
A/N: Thanks as always to qazse for help with reactions and thanks to my brother, Sai Blade for making the video and giving me the script. Again, his video is "Terror of the Torrent! Namielle lore". Check it out and subscribe if you haven't to get him to 400 subs so he starts playing Ace Attorney! I love that game!

Sai and the Commander stood opposite each other in Astera. "Ah, Sai! Good, you're here! We have an important mission for you." The Commander informed the host.

However, Sai was quick to interrupt his employer before he could explain the mission. "Let me just stop you RIGHT there, Commander. I have just returned from the doctor- you know, my old, less hazardous job before you made me become a hunter- and she informed me that my blood pressure was almost FATALLY high and ordered me to immediately cease any and all activity that could be considered even remotely strenuous until I am able to lower said pressure and avoid undue stress. And I'm pretty sure swinging giant weapons at a monster determined to kill me is strenuous." The Sapphire Star informed the Commander.

"Oh, no! I hope his condition isn't TOO serious!" Summer said in concern.

"I would recommend light breathing exercises and a diet of vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry and eggs." Penny advised.

However, the less concerned of the group couldn't help but snicker at the mention of Sai's less-than-willing change in profession. "I still think the commander's crazy for making a medic into a hunter." Emerald said.

Then Nora gasped at the last bit of what Sai had said. "Fighting giant monsters? Strenuous? I never would've guessed!" She said, getting laughs from the rest of the cast.

However, the older man was a bit skeptical at this. "Is it really that much of a concern?" He asked, clearly not taking the issue seriously.

Thankfully, Sai WAS taking his health issue seriously. "I believe her exact words were: How the-" He started, before the next word he said was bleeped with an image of a fox appearing on screen. "-Are you still alive with this blood pressure?" He finished, stomping his foot to emphasize the anger of his doctor.

This earned a roar of laughter from the more immature of the cast (Ruby, Emerald, Yang, Qrow, Nora, Coco, Neo and Roman), with even Summer giggling a bit. "That doctor must have been SO done!" Yang said.

"I guess she's never handled a demon patient before." Ruby added with a giggle.

"Maybe she should've given him a... closer inspection~" Neo said in a lewd tone.

The Commander, however, seemed to be considering a way to sidestep this. "I see. Well, you'll be happy to know that, while it is important, this mission is also rather easy. We just need you to make a video to inform the troops about a certain monster." The Commander assured his top hunter.

Now it was Sai's turn to be skeptical, but he was at least willing to listen. "Uh-huh. And what monster would that be exactly?" The former medic questioned the man before him.

The Commander cleared his throat before answering. "Namielle." He informed the host rather casually to further the idea that this was "no big deal".

However, in response to hearing the monster's name, Sai suddenly gasped and clutched his chest. "My heart!" He choked out, before collapsing to the floor.

Maybe of the cast gasped in shock at the host suddenly collapsing. "Sai!" They all cried out in concern.

"Is he okay?!" Weiss cried out.

"This commander is insane! He pushed Sai to hunt even against the advice of his doctor and expected him to go after a monster that would cause enough stress to trigger a heart attack!? What is wrong with him!?" Winter demanded.

"I'm more concerned with what type of monster could be CAPABLE of triggering such a reaction. Not even Shara Ishvalda did that, despite Sai's hatred towards it." Pyrrha said worriedly.

Suddenly, a hunter dressed in knight armor sat on a stool nearby suddenly piped up. "Um... Sir? I think an ELDER DRAGON would probably be considered undue stress." He informed the Commander with concern in his voice.

However, even after Sai collapsed, the Commander wasn't concerned. "Oh, he's just being a drama queen." He said dismissively, ignoring the lifeless hunter at his feet.

This made quite a few cast members very angry with the commander. "What is wrong with him?! He is the least bit concerned? Especially when Sai is supposedly one of his best hunters?!" Glynda demanded.

"Any medical concerns should be taken seriously and advised to the letter! If I had done something like this, I would no doubt be court martialed!" Ironwood agreed.

"Whoa, whoa! Guys! Chill! Uncle Sai's fine!" Tekko assured them.

"Exactly. Otherwise, that video wouldn't even have been posted." Razara added.

Katana rolled her eyes at her eldest's statement, giving her a swat on the rear before clarifying. "Demons like us can't die from blood pressure. It gives us serious chest pains around the heart that hurt like hell, but we won't die." Katana elaborated.

Some of the cast were still slightly concerned, but a good number of them became as dismissive as the Commander. "Oh, then he can just walk it off." Nora said.

"Yeah. I can't believe we were worried for a minute." Ilia agreed, leaving the more concerned members shocked and disgusted.

Sai was now seen walking through the Coral Highlands. "The Coral Highlands... Bountiful and beautiful. Yet despite what you might expect, considering the entire place is made out of coral, there is actually very little water to be found here, only a few small streams far apart from each other. At least, that's how it used to be." The host began, before water suddenly started rising from nowhere, quickly reaching his waist. "For now, water can be found in excess if you get on the bad side of one singular creature. The mighty Elder Dragon of the Coral Highlands... The Abyssal Dragon, Namielle." He introduced the monster of focus, revealing a dark figure with several glowing lights all over its body with a terrifying glare aimed towards the host.

Pure silence fell over the room as the group stared at the dragon on the screen in awe. "It's... beautiful." Blake said, practically mesmerized.

"I've never seen anything like it. It looks like something out of an ancient Mistralian artwork." Ren noted, falling in love with it along with everyone else.

But, of course, none were more enamored with it than Ruby, whose irises got so big, they took up most of her eyes and also glittered! "Oh, my gods! It's so pretty! And it's got so many different, cool colors!" She gushed and fangirled over the monster, almost talking too fast to be understood.

"You're right, Ruby. It's hard to take my eyes off it." Summer agreed.

"And it puts on one hell of a lightshow." Coco added.

"Right? I bet if Junior got one, he could get rid of all the strobe lights and disco balls in his club." Neo said.

"I'd be frequenting the place even more than I do now." Yang laughed.

The host now tried to follow Namielle around the higher points of the Highlands, but the Elder Dragon seemed to be trolling him by jumping up and down from one point. "A mighty beast of incredible aqua-based abilities, Namielle was discovered during the Legiana migration after the defeat of Velkhana. And while we now know the culprit behind those events was Shara Ishvalda, at the time, we only knew something was disrupting the ecosystems and slowly but surely crumbling the entirety of the New World, we just didn't know who. We only knew that something was causing this, along with a huge spike in Bio-Energy, which pointed us to the two new Elder Dragons on the block, that being Blackveil Vaal Hazak and Namielle herself." The host continued, briefly showing some footage of a Vaal Hazak in the Ancient Forest covered largely with fungus, before returning to Namielle as the creature flew away.

A few people laughed as the monster caused Sai to jump back and forth to follow it. "That thing's making him work to put it in the video." Qrow chuckled.

"It's like 'I don't remember being paid for this video. So you're gonna pay in exercise!'" Roman added, getting more laughs from the crowd.

However, that entertainment quickly turned to nervous tension as they saw this new species of Vaal Hazak. "I didn't think you could get scarier than normal Vaal, but this one did. It looks like a zombie with all that mold on it." Velvet said with a shudder.

"It looks like something straight out of No More of Us." Jaune agreed, shivering as well.

"Well, we knew that regular Vaal Hazak wasn't hostile. This one certainly looks like it could be. And I'm assuming it and its fungus are what are causing those Wingdrakes to behave so erratically.

"And if the fungus makes them hostile, what's to say it doesn't make the dragon hostile as well? Or more hazardous to be near. Those spores could be harmful." Hazel asked.

"They are." All three ice demon hostesses confirmed with dread in their voice.

Sai continued to follow the Elder Dragon, while observing its body. "So, as I said earlier, Namielle is a water dragon and as such, looks like something that has emerged from the deepest depths of the ocean, where most of the other nightmare fuel resides." He began, showing the image of a giant isopod and a Bigfin Squid.

And this sense of dread would only get bigger when they saw the two examples of deep sea horror Sai showed. "What the heck is that!? It looks like a giant cockroach!" Cinder cried out. She had to deal with a lot of those in her "room" in the Glass Unicorn.

"And I don't like the tentacles on those squids. They looks like they're going to reach out and grab you." Adam said.

"That is what tentacles are for, usually, yes." Razara confirmed.

"Yeah, it's generally agreed upon that things from the ocean that are too far down for light to reach are down there because they're too disturbing to be up where you can see them." Blake threw in.

The host then continued to follow the Elder Dragon. "But while most creatures from the darkest depths prevent me from getting a decent night's sleep, Namielle is an incredible beauty to behold, looking like an amalgamation of some of the most beautiful and fascinating creatures in the ocean, with a head shape similar to a stingray or manta ray, long whiskers like a catfish, which- along with a number of jellyfish-like tendrils on its wings, are bioluminescent like many deep sea fish. And its gorgeous black wings move in such a way that when they flap to gain altitude, form to look similar to a jellyfish or Man-O-War, but when fully extended to allow Namielle to soar through the air, allow it to almost take the shape of a manta ray." Sai listed the Dragon's gorgeous features while focusing closely on them. "And based on the monster's teeth, we can guess its main diet consists of fish, the many needle-like dental structure making it ideal to hold frantically wriggling fish covered in slippery mucus." He added, showing an intimidating close-up of the dragon's teeth.

Thankfully, Sai's description of the monster started to calm them down. "You know, when he points it out like that, I can totally see the resemblance to the things he's talking about." Emerald said, marveling at the monster's features.

"Yes, it's rather uncanny. I'm amazed at the way it's whiskers are flowing while it walks." Glynda admitted.

"And the way they glow is absolutely gorgeous." Pyrrha added, almost as starry-eyed as Ruby.

Ren and Penny seemed particularly interested in the way it's wings moved as it drank something similar to a giant lilypad. "Huh. I am also noticing that when it draws its wings in, it almost looks like how an octopus would move along the ocean floor." Penny noted.

"Indeed. But I'm also curious if the tendrils and whiskers can actually sting like a jellyfish. That would be fascinating. Terrifying, but fascinating." Ren added.

"So, it's like all the best animals all rolled into one! That's awesome!" Ruby cheered.

However, they all couldn't help but jump at the sudden close-up image of Namielle's teeth. "Ah!" Ilia shrieked, changing color to go invisible. But she reappeared after a moment. "Oh, my god, that was so freaky! Screw you, Sai! You almost gave ME a heart attack!" The chameleon Faunus complained.

It's like a vice filled with dozens of spikes!" Weiss said fearfully.

"And, if I'm not mistaken, there's multiple rows of teeth, like a shark. With that many teeth pointing at different angles, it's almost impossible that it's teeth wouldn't sink in somewhere vital. And if by some miracle they didn't, there would be no way to get free without sacrificing whatever part of you that was bitten." Winter added in concern.

Hunter and monster continued their peaceful travels throughout the area. "But even though Namielle has a rather fearsome appearance, this Elder Dragon is an incredibly peaceful creature, calmly going about its business, not aiming to bother anyone and being perfectly fine allowing hunters to walk alongside it until they attack it. In fact, when I first encountered one of these incredible creatures, it was pretty quick to figure out my intentions, considering I had to climb to the tallest part of the highlands where it was nesting, but even knowing I was likely here to hunt it, it was content to create a torrent of water to wash me away instead of trying to kill me. I mean, it made me fall from the highest place on the map, I could've easily fallen to my death, but the point is, it did not actively TRY to kill me, even though it easily had the chance to." Sai explained as the creature did indeed wash him away with a sudden flood from nowhere.

"Yay! Another peaceful monster!" Ruby said happily.

"Then I definitely wouldn't mind walking with it and seeing how it lives it's life." Velvet said, imagining tagging along with the dragon as it went about its day.

"That would be so amazing! Maybe if we went fishing and got a nice bucket full, we could try and feed it." Summer suggested.

"I'd like to follow and see if any of those shiny scales might come off. Maybe I could line my barret with them." Coco threw out her idea.

But the beast washing Sai away instead of fighting truly surprised and amazed them. "Quite intriguing. Of all the ways these monsters could avoid conflict with people, I never thought they'd try to shoo someone away in such a manner." Ozpin said, impressed.

"I know, right? That HAS to make this the most chill monster ever. And I kind of love it for that." Jaune agreed.

"That would be an awesome water slide!" Nora said.

And they couldn't help but laugh as Sai defended the monster's handling of the situation. "Wow, I never thought I'd see someone stick up for someone who threw them off a cliff. It's like he physically can't say anything bad about it." Qrow said.

"That would've been the craziest twist if Namielle actually trying to kill him with the fall!" Yang laughed, before shaking her head. "But there's no way. It's way too pure for that."

Finally, the hunter and monster found themselves locked in combat with each other. "However, when the beast must engage in combat, it is certainly not lacking in any options. Of course, it has the standard swipes with its forelegs, raising up on two legs, only to come slamming back down on all fours to knock away anyone too close and biting at its targets, but thanks to its wings being larger and with a wider range of motion than most Elder Dragons, it is capable of attacking with its wings as well, be it a swipe from the side or flapping them forward to knock down any foe in front of it. While we're focusing on its wings, it can obviously fly into the air to stay out of a hunter's reach and swipe at them with its wings. And thanks to a slimy secretions coating its body like a fish, Namielle takes a page from Mizutsune's book and slides across the ground at high speeds to slam into its unfortunate opponents." Sai explained while evading Namielle's attacks and landing his own where he could.

"Alright! It's been too long since we saw a slip and slide monster." Neo cheered.

"Smacking you with its wings. That's got to be a new level of disrespect." Roman chuckled.

"That probably makes its wings stronger than most other Elders, then." Adam noted.

Namielle then began to start spraying water all over the area. "But as I stated previously, Namielle has incredible water-based abilities. You may notice it's raining right now. And that is actually because Namielle is making it rain to amplify it's already insane control over water. Yes, this is one of the few Elder Dragons powerful enough to change the weather! All Might ain't got nothing on Namielle." Sai explained as he evaded the creature's aquatic attacks.

Suddenly, an incredibly muscular man with blonde hair like bunny ears in a red, white and blue suit was shown. "Scary! Too scary!" The man declared fearfully as if he was actually witnessing the monster.

Most of the crew was quite impressed with that feat. "It can make it rain!? That's so cool!" Ruby said.

"It could certainly prove useful in places that are experiencing droughts. Then again, I feel like Namielle would avoid those places." Cinder theorized.

"Still, that feels rather minor to Kushala Daora creating tornadoes or Kirin making thunderstorms." Hazel pointed out.

"Still, being able to change the weather, no matter by how small of a margin, is nothing to scoff at." Ironwood told him.

The creature continued to attack Sai with its water-based attacks. "Anyway, as far as combat is concerned, Namielle's ability to use water is EXTRAORDINARY. It can of course fire water from its mouth in great beams, either super thin like a jet cutter, or a massive torrent capable of tearing up the ground and creating a wave of water to send hunters tumbling back. It can also throw out small splashes of water or sizeable globs of it as well. Namielle then mixes its saliva into the water it sprays out, creating a more slime-like water that does not get immediately absorbed into the ground like ordinary water would. From here, Namielle's control over water is absolutely astounding, as by utilizing its wings or forelegs, it can control the ebb and flow of the water, drawing it in or pushing it back. This can, of course, disrupt hunters by pushing them back and out of range of their melee attacks or making them trip and be unable to attack, or draw them in to ITS attacking range." The host explained as the creature indeed moved the water around as it needed.

"So it mixes its spit into the water?! That's so gross!" Weiss cried out.

"Yeah, Namielle just lost some SERIOUS points in the majestic department." Coco agreed, cringing greatly.

"And that makes the water turn into weird gooey slime? That is nasty!" Neo said, equally disgusted.

"What?! You're kidding right!? That leaves permanent water! That'd be great for a slip and slide!" Nora cheered.

"Yeah! Now it doesn't get all the sliding fun for itself!" Ruby agreed.

Sai continued to dodge the monster's attacks. "However, you may be thinking this is still not much to worry about, just wear water resistant armor. However, Namielle has an answer to this, for it is one of the few monster that multiple different elements. Not an element and status, but two full elements: Water and Thunder. And as anyone who passed 4th grade likely knows, water conducts electricity. And Namielle is aware of this fact as well. It can release a very short-range burst of electricity, but it tends to charge electricity into the ends of its wings to touch the puddles of water it has left on the ground to electrify the water and cause it to violently explode in a burst of steam. And it usually does this while flying, once again making it harder to hit and allowing it to move quickly from puddle to puddle and create these steam explosions in quick succession." The Sapphire Star explained as the Elder Dragon caused the puddles to explode just as previously stated.

This definitely surprised the crew. "No way! Two elements! The only things we've seen so far that can do that are White Fatalis and Alatreon. And they're basically gods!" Yang said in shock.

"And it sprays both the hunter and the immediate area, which would leave water everywhere, making basically the entire area covered with water. So it would be able to electrocute most of the area with ease. That just made this situation infinitely deadlier." Penny noted as everyone realized this fight just got WAY more dangerous.

"Well, I'm suddenly a lot less interested in getting close to this monster now." Cinder said in an uneasy tone, her electrophobia kicking in stronger than usual, since this creature could make the shock worse with water.

"That would have to be an incredible amount of electricity to heat up and boil the water to the point it explodes in such a fashion." Winter said.

"And steam burns are some of the worst types you can get." Qrow said with a wince.

Sai was now back on the offensive, staying to the monster's sides and attacking where he couldn't be hit . "If all of this wasn't enough as one might have guessed, it is capable of inflicting both Waterblight to weigh down hunters and compromise stamina recovery and Thunderblight to make it easier to stun the Hunters. And when truly enraged, Namielle puts down a huge puddle of water before going airborne and unleashing the strongest electric shock it can to the water, causing it to explode all at once in a massive eruption of steam. It's quite the sight to behold, both amazing and terrifying: Namielle sparking with huge amounts of electricity, descending from up high while blocking out the light of the sun to those directly below, culminating to the enormous explosion of steam, as if an electric angel is unleashing its wrath upon you. It definitely leaves an impression if you survive. In fact, when interviewed, many hunters including myself all had a similar reaction to the first time Namielle attempted this attack on them." The hose explained as Namielle did this ultimate move.

An elderly turtle then looked to the sky. "My time has come." He declared softly, sensing his impending end.

Everyone was completely blown away by this attack. "Holy crap! That's insane!" Roman said.

"That was so epic! I love how Namielle was glowing like that!" Ruby cheered.

"Not mention that huge wave of water. There's your water slide, baby! And that has to be one of the best explosions we've seen from any monster." Yang said.

"You know, if I could choose how I go out in battle, that would probably be it." Nora said.

"Same." Yang, Ruby, Qrow, Coco, Neo, Adam and Hazel all agreed, while the rest of the cast looked at them like they were insane.

Namielle continued to attack with water as Sai evaded and attacked. "Now, using large amounts of water, as well as its electricity does dry Namielle out, turning its brilliant colors dull and faded, leaving it unable to use its electrical attacks. However, Namielle once again shows its control of water, as it can absorb any puddles of water it leaves lying around the battlefield, restoring its colors and electrical powers. Even a little bit is enough to refuel Namielle and get back its full faculties. It truly does sometimes feel impossible to hinder Namielle for too long. This is likely why Namielle is a top-tier monster, with only other Elder Dragons and the rare Savage Deviljho able to contend with it, usually ending in stalemates and the mighty Rajang being the only creature that can decisively win a direct confrontation with it." Sai explained as Namielle engaged a Savage Deviljho in a beam struggle, blasting them both back.

The cast were surprised, but also saddened to see Namielle dried out in such a way. "Aww, all of its color is gone." Penny said in disappointment.

"It almost looks like a totally different creature." Pyrrha added.

But they definitely weren't ready for it when they saw the creature rehydrate itself with nearby water. "Well, that's pretty handy. Pretty hard to run out of ammo when you can just make more." Qrow said.

"That's impressively resourceful." Hazel said.

"Yes, which makes it that much harder to run out the monster's arsenal." Ironwood pointed out.

"Indeed. With such powerful physical attacks, a dangerous combination of powers and the ability to refuel itself, it's no longer surprising that Sai had a heart attack at the thought of fighting it." Glynda agreed.

"No wonder only other Elders even try, or Savage Jho's, but they're insane." Emerald said.

But they were amazed at the struggle between the Elder Dragon and the deranged Brute Wyvern. "Whoa! That's like something out of an anime!" Nora cried out.

"Go Namielle!" Ruby and Neo cheered.

"But I think you're all forgetting MY monster beats up Namielle." Yang said, fist-bumping Raiden.

Namielle then fired more globs of water at Sai as he lashed out at it with his blades. "And if you wish to survive a direct confrontation with Namielle, my advice would be to use a fire weapon, as fire is the most effective against Namielle, likely for being able to dry out its body and hinder its water abilities. As you may have guessed, water and thunder are completely useless against it, with ice being barely effective and Dragon being decent, but not quite as effective as fire. Thankfully, Namielle is decently susceptible to ailments as well. Poison and blast are both highly effective, with stun being decent against it as well and paralysis and sleep being somewhat effective, but not quite as effective as the others." The host explained as he continued to fight the Elder Dragon, before both of them were set upon by the Savage Deviljho from earlier.

"Anyone else think it's weird that a water monster is weak to fire? What happened to Pinchermon logic?" Jaune asked.

"Well, it makes sense. Sai even pointed out that fire weapons likely dry her out." Pyrrha reminded him.

"Still, total immunity to two different elements makes this thing quite the challenge. Good thing the ailments balance it out a bit." Adam said.

Sai was now walking alongside the Elder Dragon once again. "So that is Namielle, an incredible monster in every sense of the word, absolutely visually stunning, able to use water in ways NEVER before seen by any other monster and one of the few monsters capable of utilizing more than one element. Even the weapons and armor of this monster are truly incredible, giving you the appearance of an aquatic assassin... or some kind of weird rock star. Or a fusion of Bayonetta and an Inkling in the female's case." Sai explained, donning the two vastly different-looking armors of the monster, a female hunter showing the more similar-looking female options and a couple of Namielle weapons being shown as well.

"Whoa! All those clothes are really cool!" Velvet said.

"I'll admit, I like the looks of that first male set of armor. I wish the females had a set like that." Cinder admitted.

"The female armors almost look alien. And that just makes them more awesome." Yang said.

"Definitely S-Tier from me. Especially if it can change color." Coco agreed.

"Oh, that would be amazing! That would make it way more marketable!" Neo concurred.

"Especially if it glows in the dark, too." Ruby added.

The host then stopped and let the Elder Dragon walk off into the distance. "And just like the element it so masterfully commands, it is peaceful and pristine when it remains undisturbed. But once it unleashes its fury, there is very little that is capable of standing against its flood of unrelenting fury." He finished, turning and going on his own way.

"Poetic finish as always." Ozpin said appreciatively.

"A perfect example of how something can be a perfect union of beauty and destruction." Winter noted.

"Still, I'd happily run into that monster before a lot of other ones." Roman admitted.

"You know what we're gonna ask." Razara said, waiting for their thoughts.

"It's so awesome! All the different cool sea creature features it has, it's awesome abilities and multiple elements... And it's just so pretty and colorful! It just HAS to be number two in my top 10 most beautiful monsters list." Ruby said.

"How... many top 10 lists do you have?" Blake asked the younger girl.

"Top 10 most beautiful monsters, top 10 coolest-looking monsters, top 10 best monsters to fight, top 10 cutest monsters, Top 10 Scariest Monsters." Ruby recited.

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You are getting WAY too obsessed with these animals." Weiss said in concern for her leader. "But, I do have to admit, it is absolutely beautiful and I wouldn't mind observing one in the wild. I would even say this is one of the few Elder Dragons I think could fit in well on Remnant." The younger Schnee admitted.

"That would be amazing!" Summer said.

"Even I have to admit, I wouldn't mind spending an entire day simply watching one go about its life." Winter agreed.

"Katana-" Ruby started.

"Don't worry, Ruby. This one WILL be coming to Remnant. Congratulations." Katana said.

"Yes!" Everyone cheered.

Well, everyone except for a certain half-Maiden. "Oh, goodie. Another monster that can fry us with electricity." Cinder grumbled, her fear of electricity still giving her a bias against the monster.

"Just be sure to keep your distance from the whiskers, remember. They sting like a jellyfish and they're just as potent." Razara warned.

"Yeah. And I think we all know how toxic those can be." Tekko added, even the thrill-seekers looking somewhat nervous at this, knowing how much damage a jellyfish sting can do.

"We'll be sure to do that." Qrow assured them.

"So, what comes next?" Hazel asked.

"Let's see. The next one is..." Katana said, checking the list of lores. "Oh. Oh, boy. This one... This one's a big one. Hope you guys are ready for another scary one, because this guy might even put Unknown to shame. The Emperor Conqueror Dragon... Guanzorumu." The hostess declared, playing the video.
