch with my good friend Treppahcs and Appolyon. So, Trepp, App, if you're both still around and okay, be sure to let me know in a review. Or just check your PM's. Okay, guys? Great!

Epic music began to play as a creature with the frame of a Fanged Wyvern unleashed massive amounts of fire and ice. "Do YOU wanna see something cool?!" The creature demanded with a close-up on its face, before unleashing EVEN MORE fire that swirled around the creature.

Everything then went black as Rage spoke. "Okay, look. That's just pure badass, isn't it?" The host asked with his usual echo that accompanies the dark void.

The teens were amazed at seeing both fire and ice used at the same time, so the answer to if they wanted to see something cool was obvious. "YES!" Yang, Nora, Jaune, Coco, Neo and of course, Ruby, all answered eagerly.

"I just wish he'd stop cutting off the intros like that. I wanted to see the full thing." Ruby pouted.

"Right?! Fire and ice are so cool together! It's like if Yang and Weiss did the Combine Dance!" Jaune said in awe.

"That would be pretty cool. And it might actually make Weiss fun for a bit!" Yang laughed, ignoring Weiss' indignant "Hey!".

But then their jaws dropped as the hunter was encased in ice. "Did... Did it just freeze that guy solid?! That's so epic!" Nora exclaimed.

"And then a fireball right after! Talk about a sitting duck!" Coco said, deeply impressed.

"What is wrong with all of you!? That's HORRIFYING!" Weiss cried out.

"I'd have to agree with Miss Schnee on this. To be frozen and left helpless in front of such a menacing monster is terrifying, especially if it plans to blast you with a fireball right after while you are immobile and cannot save yourself. I cannot think of a more hopeless and horrifying situation." Glynda said.

"That just makes it more badass like Rage said! So merciless! So brutal! So badass!" Neo declared, letting another one of her psychotic grins slip.

The arena was then completely frozen over as the creature stood at the far end. "Hello, my fellow hunters and welcome today as we delve deep into all that is the Burning Zero Dragon. An unparalleled master of two elements and one mighty foe. This is Eruzerion." Rage declared as the creature unleashed a wave of heat that obliterated the ice as a group of hunters engaged it in battle.

"Burning Zero Dragon. Okay, not gonna lie, that is DEFINITELY badass. I can vibe with that." Qrow said.

"It looks way too much like a dog for me." Blake declared with disdain, resulting in facepalms from her teammates and girlfriends.

"Blake, I'm SERIOUSLY starting to worry your fear of dogs is debilitating at this point." Velvet told her in concern.

"We're locking her in a room full of dogs when we get back." Ilia told Emerald, who nodded.

The creature then unleashed a powerful roar as it stood on the edge of a cliff. "Who also has a FANTASTIC singing voice!" He added jokingly with an echo as everything briefly went black, before the hunters faced it again.

"I believe that was a roar of territorial aggression, not singing." Penny pointed out.

"It was a joke, penny. A very stupid joke." Winter sighed.

"Oh, come on. I thought it was funny." Yang said.

"Which is proof it's a bad joke." Weiss countered.

The hunters all rushed the beast from different angles. "Anyway, then, this very mysterious, enigmatic Elder Dragon was discovered fairly late in the Frontier's history before its untimely end. And he is, well... unlike ANYTHING that has been discovered before or since. The idea of multi-elemental monsters is a fascinating one, realized fully in the form of Alatreon, of course, but on a smaller scale with different mixes, I feel like there is so much monsters could bring to the table here." Rage explained as the hunters attacked while avoiding the beasts on moves and both patches of ice and plumes of fire. "And yes, let's get this out of the way..." The host said as if waiting for someone to make an obvious joke, before showing Todoroki with Eruzerion's head superimposed over his own. "Good? We got that out or our systems? Fantastic! 'Cuz, I mean... It is kind of uncanny, isn't it?" Rage asked as the fight continued.

They finally got a proper view of the monster and many of them were quickly impressed. "It looks so cool! The blue and the orange are really cool! And those horns are awesome!" Ruby gushed.

"I'm not so sure about that, Ruby. They are certainly... interesting, but I'm not sure how practical they'd be." Pyrrha said.

"Agreed. The curve backwards too far to connect with anything if it charged something. And unlike a ram's horns, the don't curl around the sides of the head to better protect it and instead just curve upward. For an offensive or defensive purpose, I can't see them being very effective." Ren elaborated.

"I don't know, they look like they're GLOWING from fire and ice. I have a feeling they're more important than they first seem." Cinder deduced.

One hunter rushed in and was landing an impressive string of attacks on the Elder Dragon on the ground and in the air. "So, this then, Fire and Ice, a classic pairing, rivals combined, opposing forces working as one... Well, it is undoubtedly cool." Rage explained the concept as the beast pounced around the battlefield. But then suddenly, everything went black. "And hot." The host added with an echo. "So! Eruzerion, then, there is actually very little known about him. Even his discovery essentially was a complete accident. Where he lives, how he lives, what he does in his spare time... what kind of films he enjoys, all of it is a complete mystery. He was discovered at the top of The Tower, a massive construction of the Ancient Civilization whose very MORTAR was constructed from- well, Elder Dragon material turned to paste. A monument to a once mighty nation's pride and, ultimately... arrogance. " Rage recounted the tale with an echo to his voice as Dalamadur and Crimson Fatalis were both shown.

"It is quite poetic: two elements that are polar opposites, being used together to such overwhelming effectiveness." Ozpin smiled at the idea as Rage spoke about the two elements coming together.

But a few of them couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the next statement. "They discovered it by accident? Really? How does that even happen?" Summer asked, trying to stifle a giggle.

"I'm pretty sure, at least when it comes to animals, literally EVERYTHING is discovered by accident." Roman said.

"That's... ACTUALLY a good point." Emerald admitted.

But then, a shiver was sent down their spines as they were reminded of the tower. "Seriously, WHAT possessed them to think making a giant tower out of monsters was a good idea?" Ironwood questioned. No one had an answer for that.

Eruzerion leapt over the hunters attacking it, unleashing a barrage of ice attacks while in mid-air. "In any case, a research team encountered one at the top of said tower." Rage informed as the tower was shown yet again. "Teams would often be sent by the Guild to routinely scour these Ancient Civilization ruins for any technology, any carvings, any materials, anything that could be of use in current day monster hunting, anything that could help avoid the mistakes of the past and maintain balance. " The host elaborated as several more areas of the tower were seen.

"Good. Because that civilization had a lot of mistakes to learn from." Ruby said with a pout.

"Although, I have to admit, I am curious what advanced technology they had. And if it could compare to what Remnant has now." Penny admitted.

"I doubt we'll ever know. So instead, we should merely focus on improving and perfecting the technology Remnant already has." Winter told her.

The fight against Eruzerion was then seen again. "And well, one of these teams had a fateful encounter of the burning, freezing kind. Eruzerion then, despite being more of a frame of Zinogre, flightless and Fanged Wyvern-y, was given the title of Elder Dragon due to the sheer overwhelming power it possesses and the sheer- well, uniqueness of its hot and cold existence. And this is really awesome to see, because I think the category could really branch out to include more than just the four legs, two wings, dragon-y form, Teostra-esque." Rage said as a still image of Teostra was seen. "Something can be an Elder Dragon without being traditionally a dragon, such as Amatsu, obviously being leviathan in nature, but still an Elder Dragon. When a monster is both mysterious and powerful enough, well, that is enough to qualify it in to that legendary category and Eruzerion is most certainly that." The host declared as the hunters continued to face off with the beast.

"Nice to see a bit of variety in the category. Just because they're called Elder Dragons doesn't mean they have to all be dragons." Adam said.

"Overwhelming power is supposed to be the main point. In which case, I can think of a few that have that power but aren't Elder Dragons." Hazel admitted.

"But that does make you wonder... just how powerful must these abilities be to put it into the category of Elder Dragon?" Glynda questioned.

"Well, we've already seen it freeze someone solid. That could give us a good idea." Qrow pointed out.

A still image of the Elder Dragon was then shown. "So, how does it do what it does? Well, visually, it is quite striking: the contrasting, conflicting fur of brightest blue and deepest orange, the lines of glowing power surrounding his eyes, the horns twisted and magnificent and SEETHING with each respective element are one hell of an impressive sight. His visage is not one oft forgot in a hurry." Rage declared as an epic image of the beast roaring and unleashing both elements was seen. "But, truthfully, this... Well, is a little bit of a lie. See, he isn't truly blue and orange, he is actually just gray. A very simple dark grey monster. Washed out whites and blacks his scales and, well... quite dull is his true nature." The host informed as he listed off the beast's actual colors.

"Yeah, I gotta admit. Those two colors SHOULDN'T work, but... damn, they just DO. They just mix so surprisingly well." Coco admitted.

"I can't believe it's actually gray, though." Jaune said in disbelief.

"Nature is full of surprises, I suppose." Ren said.

"Still doesn't change the fact he looks like a badass!" Neo said.

"And that's just how he LOOKS! Imagine what he's like when he FIGHTS!" Yang said eagerly.

The camera then zoomed in on the monsters face. "That's just really mean!" Eruzerion said offendedly as the image slowly rotated.

The cinnamon trio gasped at Rage calling Eruzerion dull. "How dare you?! He is beautiful!" Pyrrha snapped.

"Yeah! And you hurt his feelings! You monster!" Velvet snarled as well.

"He must pay for his transgressions!" Ruby cried out.

"It's an animal, Ruby. I doubt it cares." Cinder told her and the other girls.

"But he's an Elder Dragon! That means he's smart enough to know he's being insulted!" Ruby insisted.

"I'm pretty sure he's mentioned not all Elder Dragons are smart, Ruby. He said the Mohrans weren't the sharpest tools in the shed." Summer reminded her daughter.

The image then returned to normal as Rage spoke again. "Calm down now brown cow." The host said in a calming tone, before bursting out in laughter as everything went black. "What was that?! 'Calm down no, brown cow'?! Is that an actual expression?" The host wondered with an echo to his voice, before actually typing up the question he just asked. "Oh, no, it's 'HOW now, brown cow?'. A saying that apparently originated as a way of calling another round of drinks. Well, there you go. Don't tell me that these lovely lore videos aren't informative." Rage said as the fight continued in the background, barely visible through the darkness.

The less mature of the cast laughed at the comment, Rage consequently bursting into laughter. "That went so off the rails!" Coco laughed.

But they were a bit surprised the saying had an actual meaning. "Wow. So, even when he's telling jokes, we learn things." Neo said, impressed.

"Huh. I'll have to use that the next time I head out to the bar." Qrow said.

"You better take me along, too. I'm totally gonna use that." Yang declared.

"You will stay away from all the bars, young lady. And if I find out you've been at one, your butt will be on fire instead of your hair." Summer told Yang, causing her to gulp nervously.

The fight was shown in full brightness again as Eruzerion leapt across the arena. "So! Eruzerion, then, his body is where it's at... if you know what I mean. Because inside of it is, well... three key components that lead to how he be. He has a massive, throbbing, overworked and powerful frost sac on his right side. He has a massive, throbbing, large, powerful and overworked flame sac on his left side. They are what fuels him, what funnels his essence, but both are powered by a crystalline gem-like object that grows within him, much like the gems we regularly carve Incredibly rare, incredibly pretty and made of pure Bio-Energy, shining in his... depths? In any case, these three are connected through his very body's flesh, his nervous system, how he be in a trifecta of constantly being produced, overwhelming elemental energy. And that is channeled through his horns." Rage explained as the still image was shown again.

"Wow. That's pretty crazy it's wired that deep, to actually be connected to his nervous system." Nora said.

"Maybe, but I think that could come with its own set of problems. If he uses too much heat, that could OVERHEAT his nervous system. And if he uses too much ice, he could potentially send ice crystals into his veins and nerves, which would likely be fatal." Weiss pointed out.

"I find it more fascinating one of his organs and overall power source is a gem." Penny noted.

"It's usually not their power source, but a lot of monsters actually have, a jewel of Bio-Energy forming within their body if they've lived long enough and have an above-average amount of Bio-Energy for their species." Razara said.

"Huh... Any chance those can be, uh... EXTRACTED, without serious injury?" Roman asked.

"Roman, no!" Ruby told him.

"Roman, yes!" He insisted.

However, some members of the audience were a bit uneased by Rage's words. "Why did he have to say it like that?" Blake groaned, sweating a bit from the way Rage spoke.

"What? Oh, you mean 'massive and throbbing?'" Emerald asked teasingly.

"Or 'large and powerful'?" Ilia added with a smirk.

"Enough, both of you!" She scolded her girlfriends.

The image then started getting closer as the horns were being focused on. "The right horn, the frost, is hardened ice, rock and difficult to break. The flame horn is burning to the touch, a deadly weapon, yet softer and more malleable and more easily shattered." Rage explained as the fight was shown again. "Both can be broken and both do a number on his ability to control himself. But, when fully online, fully powered, fully iced and fully flamed, the volley breadth and depth of the attacks, combinations and blasts that Eruzerion can send your way is, well... completely awe-inspiring. He can use the ice individually to all the ways you can imagine: big, great boulders of it, blasts of it, shards of it, freezing hunters solid to the ground in, well... a tomb of their own folly, waiting for that final execution." Rage explained as, like he said, hunters were seen completely encased in ice by the beast.

"I still can't believe it can just freeze someone in an instant like that..." Ironwood said in horror.

"And Rage's... colorful descriptions certainly aren't helping matters." Ozpin admitted, unnerved at the tomb metaphor.

"How do you even avoid something like that?" Ironwood questioned.

"By being better and figuring out how to avoid it, or perishing. A trial by fire... Or- ice, rather." Adam said.

"It seems like a hunter avoided it by being in the air. So jump at the right time, I reckon. Or, if we get it in Remnant, use Fire Dust to stop the ice." Hazel said, saying the last part as if it were obvious.

The fiery side of the monster was then shown releasing a blast. "The fire, again, individually used in all the ways you might imagine: explosion, flamethrowers, balls of death- in general 'Oh, my god, I'm melting!' being applied to all of the living things in his vicinity." The host informed as the creature let out a few more blasts of fire. "But it is when they combine in beautiful symphony, in chorus, in tandem when they weave in and out, yin and yang, echoing each other, covering each other's weaknesses and twisting like serpents as they dive towards their prey, that is when he truly shines and is one of the most potent, unstoppable onslaughts in all of the monster hunter world." Rage declared as the ice covered the ground while fire spiraled around the beast as it roared.

"Huh. Not as descriptive this time around, was he?" Jaune asked.

"Well, I suppose there's only so much you can say about fire burning or blowing things up." Ren admitted.

"But even then, he didn't mention what happens when he uses both together." Penny noted.

"Probably just all the same things, just switching from one to the other. We already saw it freeze someone, then blast them with fire." Cinder pointed out.

Yang smirked as Rage mentioned yin and yang. "Well, I'm Yang, so where's Yin? Do I have a twin sister I don't know about?" She asked cheekily.

"Huh. Now I'm wondering what it would be like to have another big sister..." Ruby said, imagining a girl identical to Yang, but with SHORT blonde hair and red eyes and having the exact opposite personality: quiet, shy and reserved. She couldn't help but giggle at that idea.

The beast froze the ground again, before unleashing a sweeping beam of fire. "Indeed, the more powerful species of Eruzerion, which we will get to, was considered to be the most powerful and dangerous enemy that there ever was in the Frontier, a region full of ridiculously powerful monsters that were hard challenges for even the greatest hunters. It truly is something that can only be described as... DA-YUM! and that honestly is fantastic. My personal opinion on him is that he looks really quite sweet. And I think how the biological adaptations of this species if phenomenal. And it's quite fascinating to see a monster with double elemental sacs. It doesn't often happen with monsters, but doubles like this DO naturally occur in nature. All the time, we see genetic defects that manifest in a whole array of different ways. Largely, they're detrimental, but... even just a two-headed snake is like 'oh, okay, alright. Jeez. Bloody Hell!' So, a double elemental sacced monster is definitely up there." Rage explained genetic defects as, indeed, a two-headed snake was shown.

The intellectuals were all intrigued at this. "Fascinating. If this was on an individual level, that would be one thing, but for a whole SPECIES to develop in a way to have two different elemental sacs is exceedingly rare. Counting Eruzerion, that makes three, him, Namielle and Alatreon." Glynda noted.

"But Alatreon's power comes from its scales, not elemental sacs." Winter pointed out.

"And I don't believe Sai specified if Namielle had a Lightning Sac along with its Flood Sac." Weiss added.

"Indeed. Which raises the question of just WHAT might have caused Eruzerion to evolve in such a way?" Ozpin pondered.

Then a lot of the teens and some adults cringe at the picture of a two headed snake...

But any pondering was stopped when they saw the two-headed snake. "What the heck!?" The teens cried out.

"That's an actual thing that can happen!?" Neo shrieked in fear.

"I-it's rare, but yeah. It happens." Emerald said, cringing a bit with the other teens. And even some adults.

The Elder Dragon whipped around in circles, unleashing bursts of both fire and ice. "And it's not like it's purely a benefit. See, much like Todoroki Eruzerion must be careful of not overusing one or the two sides, as it can quickly overcome him. He can end up burning himself out, quite literally, or freezing himself to death on the other hand. The idea that if you were to exert yourself a little bit too much, you might be your own unmaking is quite an interesting one and requires every Eruzerion to really master itself, control of itself to learn its abilities. And as such, despite not knowing where they fit into the ecosystem, what they hunt, where they live, you can imagine that rearing the young is quite the difficult task and like many monsters in baby form, they are likely quite capable of getting things wrong and, well... sadly ending themselves prematurely." The host listed the drawbacks of the two powers as the beast continued to use them in dangerously powerful ways.

Many shivered at the downside of these two elemental powers. "That's so sad." Ruby said sympathetically.

"Yeah. I can't imagine how scary it must be to possibly be killed by your own power." Velvet said sadly.

"That's two monsters that can happen to now, along with Disufiroa. And they're both from the Frontier. Maybe monsters from their just had bad luck in the evolution of their powers." Pyrrha said.

"Well, if I recall correctly, this could happen to Nakarkos as well. But yes, it does seem more common in the Frontier." Hazel noted.

"It's just like any other power, it can be dangerous if overused. Heck, even just being a big strong bruiser can be a problem if you try to lift too much, or have so many muscles, your body can't always cope." Tekko said.

Eruzerion made a massive dome of flame and heat the hunters BARELY avoided. "Now, you can, as a hunter, shut down one of its elemental sides: enough damage, enough focus, enough pressure... it will lose control and the scales and fur will turn gray, returning to their original color and it can no longer use that element, which is always helpful. We've been able to do this with other monsters before, like Alatreon, but it's still very helpful when you can do it. Especially to monsters with multiple elements." Rage explained as a hunter hit the creature on its ride side enough, making its icy blue side turn gray as Eruzerion fell over.

"Nooo! It's cool colors are gone!" Ruby said sadly.

"It's so sad to see it drained of all its color like that. It's like it's lost its soul." Coco said in despair.

"It almost reminds me of Namielle looking drained after it used all its water." Pyrrha agreed.

The beast rained down icicles and fireballs down on the hunters. "And this is where his true color is revealed, for his icy side chills his scales. His scales are incredibly flexible, yet durable and hard and they react to temperature. You know, like those novelty T-Shirts that you get that you put your hand on and then they leave a print, because your hand is warm and it reacts with the way that it's dyed?" The host questioned as a man was seen wearing an icy blue T-Shirt, then put his hand on his chest, pulling it away to leave a much lighter blue handprint. "Well, imagine that all of his scales are like that, so the cold side- well, hues him blue, whereas heating up his scales on the other turns him to orange, the same with his fur. Which is why I give his seemingly unnatural color an aesthetic pass, as it's not truly his color. And we've seen even non-monster animals this vibrant and with this pure saturation, so it's nothing crazy and just how his own scales react to temperature." Rage said as a chameleon was shown changing colors as it stepped on different colored tiles.

"Aww, that chameleon is so cute!" Blake said. Ilia blushed a bit at this while looking away, before Blake suddenly pulled her in. "But I've got a cute chameleon of my own right here." She said, causing Ilia to GLOW pink from blushing.

"I gotta admit, I can appreciate the color change. Respect." Ilia said, trying to calm down her massive blush.

"It's absolutely adorable! I'd love to have a chameleon!" Winter said, before sighing. "Sadly, Atlas is a rather poor climate for them, even with Atlas' artificial gravity and heating." She lamented.

"I wouldn't mind having a shirt like that. Especially if it comes in yellow or orange." Yang said.

"I think Coco has a few that are like that." Velvet noted.

"I can do that with my semblance." Neo said proudly, using her semblance to make it look like she was wearing that shirt and placing a hand on her chest to leave a handprint on the shirt.

The armor made from the monster was then shown. "And he is considered quite intelligent, largely because of how- well, yeah, how difficult it is to properly utilize his own strengths. He is fairly aggressive and definitely is all for defending his territory as many Elder Dragons tend to be. He only, well... showed up at the VERY HIGHEST point of the tower where only the most competent and powerful of monsters tend to be drawn and that is very evident with just how much oomph he has at his disposal. And for some closing thoughts, on at least BASE Eruzerion, I will admit that I love that his horns do have the twist akin to rams, as ram is the patron animal Ares. And Ares is my star sign and I really love the God of War, Ares." The host said, before everything went black. "There you go, that's a little tidbit for you... I don't know if that was actually useful to you in any way, but, uh... I hope you enjoyed hearing it." Rage said with the usual echo accompanying his voice on a black screen.

Ruby squealed upon seeing the armor. "That looks so cool! I love how it has the horns on the shoulders!" She cooed, absolutely freaking out over said armor.

"Yeah, it's pretty tough and intimidating-looking, too." Jaune noted.

"Again, the blue and orange SHOULDN'T work, but it does SO good!" Coco said in amazement.

"Very nice. Pretty sleek and streamlined except for the waist cape and the horns. But those are just too cool." Summer added.

"You can literally see the power flowing through parts of it like veins. Plus the little orbs on the chest are pretty cool." Cinder threw in as well.

"I'm not much one for armor, but I'll admit, I'd wear that." Adam admitted.

A whole line of fireballs was shot at a hunter all at once by a darker colored Eruzerion. "So, let's move on then to Burning-Freezing Eruzerion, his Extreme Individual version... I feel like giving him the title now of 'Burning-Freezing' is perhaps a little bit unnecessary, given that he already essentially IS Burning-Freezing, but that is completely okay. " The host explained, showing a still image of this new variation "But what is NOT okay is facing this creature, Extreme Individuals are just that, EXTREME, they are basically Deviants, UNBELIEVABLY strong. They look slightly different and they are basically, well... peerless in their terrifying nature. And as you can see, he is definitely- well, just that, more intense. Basically, it's everything that the original is, but turned up to 11: the fire fire more furious, the ice more treacherous and so on and so forth and it makes him." Rage began, before exclaiming in amazement at the beast's unbelievable attacks: freezing almost the entire arena, streams of fire creating explosions and a dome of frozen air with fireballs inside it.

Everyone tilted their heads a bit, barely noticing a difference between the two versions. "Wait, that's a different version?" Nora asked.

"It's colors seem a bit deeper and darker, but other than that, I'm not seeing too much difference." Ren confirmed.

"Well, that's dissapoint-" Weiss started, before they saw the massive amounts of power this Eruzerion was unleashing compared to its counterpart. "Oh, my gods!" She cried out.

"That kind of power is insane! H-how is it creating explosions within the fire without any explosives to set off!?" Penny exclaimed.

"It's making even more ice than the last one! That was like half of a football field!" Yang said in shock.

And then, they saw the freezing dome with explosions in it. "Okay... did someone switch my drink back to alcohol? Because I think I'm so drunk I'm seeing things again." Qrow said in disbelief.

"No... We're all seeing this. Although I DEEPLY wish we weren't." Ironwood said in horror.

"Incredible... And just imagine how much more incredible it would be to fight ourselves?" Hazel said.

The beast bounded after a hunter, setting the entire arena on its left side on fire as it went. "And you all know that noise doesn't get brought out very often. Essentially, he gains the to not just put Fireblight and Iceblight on you, but EXTREME Fireblight and EXTREME Iceblight. And extreme blights from monsters of the Frontier are no joke and, indeed, Extreme Iceblight, while also severely exhausting your stamina, if you lose TOO MUCH stamina, you will just be frozen solid as your reward. And then when it comes to the Fireblight, well... it obviously burns you, but it goes even beyond that, but feels like it burns away your very vitality, so even if you can recover your health with a potion, you will still be weaker than you previously were at full health unless you can recover with some special nutrients, so if you don't get rid of the Blight and restore your health quickly, you will almost certainly be one shot." Rage declared as the beast unleashed another massive stream of fire from its mouth and the hunter was rendered unconscious.

Most of the rational cast was horrified by these powers, particularly its enhanced blights. "Becoming frozen if you become too tired... How does that even happen!?" Glynda asked in horror.

"And burning away someone's very vitality... I can't even imagine how horrifying that must be." Ozpin said in shock. And he's been burned to death before! But at least that was when he was already on death's door and too weak to fight back!

"We'd likely need the best veteran hunters in all of Remnant to take it down! And even then, that's far from a guarantee." Winter said fearfully.

"This thing's a monster..." Jaune said in horror.

"This thing is... SO EPIC!" Ruby cried out.

"I know, right!? Those huge patches of ice! The exploding flamethrower! That dome of ice with exploding fireballs! And those blights! I want to fight it so bad!" Yang exclaimed.

"Heck yeah! That would probably be the best fight of our lives." Qrow agreed.

"And probably your last..." Summer groaned, burying her face into her hands, shaking her heads, genuinely wondering if her daughters and brother-figure were suicidal.

"You guys know what to do." Tekko said.

"Again, I just LOVE that orange and blue. It clashes, but it works so good together! Especially in that armor where they're more accents than anything that just make the armor POP that much more." Coco said.

"It's so cool! I love it! I love its looks, especially its horns! They're so twisty and spiral-y and cool! And it's powers are amazing! Fire and Ice are cool on their own, but he has BOTH! And he uses them together so good! Maybe even better than Alatreon!" Ruby said.

Amaryllis reared back in shock at this, before glaring at Ruby. (Okay, THAT'S a stretch! And I have more elements to use, it's tough to mix them all together perfectly! Especially when I can only focus a few at a time!) Her mother's Blazing Black Dragon claimed indignantly.

"Still, the way he uses it is pretty awesome! I bet I could power through the fire, but that ice MIGHT just give me a bit of trouble. But it would definitely be fun to try and figure out a way around it! I'd LOVE to fight one!" Yang declared.

"They're crazy... They're ABSOLUTELY crazy!" Weiss cried out in disbelief at her teammates, Blake nodding in agreement.

The sisters and Coco dropped to their knees in front of the hostess. "Katana, PLEASE put them on Remnant! At least ONE!" They all pleaded.

The ice demoness pondered at this. "Well... on one hand, it's powers are super crazy... on the other, it's still not THE craziest and if you're careful, I guess it's manageable. Not to mention the few we know of are found in RIDICULOUSLY out of the way places no one should ever JUST stumble upon... I suppose they could be okay on Remnant." Katana said. Ironwood opened his mouth to say something, but Katana raised a finger. "But NOT Burning-Freezing, don't worry." She posed the caveat, causing the thrill-seekers to deflate, but everyone else to sigh in relief.

"So, what's next then? Another amazing monster you won't let us have the thrill of fighting?" Adam questioned.

"Oh, I think you'll find this one pretty exciting. I know these two have been excited about it for a while." Katana said, tickling her daughters' chins. "Prepare yourselves, because this monster might just be as much of a demon as I am. Get ready... for Magnamalo." Katana said, starting the next video.

A/N: That's right, everyone! The big one you've all been requesting for THE LONGEST time is now here! Thanks to my brother Sai and his video "Monster of Malice! Magnamalo lore". Be sure to check that out before you read the next chapter, or as you read along with it.
