
A/N: Thanks as always to qazse for help with reactions! Before we start, just a quick reply to a guest review!

Kaiju Avenger: Oh, please! Please do a Glavenus chapter! Glavenus is one of the most awesome creatures in the Monster Hunter universe! Please do Glavenus' chapter soon!

Um... Where have you been? Glavenus' chapter has been up forever. It's The Fated Four Part 2! Granted, it's not completely dedicated to Glavenus, but it still tells you all you need to know about him.

Oh! I just remembered! I'm still looking for names for some of the monsters, now that you know all of the monsters, so be sure to give some ideas in the reviews! I have surprisingly not gotten very many ideas.

"Bazelgeuse? That's an... interesting name." Ironwood said.

"Yep. And no two people can agree on how to pronounce it. Listen to all the different pronunciations Rage says trying to say it." Katana said, briefly showing a clip from another video.

Rage spoke in a strange accent similar to Velvet's as he narrated. "Today, we look through the eyes of Bazelgeuse, B-52, basil-goose, bagel-goose, Betelgeuse, Basel-geese-" Rage attempted a myriad of different ways to say the name, before a strange cartoon intro was shown briefly.

"And I thought Ceadeus gave us a hard time with the names. Let's just not argue about this one. All in favor?" Qrow suggested.

"I believe that is very wise." Penny said.

"You compared it to fighter planes that drop bombs." Winter asked.

"Yes. Specifically, the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress or BUFF(Big Ugly Fat Fella) is an American long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber. This bomber is nearly 70 years old and will continue to be in our air force until the 2050s. It was built to carry our world's most dangerous weapons(Nuclear weapons but I'd keep it out because the world of Remnant doesn't need any knowledge of these.) It can carry 70,000 pounds of weapons and has a typical combat range of more than 8,800 miles without aerial refueling. Fun Fact: B-52 is also a nickname for the 1960s hairstyle "the Beehive" because the style resembles the aircraft's distinctive nose and it's the name of a popular band." Katana explained. [1]

"How could an animal possibly do that?" Winter questioned again.

Katana raised an eyebrow at this. "Uh... Your sister's getting an elephant that can shoot snow and ice from its trunk, Jaune's getting a T-Rex with a sword for a tail, Neo is getting a golden praying mantis that can make a giant mech from piles of scrap, Velvet is getting a dragon with parrot feet covered in daggers and you're getting a shark with frog legs that can shoot ice beams and swell to the size of a Deviljho. This is the thing you're questioning?" She asked.

"I have to admit, Winter. That is a very valid point." Weiss admitted.

"I am sure your monster will be powerful, majestic and loyal, sir!" Penny assured the general.

"Well then, may we watch the video and find out?" Glynda asked, looking to Katana, who played the video.

The was shown rising at dawn over a mountainside to soon light up the area, enveloping the screen in white, before an open field with a bunny hopping through it with the word "Balance" in the center of the screen. "The balance of nature is... delicate. In the infinitely random process of evolution, the sheer number of possible adaptations and mutations are... unfathomable. And despite this, nature has to keep a fine balance of food chains, ecosystems and environments, lest they all disappear." Oceaniz explained as a seagull flying through the sky and a cat up in a tree were both shown. "And this means that, occasionally, life will find a creative and unorthodox method of maintaining order. As life produces a number of fierce, untamable problems, it will often, in turn, also produce an equally fierce solution and, in the process, give birth to some of the most fascinating organisms in all of nature." He finished his intro as a monkey in an urban environment, a lion in the savannah, ant in the dessert and then just the dessert itself was shown in all its glory.

"Yeah, well that keeping balance thing didn't work so good with Deviljho." Coco said.

"From the sound of things, I would wager that this Bazelgeuse is nature's counter to Deviljho." Penny theorized.

"I hope so." Pyrrha said, shuddering as she remembered the Deviljho's documentary and how she thought it couldn't be that bad. "Because we certainly need something on our side capable of driving them off."

"If I remember correctly, Deviljho is hesitant to take on normal Lagiacrus, so surely Ms. Goodwitch's Abyssal Lagiacrus would deter them." Ren stated.

"True, but she and it cannot be everywhere. As good as Huntsmen and Huntresses are, we cannot always be exactly where people need us." Winter said regretfully.

"Oceaniz Presents"

"The Bazelgeuse"

The next scene to be shown was a pair of bucks locking horns and attempting to force the other one down, before they separated and ran off with several other bucks. "The circle of life is a circle of competition as every organism strives to pass on its genes in a collective effort to maintain the species, it is inevitable that frictions will occur. To live in nature is to live in a constant struggle, not just for survival, but for your own Ecological Niche." Oceaniz declared as a sea turtle was seen slowly and calmly cruising through the water as the words Oceaniz just said, "Ecological Niche", appeared.

"Niche, hey I like the sound of that." Nora decided.

"Yeah, it has a nice ring to it. Niiiiiiche." Ruby tried the word out for herself.

"It almost sounds like something you'd say to complement someone's fashion. Like Coco's hat is very niche." Neo tried to figure the word's meaning for herself. Coco rolled her eyes at this, but couldn't help but smirk at Neo's guess.

"You three have no idea what that word means, do you?" Emerald asked with a raised eyebrow.

All three lowered their heads "...No." They admitted.

"Man, that turtle's a pretty cool sight, though. Somehow despite being one of the most terrifying places on Earth, the ocean is also the most beautiful." Qrow said, surprisingly sagely.

"If there's one lesson I think these videos have taught us is that there's beauty in everything if you truly look and believe it's there." Ozpin said wisely.

"This concept is based around the idea that in order to survive, every species must find a specific way of life, a specific corner of an ecosystem where it can integrate itself and its adaptation into the circle of life, hence the term 'niche'. Finding their niche is essential for all organisms, since failure means being selected out of existence. However, these niches are rarely uncontested and often lead to conflict as multiple species fight to fill it. But in some cases, that fight for dominance becomes the niche itself, where two or more species keep each other in check by way of constant competition. Because of this interaction, some species evolve specifically around the concept of competition and dominance, becoming a sort of balancing mechanism. And while some are sneaky and covert, others can become quite spectacular! " Oceaniz explained as a set of skulls was shown, before a squirrel was seen enjoying a peanut, then a tiger's eye wash shown closely as it observed its surroundings. Next, a lovely butterfly was shown, before a very colorful lobster could be seen.

"I see. So, finding one's niche in the animal kingdom is essentially like finding your own place in the world. Interesting." Cinder stated. Since she abandoned her ambitions with Salem's group, she wondered what her place in the world would be now. That's something she'd have to give quite a bit of thought to later.

"Huh. So in a way, it's like us. We've evolved and grown since the early days of man and Faunus to better combat the Grimm." Velvet realized.

"That's quite the interesting theory, Miss Scarlatina. Well done." Glynda praised her student.

"It's a shame we can't speed evolution up, though. We've only lasted as long as we have thanks to Dust." Ironwood said.

"I don't think evolution is the kind of thing that should be forced, sir." Jaune told him.

"This is the case for today's monster: The flying menace of the New World! The explosive Flying Wyvern... The Bazelgeuse." Oceaniz introduced the monster as intense music began to play and and strange round objects fell from the air, before exploding, a creature crashing into the ground and dragging itself to its feet with smoke billowing all around it, facing a hunter and an older man, before it was shown briefly flying again, then its small, but absolutely terrifying face being revealed to all with its name written just beneath its face. Everything then went black as its roar was heard.

"Pffft! Hahaha! That name's so silly! It makes it sound like a goose!" Ruby laughed. "Actually, that almost makes it sound cute!" She stated.

"Have you ever seen geese, Ruby? They're monsters! Almost as bad as the Grimm!" Blake told her. Her family had a pond out back of their house, so of course, it often attracted geese, which would always chase Blake down and bite her cat ears or her not-yet-developed Bellabooty.

"I think it sounds more like a spicy goose dish." Yang stated. "Something about the name doesn't feel right, though. I like that one Rage called it, bagel-goose." Yang laughed.

"No way! I think it's Basel-geese! It sounds cuter!" Ruby argued.

Weiss groaned at this. "I thought we all agreed we wouldn't argue names!" She complained.

"To be fair, only Penny really acknowledged that..." Winter realized.

However, the group then finally saw the mighty Flying Wyvern and heard its terrifying roar. "Aaah! Not cute!" Ruby cried, jumping into Yang's arms. Weiss would've sassed them, but she too, was terrified, hugging Winter's arm tightly.

A hunter was then seen fighting and observing Bazelgeuse at several distances in the dessert location with its name being shown in the bottom left corner of the screen. "Called 'Explosive Scale Wyvern' by the natives of the New World, this sauropod is a fierce force to be reckoned with. At average length of 19 meters, it far exceeds the normally slender and small frames of most flying Wyverns. Its massive, cone-shaped body being carried through the winds by gigantic wings and balanced by a long, bulbous tail. Its massive body doesn't however, limit its ability to fly, which is very odd. Most flying creatures evolve to either be small and light, or have hollow bone structures and fast digestive systems as to keep the body as lightweight as possible. None of this seems to be the case for Bazelgeuse, which implies that it stays in the sky PURELY by the potentially enormous muscle strength and buoyancy of its wings." Oceaniz explained as the Bazelgeuse looked around for food.

"No way! That doesn't happen! I don't care how strong its wing muscles are, there's no way they can keep that thing airborne for very long. It's too big." Emerald said.

"To be fair, we also thought the same for Kushala Daora." Penny stated.

"Maybe it's the buoyancy thing, then." Neo suggested.

"With how big those wings are, I could see them holding wind under them pretty easy. With the right currents, it could go for miles. Like an Albatross." Qrow stated.

"That's... Actually a rather impressive assumption, Qrow." Ozpin said in surprise, praising his stealth operative.

"Hey, you gotta learn these things when you can turn into a bird." Qrow told him.

The blue striped background as shown once again as Bazelgeuse image was put on-screen on the left. "However, as the name suggests, the distinguishing feature of this monster are the numerous large scales hanging from its torso and and tip of its tail. The name 'scales' is actually not correct here, as these growths do not cover or merge with the skin, rather just dangling off of the creature's body." Oceaniz explained as the words 'not actually scales; came up beside the Bazelgeuse's head. "In fact, these so called scales are actually chunks of an explosive liquid the Bazelgeuse secretes, which hardens when in contact with air. This is similar to the Carabidae bugs, or Bombardier Beetle, which are known to spray out an explosive mixture of body liquids when threatened. However, while the Carabidae' liquid explodes as it is sprayed, the liquid produced by the Bazelgeuse instead reacts differently." Oceaniz broke down the process of Bazelgeuse's growths, comparing them to the bombardier beetle while showing an image of the fearsome insect.

"It has explosive liquid in its neck and tail! That's awesome!" Ruby cried out.

"Oh, god. I hate those beetles." Blake groaned. Again, as a child, those cat-like instincts really got her into trouble when she chased things like small animals and bugs, seriously regretting it whenever she caught a bee or one of these beetles.

"Curiosity killed the cat!" Nora declared.

"But what kind of liquid turns into chunks?" Cinder questioned, before everyone looked at her. "Well, non-frozen liquid, obviously." She elaborated, realizing every liquid turns to chunks when it freeze, as in ice.

The focus was then brought to Bazelgeuse's tail. "When it first leaves the beast's body, it enters a solid state, hardening and taking up the infamous, scale-like shape. It then hangs off the beast's body until it is willingly detached. How this mechanism works is still unknown, as Bazelgeuse has only been discovered recently. What IS known, however, is what happens when they are detached. The growths drop to the ground and sit dormant, seemingly harmless. That is, however, until subjected to enough force, for example: if something steps on it or hits it. If that happens, the growth VIOLENTLY explodes, causing a flame strike of about 1 meter in radius. This property implies that the secretion is similar in structure to nitroglycerin, as many compounds of that nature also tend to explode on impact." Oceaniz elaborated as the steps were shown: 1. Explosive liquid solidifies contact with air, 2. hangs around until the Bazelgeuse decides to drop it, 3. Growths explode when hit with enough force.

"What? It's able to secrete a chemical that's similar to nitroglycerin!?" Glynda asked in disbelief, struggling to process what she heard.

"I'm starting to see why you get so frustrated from these, Weiss. What these creatures are capable of is beyond impossible." Ironwood told the younger heiress.

"Well, you haven't met Bakugo." Katana said.

"Who's that?" Yang asked.

"He goes to that superhero high school I told you about. He sweats nitroglycerin, so he can make explosions whenever he wants." Katana explained.

"That's so cool!" Ruby cried out.

Without missing a beat, Katana instantly countered her happiness. "Although he's aiming to be a hero, Bakugo is the WORST kind of person. Both a hot headed psychopath, and class A asshole." She added.

"This unique defense mechanism grants the Bazelgeuse a wide array of possibilities when it comes to survival and combat. Its preferred method, however, seems to be to cover a vast area with these natural bombs of sorts by flying back and forth and dropping them in clusters. Its usual follow-up is to then violently crash into the opponent out of full flight, inflicting severe damage upon impact and causing tremors that detonate the bombs." Oceaniz warned of Bazelgeuse's ultimate attack as it was shown, the beast flying back and forth over a hunter in a narrow canyon, dropping its bombs several times, before divebombing the hunter, sending him flying into the explosions of the bombs.

Ruby suddenly gasped as she realized something. "Holy cats! It really is a bomber plane. Bazelgeuse is literally a dragon bomber plane." Ruby pointed out, jumping excitedly.

"She... she's right! With how it it uses those scales, it is actually performing like a bomber plane!" James realized.

"That makes sense, but crashing down like that is crazy! It should get absolutely destroyed when it hits the ground. Flying things aren't supposed to be able to hit the ground like that and get back up!" Emerald said.

"My guess is that it must be particularly shock absorbent, to be able to handle the crash, as well as its own bombs detonating in its face." Penny theorized.

"This part of its behavior is particularly interesting, as it is incredibly atypical of flying creatures. Because most airborne organisms are so light in order to stay in the air, they avoid collisions at all costs. A maneuver like this would prove almost certainly fatal to a common eagle or a Legiana, as their body frames are just way too light. This means that not only is the Bazelgeuse uncharacteristically massive for a Flying Wyverns, but that it is also incredibly robust. And robust it must be, as this monster engages in some of the most aggressive and violent behavior seen in the natural world, matched only by the likes of Deviljho and Rajang." Oceaniz revealed as Bazelgeuse was seen fighting hunters and monsters in various locations.

"That thing is a tank." Blake said in shock.

"So awesome!" Nora cheered.

"Yeah. And imagine if it was half metal like Ironwood. It might become invincible." Qrow stated.

"Huh. I realize it wasn't your intention, Qrow, but that is a good idea. We'll have to consider prosthetics for our monsters as well in the event they become seriously injured and lose body parts." Glynda noted.

"Not a bad idea. Breaking off their body parts is a thing that regularly happens when they fight hunters or other monsters." Katana agreed.

"As evolution goes on, nature can and WILL produce beasts of fierce strength and ferocity, predators that know no equal." Oceaniz declared as the blue striped screen returned again and the icons of Deviljho and Rajang appeared from the right and left respectively. "But if the natural balance is to be preserved, these beings must be opposed and kept in check. And one answer to this issue that emerged is the Bazelgeuse." He explained as Bazelgeuse's icon descended from the top of the screen into the middle of it and Deviljho and Rajang slid off-screen from whence they came. "It's behavior is that of an invader. While it originates in the volcanic recesses of the New World, it will travel long distances, with some rare sightings even being reported in the Old World. Once it finds a new environment it deems suitable for its purposes, it sets itself one singular goal: become the undisputed top of the food chain." He declared again as an image of the Elder's Recess was shown, before sliding off-screen as the Bazelgeuse's icon grew bigger and more intimidating.

"No way! It's as strong as Deviljho and Rajang!?" Jaune asked.

"Good. If there's any monsters out there that need something to counter them, it's those two." Winter said.

"Wow. So, Deviljho got away from nature's control and it made this to get control back. Damn, nature. You scary." Coco said.

"This may seem similar to the Deviljho. However, there is one distinct difference: the Deviljho will move from ecosystem to ecosystem and prey on anything it finds in order to satisfy its never-ending hunger. This means it will hunt anything and do it for food. Meanwhile, the Bazelgeuse will exclusively attempt to pick fights with the strongest monsters it can find. While it may occasionally engage with the likes of Jagras and Girros, to show who's boss, it's way more common for it to book it straight to the apex monster of the area and try to take it down. And even more curiously, it doesn't seem to feed on what it kills, implying that is doesn't fight to eat. This has caused much debate in the research commission. What purpose might this behavior serve? Fighting creatures like Anjanath and Odogaron is immensely tiring, so what could possibly justify such a tremendous expense of energy?" Oceaniz dropped a question mark appeared beside Bazelgeuse's icon.

"Although, it could be a bit more humble about it, rather than just trying to prove its the strongest." Pyrrha said in disapproval.

"Yeah, it's just beating up monsters that don't deserve it for no reason then. That's mean." Velvet said sadly, although giving a small, cute glare to the beast.

"Hey, it likes a challenge. Nothing wrong with that." Yang defended the beast, respecting its mentality as a thrill seeker herself.

"I never thought I'd see an animal that was as arrogant as Cinder." Neo said, giggling a bit.

"Neo! I will kick your butt and my foot will be on fire when I do it!" Cinder snapped.

"Some have suggested that the fierce competition that it likely faced in its natural habitat, the Elder's Recess, must have ingrained an innate desire for superiority and dominance, but as things stand now, there is no way to confirm it. All we are left with is a fiercely violent, aggressive and invasive flying bomber. And invasive it definitely is. This creature will pinpoint and hunt any creature it deems worthy of its time and immediately engage them in a battle to the death. This includes hunters. Between the aforementioned bombs, its massive tail and a short-ranged, yet deadly fire breath, the Bazelgeuse is well-equipped to handle most of the enemies it makes for itself. And beyond just its normal abilities, it- like many monsters, has a last resort." Oceaniz declared as the Bazelgeuse was shown once again in several intense fights against hunter and monster alike.

"Does it really need a last resort?" Ren asked, already a bit unnerved with everything the beast could do.

"If it's going up against Deviljho and Rajang, it need all the help it can get." Emerald told him.

"And last resorts just make it more awesome!" Ruby cheered.

And the striped background returns once more! "Should a challenge prove too difficult, the Bazelgeuse can enter what scholars have been calling a Super-Heated mode." Oceaniz introduced them to the new concept as the words Super-Heated Mode lowered in from and stayed at the top of the screen. "In this state, the beast raises its body temperature by several magnitudes, to the point that its skin under the torso scales begins emitting a red-hot glow." Oceaniz introduced them to the new concept as a Bazelgeuse's neck and tail growths were shown glowing orange.

"Hey, cool! It's like my semblance!" Yang said.

"And equally as unstable and explosive." Weiss dissed the blonde brawler.

"Well done, Weiss. That burn may have been hotter than Bazelgeuse." Winter praised.

"In this state, the bomb-like growths do not solidify fully even when exposed to air, due to the additional temperature. They remain partially liquid and hot, even after detaching from the body, which is when they become truly dangerous. The heat causes parts of the liquid in the middle of the growth to break down into a different composition, which is capable to react with the original liquid. The ensuing reaction is exothermic, which means that it releases energy in the form of heat. This means that the scales perpetually heat up until eventually, they explode by themselves, regardless whether or not they're struck or not. This, coupled with the fact the bombs drop and develop much faster, due to the heat, makes a Super-Heated Bazelgeuse an enormous threat to anything within bombing distance." Oceaniz explained as, much like he said, the bombs were constantly dropping off Bazelgeuse's face and exploding only mere seconds after they hit the ground.

"Are you kidding me!? Look at how fast those bombs are falling!" Blake said as the bombs grew on Bazelgeuse's chin and dropped of, then exploded, all within a small handful of seconds.

"Incredible. We could fly over a horde of Grimm and drop endless bombs down on them." Ironwood planned.

"And what about any flying enemies? Bazelgeuse is quite sturdy, but it doesn't seem particularly agile. I doubt it would be able to dodge the Flying Grimm you have in Atlas." Glynda warned him.

"Obviously, I would provide it with cover fire." James stated.

"We also might need to consider if these creatures can have their aura unlocked. They're living creatures with souls, so I don't see why not." Ozpin stated.

"However, even a creature as outlandish as this has to follow basic rules of nature." Oceaniz declared as the image of Bazelgeuse was shown again, showing the beast's upper body. "While it is unclear how exactly the beast heats up its body, its assumed it possesses one or more specialized organs for it, in the torso and possibly in the tail." Oceaniz theorized as the icon for an organ was shown one Bazelgeuse's chest. "This means that the heating process is localized and focused on heating up the relevant areas, as opposed to the whole body. And while that is certainly impressive, it comes with a risk. While the heating may be localized, should the process go on for long enough, the heat is bound to begin spreading throughout the entire body. Should this happen, the Bazelgeuse may find itself in mortal danger." Oceaniz said direly as the Bazelgeuse's body began to turn red.

"Oh, no! What happens to it?!" Nora cried out worriedly.

"Well, it's likely that if it's body overheats, it could likely get heatstroke, or an intense fever." Penny explained worriedly.

"Oh, god. Reminds me of some rough days in Vacuo." Qrow said.

"But that's it, right? Like, it's not gonna get any worse?" Jaune asked.

"Well..." Penny started hesitantly.

"The vital organs, as well as many of the structures in the nervous system, are reliant on structural and functional proteins." Oceaniz explained as a bullet point rose up, reading "Organs and Nerves reliant on proteins, which only work if they have the right structure". "These proteins, however, are not particularly heat resistant. At around 42 degrees Celsius, most of them will enter a process called coagulation, which means that their shape and composition gets twisted and changed by the heat." He elaborated as another bullet point read, "At ca. 42 Celsius, Coagulation sets in: Heat breaks down and twists the protein structure irreversibly".

"Oh, no! That's really bad! If the cells twist into different shapes, they can't do their job!" Nora cried out.

"And if they can't do their job, the Bazelgeuse' organs won't work right." Velvet said in horror.

"Irreversible. Then it can't be fixed. Then it's almost guaranteed to be fatal." Blake said sadly, her ears falling flat.

"You may know it from boiling an egg, as the egg whites solidify into a spongy mass. And just as you can't unboil an egg, coagulation is virtually irreversible. This means that, should the heat produced by its auxiliary organs reach the vital areas of the Bazelgeuse, it would almost certainly die an excruciating death, most of its vital functions breaking down as the proteins begin changing their shape into something useless." Oceaniz declared as the last point to pop up read that the situation equaled death. "To prevent this, it will reasonably turn off its Super-Heated mode if the encounter ends up taking too long." Oceaniz assured as the red glow faded from the Bazelgeuse.

Everyone was horrified by the idea of the mighty Flying Wyvern dying in such a way. "That poor thing. I don't even want to imagine what that would feel like." Pyrrha said sympathetically.

"Oh, god. That's something I never thought of when I used my semblance or Maiden powers." Cinder said worriedly.

"Katana, the temperatures of Atlas would likely be able to counter this effect, right?" Ironwood asked, hoping that his home's natural chill would keep his monster partner safe.

"Probably, but keep in mind that they'll also likely put a dampener on his abilities." Katana warned.

"This is also the only circumstance under which a Bazelgeuse will retreat in order to recuperate. All of these factors re-emphasize what the Bazelgeuse fundamentally is: it's a balancing tip of the scale, a way for nature to ensure that no one species uproots a system for too long." Oceaniz told what Bazelgeuse' ultimate role in the food chain was, before all of the thing currently on-screen disappeared, a Deviljho's icon showing up to the right of the screen. "As monsters like the Deviljho dominate a certain ecosystem and endanger it, the Bazelgeuse swoops in to dethrone it, only for itself to be pushed away shortly after by the same or maybe a different species." He explained as a Bazelgeuse icon swooped in and knocked away the Deviljho icon. "This push and pull relationship ensures that even in the chaos of competition, there is a pattern: a rhythmic poetry to which all of nature swings and dances." He finished as a Rajang icon then popped up in the lower left corner.

"Perfectly balanced. As all things should be." Ren stated with a smile.

Katana narrowed her eyes at Ren's choice of words. "No... How? Is he possessed by Thanos? No, it couldn't be." She said, but promised to keep an eye on the boy for now.

"Indeed. Even if it does occasionally lose control, nature will always find a way to get its control back." Glynda said agreed, smiling as well.

"It's amazing how the world is able to keep itself moving, as if it can come up with all the issues plaguing it on its own." Pyrrha stated.

"And a part of Bazelgeuse's role is to be adaptive. As it is bound to cross paths with many different opponents, it has to be able to compete against a great many different types of enemies, many of which vary widely in strength and ability. And while nature bestowed the Bazelgeuse with a creative and powerful weapon, rapid and drastic changes to the environment will bring it to its limits and unveil the truly impressive potential of this beast's adaptability. During the Velkhana incident in the New World, which saw the migration of countless species, the Bazelgeuse now suddenly had to compete with foes such as the explosion-proof Brachydios and the ferocious Tigrex." Oceaniz explained as a Brachydios icon appeared to Bazelgeuse's left and Tigrex to its right. "Due to the added pressure of having to combat such opponents, that were simply too strong at the time, some individuals of Bazelgeuse species adapted and changed into the only known Variant of this: The Seething Bazelgeuse." He declared as the images were replaced by a larger, bright Bazelgeuse icon.

"I gotta say I'm diggin' these monster icons, especially Bazelgeuse." Coco pointed out.

"I know right? These would make killer tattoos!" Yang agreed.

"And the Seething Bazelgeuse icon is even cooler. It almost looks like shooting fireworks from its body." Ruby cheered.

"Then I bet this version is gonna be a blast!" Neo said with a smirk.

"Oh, my gosh, I love you!" Yang said, grabbing Neo and pulling her into a hug.

"No! we've lost her to the puns!" Emerald cried out as Cinder lowered her head in sadness.

"If the regular Bazelgeuse was already relatively unresearched due to how recently its been discovered, than this Variant is essentially a breakingly new find, with very little being definitively known about it, aside from its existence. What little has been able to be confirmed, though, is as follows: the Seething Bazelgeuse looks very similar to its regular counterpart and behaves almost the same, with one stark difference: it does not patrol different environments anymore, instead sticking to the Elder's Recess and focusing on remaining at the top there. Additionally, it seems to be even more picky about its foes now. This time however, out of caution. It also appears to have additional heat insulation around the upper body, which allows it to keep its Super-Heated state running far longer than a regular Bazelgeuse." Oceaniz explained the basic differences between the normal and the Variant as the Variant fought against a hunter in an arena.

"Sounds like this one lost their edge." Weiss said.

"There's nothing wrong with being smart about the fights we pick. Weren't you the one saying we weren't ready for the White Fang?" Blake asked with a smirk.

"We're still in training, this is a living bomber plane." Weiss countered.

"The ability to remain in its Super-Heated mode safely for longer periods is rather advantageous, though. And based on the picture, there must be a significant difference to their explosive compounds." Penny noted.

"However, both the true change and the mystery of this Variant lies in the bombs. While it can still able to produce the regular liquid it could before, it now is able to go even beyond. As it keeps producing its bombs, the composition seems to change, creating not a brown shell or a red-hot glow, but instead a stretchy purple substance that, once dropped to the ground, expands continuously until it bursts into a significantly larger explosion. Research suggests that this is a gaseous expansion. However, at this point in time, there simply isn't enough raw data to conclude anything. Nonetheless, observations have shown that the Seething Bazelgeuse has significantly more control over these bombs, being able to launch them over large distances and intricate patterns. And to top it all off, it is now able to secrete the liquid in small portions all over its body, which can lead to it covering itself with it, before diving straight into its target, leaving a truly massive explosion behind and covering any survivors in the liquid, afflicting Blastblight." Oceaniz declared as Seething Bazelgeuse delivered the ultimate explosion he just spoke of.

"Incredible!" Winter said in awe and wonder.

"Those explosions... It may take longer, but they're at least three times bigger! And surely they must be more powerful. I doubt even armored Grimm could stand up to that." Ironwood stated.

"Yeah, but too bad you're mostly gonna be fighting Grimm close to civilian territories, where you can't just go throwing bombs around." Qrow reminded him.

"I'm afraid he's right, James. If the explosions aren't contained or controlled, they may do more damage than the Grimm." Ozpin agreed with Qrow.

"Unless you want to start taking away missions from Atlas regularly, in which case you'd have to find some form of mediator to take your place on council duty when you're out on missions." Glynda added, to which Ironwood sighed. They're always had to be some reason him, his military or his monster couldn't show off their full power.

"That is amazing! It can throw its explosives and send them all over and make them bigger! And the purple and orange glows are so pretty!" Ruby said excitedly.

"Hm... I'll have to see if I can make something like that." Cinder noted to herself, hoping to be able to put on small light bomb shows for Ruby. Maybe Roman WAS onto something when he told her about pyrotechnics.

"That's SO cool! The bombs get all huge and turn into a giant flower before they explode! Now that's flower power, Jaune!" Nora declared excitedly. "Oh, man. Now I wish our team attack could do something like that!" She said longing to be able to create explosions that awesome and pretty.

"It would be quite the impressive spectacle." Ren admitted.

"In essence, the Seething Bazelgeuse is a stronger, but more cautious Bazelgeuse that has learned to pick its battles and has optimized its fighting capabilities." Oceaniz finished on the creature as it charged at the hunter, only for a deer to then be shown grazing. "Nature is ever-so resourceful and the Bazelgeuse stands as one of nature's most bizarre and most fascinating ways of keeping order." He declared as the view changed from the deer to a brook flowing into a waterfall. "As every organism barrels towards survival, procreation and evolution, they all contribute to the maintaining of the natural balance. Some through passive existence, some through predation and other, like the Bazelgeuse, through raw and unending competition." Oceaniz spoke his final thoughts for the video as the brook changed to an overhead shot of a massive forest, where Bazelgeuse's roar could be heard faintly in the background.

After hearing about all the great creature does for the ecosystem, this time the group smiled as they heard the roar, knowing that the beast is ultimately keeping the balance of nature intact.

"Incredible. I never imagined an actual living creature would be able to cause explosions of such magnitude. It's amazing." Ironwood said.

"You should see Zwei whenever he has to go somewhere that rhymes with pet." Yang said, referring to the vet.

"Oh, god! The horrors!" Jaune cried out, remembering the horrors a panicked Zwei caused in their dorm.

"It is quite impressive, general. And I'm positive the two of you would be able to handle any situation involving the Grimm with your combined strength and abilities." Winter said.

"Not just us. You and Penny with your Zamtrios and Valstrax as well. Atlas AND Mantle will be safer than ever." Ironwood said.

"But... that's all of us now, right?" Velvet asked.

"Then... That means we get our monsters!" Ruby cried out excitedly.

"Gimme! Gimme! I want my thunder pony!" Nora demanded.

Katana laughed at this, but nodded. "Very well, everyone. I hope you've been thinking long and hard for names and what you're going to do when you got your monsters. Because here... They... Are..." Katana said, producing a powerful flash of light.

A/N: Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed it as always!

[1] Thanks to LordoftheSwamp1269 for the info on the B-52 plane.
