
A/N: Thanks to my brother, Sai Kunai Blade for making this transcript and the video. Also thanks to qazse for help with reactions.

Sai was in the winter wonderland that is the Hoarfrost Reach, attempting to ride a small moose-like creature from a group of three of them, but was repeatedly bucked off and kicked as he stood back up. "I said 'ride into battle', Anteka! Obey me!" He ordered, even switching between Anteka's to try and get one to let him ride, but they all bucked him off and began chasing him down with their horns. "Okay, forget this!" He snapped, climbing up a wall of vines to the safety of a camp in an elevated ice cavern, approaching his handler. "Man, it's a good thing those guys don't get any bigger than that. Right, handler?" He asked her.

The animal lovers... well- loved, the sight of the Anteka. "Fascinating. It has the body shape and roughly the size of a caribou, but the larger and stockier antlers of a moose." Glynda noted.

"And they have an impressive fur coat. I bet that'd make a nice blanket." Emerald added.

"Their antlers are so cool and so wide and big! I bet they could even take down a Beowulf!" Ruby said in awe at this.

"I wouldn't mind having one of those bucks on my wall." Roman said.

Ruby quite literally gasped at this. "Gasp! Roman how could you! That's just-" She began.

"Oh spare me. You, the rabbit and star student over there have been whining non stop since we've been watching these videos. 'Rage is being a meanie', 'that monster's a jerk', 'why is nature so cruel?' Just give it a rest already." The crime lord shut her down.

"You three really do nag a lot when watching these." Neo admitted.

"I mean, we can understand your confliction when Rage is being bias, or when animals are being killed or maimed. But at this point you should just accept it. Take hunters killing baby Agnaktor's for example. Yes it may seem cruel, but it's no different to hunters lowering the number of rabbits and hogs so that they don't overpopulate and become an infestation, or cause too much damage." Blake agreed.

"Thank you, Belladonna. Also say what you want, but I know they are some gents here who can't deny how respectable a man is when he has the head of a mighty beast mounted on his wall." Roman said, looking to the other adult males.

"I don't need believe anyone needs a head on their wall to be respected." Ozpin said.

"Speak for yourself, old man." Adam said.

"An impressive pair of antlers is a display of hunting prowess. Disagreeing with Ozpin is just a bonus." Hazel declared.

"Gotta side with them, Oz. I've always wanted a nice buck's head on my wall." Qrow agreed.

James was a bit reluctant, but even he had to give up. "It would make a nice touch to my study." He admitted.

Suddenly, a scene was shown of a path being blocked off by fallen trees, before they were suddenly sent flying by something hitting them from the other side, creating a massive mist being created from all the snow being launched into the air, Sai covering his handler to protect her. Then, when the mist cleared, a gigantic Brute Wyvern with equally massive moose-like antlers, before its face was shown as it glared angrily at the two.

"Oh, my gosh! It's a giant!" Nora cried out.

"Did you see those antlers! He was holding back a tree with them! And he flicked it away like nothing!" Jaune said nervously.

"How can it even lift its head with those things? If they are true antlers, they should be made of bone and with their size and thickness, should weigh likely as much as any one of us. Each!" Weiss let out a panicked rant.

Adam couldn't help but marvel at the antlers. While he was a Bull Faunus with horns, not antlers, he recognized the ability of the head weapons. "Very impressive. Those aren't like Diablos' horns. Those are made for impaling prey, but those are made from ramming and destroying anything it its way. It could probably bring down a cliff." Adam said, Tekko and Razara smirking as they remember often getting Banbaros to cause avalanches.

"I take back what I said earlier. THAT is a stag worth mounting." Roman declared.

"Damn straight. I wouldn't mind having that head on display in my house." Qrow agreed.

"I would not recommend it. Mostly because of how big it is. With those antlers, it will not only take up the whole space for the wall, but even the room it's in." Winter advised.

Suddenly, an old man was seen as he looked ahead worriedly. "Oh, no..." He said breathlessly.

"You know, that guy seems familiar." Yang said.

Katana smirked at this. "Remember that clip from the Shara lore where that boy said to run for your life?" She asked. After a nod of confirmation, she answered. "That's him 50 years later. The first time you saw him, he was 18. In that clip, he was 68." She said, leaving them all shocked.

Coco whistled at this. "Man, he aged well. I gotta figure out his secret." She said.

"Good luck with that." All three demon women told her.

Sai was then seen walking through the Hoarfrost Reach again. "The recently discovered Hoarfrost Reach is a wonderful and astounding place filled with incredible wildlife specially adapted to survive in this harsh arctic environment." He began as he continued his leisurely stroll. He was then seen next to another group of Anteka. "Some developed horns in order to defend against predators and other such threats." He continued, then was seen riding on a Popo's back. "Others became larger and grew thick fur for... pretty much the same reason." He went on, before he was seen doing battle against a Barioth, which leapt onto the walls to gain a better attack angle. "And some learned to use the environment to their advantage. But then there are some that take ALL of these adaptations and mesh them all together. And that's where the Banbaro comes in." He finished as he was seen walking alongside the massive Brute Wyvern.

"All of those are excellent adaptations that serve many creatures of our own world quite well." Penny said in approval.

"Then you'd think having all three of those adaptations would be a bit overkill." Ilia said.

"That just means it's well adapted and specialized for strength, Ilia." Summer told the Chameleon girl.

Then, as Sai was seen walking alongside the beast, they noticed something. "Another one with tiny front legs. Well, we know what they aren't specialized for: reaching out for and grabbing anything." Cinder pointed out.

"It seems that all the Brute Wyverns are like that, with the exception of Brachydios." Pyrrha pointed out.

"Well, they do seem to mostly be theropods, which often had very short limbs, so it's not surprising. But, I will admit, these ones seem even shorter than normal compared to Barroth or Uragaan." Ren theorized.

He continued to walk alongside the horned creature as it continued through the arctic region. "A gentle giant, Banbaro wants nothing more than to simply go about its day without any issues. Despite those intimidating horns and its equally intimidating size, the beast is actually perfectly peaceful and won't attack hunters or other monsters, unless it is attacked first, or it walks in on a fight in progress, at which point it's situation response is always fight, not flight. And it does have a few natural enemies that for whatever reason, it is unreasonably aggressive towards: the Barioth, the only predator with the size and power to match its own and throw it around like a ragdoll." Sai explained as the events he just explained were shown in full. "And the Beotodus, a territorial Piscine Wyvern who does not permit the benevolent Brute Wyvern in its neck of the woods. And while peaceful, Banbaro doesn't like people telling it where it can and cannot go." He added as the new Piscine Wyvern battled the Banbaro in a manner quite reminiscent of Barroth and Jyuratodus.

Everyone enjoyed the battles between the beasts, but they couldn't help but wince when Barioth not only sank its massive tusks into Banbaro's neck, but also whipped it around like a ragdoll. "Poor Banbaro. That has to hurt so bad." Velvet said, her ears drooped fearfully.

"We already saw Barioth throw it around before, but it's still crazy to see something that big thrown around like the thugs I threw around at Junior's club." Yang said.

"You did what?!" Summer demanded. She decided that this wasn't the time or place to reprimand her stepdaughter, but made sure to give her a stern glare. "We'll discuss this later, young lady." She said, before looking back at the screen. "But also, those giant teeth are serrated, so whipping it around like that probably let it cut into Banbaro a lot more. I'm surprised it even got back up after that." She noted.

"I'm surprised the Barioth let it get back up. It would be easy to finish it off while its down. Then it has a meal for the next week, at least." Hazel said.

"A lot of these disputes are more about territory, rather than food. Besides, Barioth only eats the soft organs on the inside, so getting through Banbaro's thick skin, fur and muscles would be more work than it wants to put in." Razara explained.

Sai was then seen following the beast in... The Ancient Forest?! "In keeping with this, 'I can go wherever I want' attitude, Banbaro... Well, he really goes wherever he wants. He's an invader, along the lines of Deviljho and Bazelgeuse, wandering around through any environment on its journey to do whatever it pleases. So, how it took us so long to find it and having to go to an entire separate landmass before we discovered them, I have no idea... It even appears in the Elder's Recess, although I have no idea how they don't sweat to death with their thick, heavy fur in such a hot locale, especially its superheated and volcanic lower reaches." He declared as followed the beast in the Elder's Recess and it looked like it was sweating profusely.

"That's cool that they can be anywhere. That way you don't have to go to a super cold place like Atlas to see one." Nora said.

"Still, like he said, it's weird for something from a cold climate covered in thick fur to go somewhere really hot." Blake agreed with Sai's logic, before smirking. "It would be like Weiss' first month at Beacon." She added.

Weiss pouted at this. "No one told me Vale was very warm and had insane heatwaves! How could I have possibly prepared for that!" She huffed, remembering how she suffered during her first month at Beacon while trying to acclimate to Vale. There were a few times her white dress- er, combat skirts had been soaked dark grey from all her sweating.

"I'm kind of surprised it isn't getting heat stroke like Lagombi does." Jaune said.

Back in the Hoarfrost Reach, Sai continued to follow Banbaro through its daily life. "So, as previously stated, Banbaro is absolutely massive, potentially even the largest of all Brute Wyverns, rivaled only perhaps by Duramboros. It even dwarfs the massive Deviljho, the world eater... Though, to be fair, the measurements we have might include the horns, not just the body length." Sai explained as some numbers appeared in the center of the screen for a moment.

Length in feet.

Deviljho - Min: 60 ft. Max: 82 ft.

Banbaro - Min: 70 ft. Max: 97 ft.

The text then disappeared and the two kept on walking. "In fact, while this is only a theory and needs far more research to prove or disprove, I personally am of the school of thought that Banbaro is actually a close relative of the Deviljho, much similar to how the therizinosaurs," Sai began, before a large bipedal dinosaur with a broad torso, long neck, long beak-like snout and long arms that ended in three fingered hands with absolutely massive claws was shown, text below it reading "this guy. May have had feathers". "Were actually close cousins of the Tyrannosaurs." Sai explained as they kept walking.

This left most of them in shock. "It's even larger than Deviljho?! That's unbelievable! How can survive in areas with little to no vegetation, like the Hoarfrost Reach or the Coral Highlands?!" Winter asked in shock.

"Jeez! Even if I just mounted the head, it would probably take up half the space of the room I put it in." Qrow said in disappointment.

Some were intrigued at Sai's theory. "Interesting theory. Their the same category of creature that grow to similar sizes, but that's not nearly enough to prove it. I wonder if he has more reasonings than that." Ironwood said.

"If he doesn't, he's crazy and making stuff up." Neo said.

"You mean, that's not what these guys have been doing this whole time?" Emerald asked with a smirk.

Then, they saw the image of Therizinosaurus. "Whoa! That this looks so cool! And look at those claws!" Ruby said excitedly.

"They must be absolutely massive, based on their size compared to the creature. No doubt they were excellent for defending against predators." Pyrrha said.

"Or for grabbing and pulling down trees. If they truly were related to Tyrannosaurs, they developed into herbivores and gained the claws instead of massive jaws and teeth to protect from predators and pull down leaves and other food materials, then Sai's theory truly does hold water, as Banbaro has done essentially the same thing." Penny pointed out.

Sai was now fighting with the Banbaro in the Wildspire Waste. "And similar to Deviljho and its ability to dig up and launch boulders at its enemies, the Banbaro can use its giant antlers to down trees and use them as battering rams on top of its own battering ram of a body, or dig up and roll giant boulders at you that you desperately need to run away from, Crash Bandicoot style. Unlike Crash, however, these boulders change depending on the environment, becoming freezing boulders in the Hoarfrost Reach, lava boulders in the Elder's Recess and Effluvium boulders in the Rotten Vale. Also much like the Deviljho, Banbaro is most vulnerable to the Dragon Element, although it personally does not possess an organ to channel the ancient energy as Deviljho does." Sai explained as he spun and sliced down the length of the beast's body. "But honestly, with those horns, do they really need it?" He questioned as he avoided several charges.

Ruby, Yang, Neo and Nora all laughed at the Crash reference. "That sounds just like Brash Bandicoot! Those games are awesome!" Ruby giggled.

"Yeah. Those boulder stages are really cool, even if you can't see where you're going." Yang agreed.

"That remake is super hard, though! What did they do to it?!" Nora questioned.

"It's the same exact game, but with better graphics! Don't complain about something that's not true!" Neo snapped.

Some liked the detail that the boulders changing based on location. "Very smart. Because boulder from the ground would of course have different effects, based on what they pick up. Very clever. It has brains for a brute." Cinder stated.

"It knows its picking up a big boulder, but it might not even be aware of the properties of the boulder. It just knows it has something big to smash its enemies with." Ilia said.

"I'm sure it's smart enough to realize what it's doing." Velvet defended the monster.

"It's smart enough to know it can use weapons and even different weapons for the situation. That's a decently high mark for intelligence." Ren agreed.

Back in the Hoarfrost Reach, Sai walked alongside the creature once again. "A massive creature with thick, tough skin, tougher scales and lots of muscles covered by a thick layer of fur that protects from the cold as well as providing cushioning from blunt objects and resistance from sharp objects and the teeth of predators, only the massive fangs of a Barioth able to get through what would only be a mouthful of fur to other predators to do damage to the flesh below, it is very well adapted to go just about anywhere and take on anything it might run into. The only thing I do not understand about it is when it gets enraged... Well, this happens." Sai explained as the creature roared and it suddenly sprouted a strange horn suddenly sprouted up on its nose.

Most of the screen went black except for an animated dog girl who had a mug of coffee... with a jalapeno in it? And she looked rather confused and somewhat angry. "What da faq?" She questioned.

Everyone was confused by the sudden clip of the apparent Faunus girl, but had to admit, their reactions were similar. Then they noticed something. "Does that Faunus chick have a jalapeño floating in her coffee?" Roman asked. "I mean, I've heard of coffee having a bite to it, but that usually means it's bitter. This is pushing it." Roman said.

"That's one way to get a kick out of your coffee." Coco stated.

Sai was now wearing his ghillie mantle as the enraged creature looked for him as he focused on this new protrusion. "I mean, what!? Why!? What is the point of it?! At least Anjanath's nose bone rises up to improve its air intake for its fire breath, but this!? It makes no sense! Why does it have this?! Why does it need this!? It looks like a horn, but with those giant antlers, there's no way it's stabbing anything the horns haven't already decimated! I can't say what it really looks like, but I will say it looks like another word for a hot dog. Or the nose of a certain blonde celebrity who's known for saying 'Wow'." Sai ranted about the creatures appendage.

Adam nodded in agreement with Sai's reasoning. "Exactly. That horn has no possible practical use. If anything, it just ruins the monster. It was amazing, now it has a stupid giant nose sticking out for no reason. Disappointing." Adam said.

"Come now, Mr. Taurus, there are plenty of animals that have strange features that seem to have no apparent reason. There's no need to shame them for it." Ozpin told him.

"Name one." The former White Fang member challenged.

"Very well, the babirusa boars have tusks which have a risk of growing to the point of impaling its own skull." Glynda declared, horrifying everyone.

"An actor with a strange nose?" Penny asked.

"I think he's talking about Oran Wilson." Jaune guessed.

"That must be your world's version of him. Fair enough." Katana said with a shrug.

Sai quickly leapt out of the way of another charge as the creature rushed towards him once again. "Known as the Ferocious Bull Wyvern, Banbaro's fighting style certainly earns it this title. As you've no doubt discovered by now, its main method of attack is charging with those massive and deadly horns, occasionally picking up trees or giant boulders for extra impact, as previously stated. While it doesn't often use this method of attack, its tail is massive and heavy to counterbalance the weight of those massive antlers. Speaking of the antlers, they are incredibly sturdy. With enough repeated force, they can be broken, yes, but they don't fall and crumble to pieces in the same way a Diablos' horns will. No, the most you can do is break off the sharp tips at the end, but there will still be plenty of horn left to run you down and bulldoze you, or simply crush you underneath their massive weight." Sai explained as he battled against the massive moose-like beast, text at the bottom reading "THESE are broken horns" as the horns appeared only slightly chipped at the end.

"So, wait, are they horns or antlers? I'm confused." Blake asked.

"What exactly is the difference?" Roman questioned.

"Horns are a bit of bone, but mostly keratin and both males and females have them. And they stay around permanently. Antlers are entirely made out of bone, usually only had by the males and they fall off and regrow every year." Hazel explained.

"They are antlers. Confirmed. Sai just didn't pay enough attention to what he was saying." Katana said, hiding the fact she was checking the wiki.

Then, they saw how sturdy the antlers are. "Incredible. All that punishment and it barely looks like they've been damaged. The edges simply look a little frayed." Pyrrha said in amazement.

"No wonder people make weapons and armor out of monster parts. They seem unbreakable!" Winter said in wonder.

"I don't know about that, you have to break them off the monster to get them, but yeah. Seems like a good idea." Qrow agreed.

Sai then managed to knock the mighty creature down. "Of course, everything has a weakness and Banbaro is no exception. Despite the fact the beast can enter climates of great heat such as the Wildspire Waste and even the Elder's Recess, the creature is vulnerable to fire based damage, as well as the Dragon Element, as stated earlier. And as one might guess, with all that weight on top of them, if you attack and weaken the legs and do enough damage, the creature will come toppling over on occasion. In all honesty, despite its large size and great strength for its size, it is surprisingly low on the threat level, many hunters able to deal with them relatively easily. Its sheer size is the only reason its not a meal for many other creatures and as Barioth proves, that cannot always save it." Sai explained as he finally managed to capture the beast.

"What?! Impossible! How is it only a low-level threat?!" Weiss asked.

"Yeah, it's pretty shocking. They're actually about on the same level as Dodogama, both one star for master hunters." Tekko explained.

"But don't get confused, Master Hunters aren't like super soldiers compared to regular hunters, they're just more skilled and have better gear. Technically, a rookie could handle anything a master hunter goes up against with the right gear. So, yeah. Banbaros are tough, but it's not like you have to one-shot Elder Dragons to be able to fight them." Razara added.

"It's like what he said, it's a relatively straight forward monster, simple by nature to handle, it's just that its massive size and strength are difficult to deal with, but if you stay to its side, it's basically harmless, like how Barioth dodged and tackled it." Ironwood realized.

"See that, Yang? Brute Force only gets you so far, but if someone can get around it, you're in big trouble." Summer lectured her daughter since the time was right.

"Okay, mom. I get it. I'll work on dodging more often." Yang grumbled.

"Don't worry. I'll help her with that." Neo assured the Rose matriarch.

Sai was then seen walking alongside another Banbaro. "But that is where our knowledge on this creature comes to an end. Once again, it's discovery was rather rather recent, so we've only been able to discover the information I've given up until this point. But what we do know is that this guy is pretty great. A relatively peaceful herbivore roaming where it pleases. And if it happens upon you when you're in a fight with another monster, if you keep your target between yourself and Banbaro, the Ferocious Bull Wyvern becomes a useful ally. So this is one invader I would happily run into on my hunts." He finished as he finally stopped and watched the beast peacefully roam away to wherever it pleased.

Many were pleasantly surprised by the possibility of the moose-like monster being an "ally" when fighting another monster. "That could be quite useful." Penny said.

"Well, duh. It's only a massive, super strong monster with giant antlers ramming into whatever you're hunting, probably with a giant rock or some trees." Coco pointed out.

Meanwhile, Ruby and Nora went into Chibi daydream mode. Ruby was imagining herself beside a Banbaro, the Ferocious Bull Wyvern fighting a Deviljho, toppling the World Eater and then flinging a boulder at a Wyvern Grimm, with Ruby petting it like a cow. "So amazing." She said with stars in her eyes.

"Oh, no. She's gone into fantasy mode." Cinder sighed.

Meanwhile, Nora was imagining herself riding on top of a Banbaro as it literally bulldozes over monster's, Grimm and houses, while laughing maniacally. "Yes! I am the moose queen! All shall ball before me! Because I am queen of the castle! Moose castle!" She declared.

"Ren... I'm worried about her." Jaune told his friend.

"I think we all are, Jaune." Ren agreed.

"You guys know the drill. What do you think?" Katana asked.

"I love it! It reminds me of Ceadeus, but on land! How it looks big and scary, but it's really nice and only attacks when it's provoked. And it's horns are just AWESOME!" Ruby cried out.

"Yeah, it's a total badass. How it knocked down that wall of trees was epic and throwing boulders and trees around is epic! And it goes wherever it wants, so I can get behind that." Yang agreed.

Ironwood, as usual, was thinking of how effective they'd be against Grim, but he kept that to himself for once. "Yes, they are very impressive. Also, I could imagine their fur would make excellent coats or blankets if they could be shaved and still handle the weather. But I dread to think of the devastation their antlers would do to Atlas' paladins and military land vehicles." He explained.

"I think the boulders changing from place to place is quite impressive. Imagine if we could just stick some dust crystals in a large rock and let Banbaro fling them at the Grimm? That would be quite the show." Cinder declared.

"I also agree that it's lovely to see it's a calm and free spirit. I wouldn't mind following and studying one in nature myself." Pyrrha said.

"That might actually be pretty cool. Or maybe try riding on its antlers." Emerald said with a smirk.

"That might be pushing it a little." Velvet said.

"Oh, come on, Bun-Bun. Life's no fun without a little risk." Coco said.

"I just want to lay on it's back or put my face it it's chest... As long as I get to cuddle in that fluffy fur!" Summer said in awe.

"Well, I'm glad you guys got your dose of awesome and furry, because these next two... Well, they'll be awesome, but also kind of terrifying. And Rage's reaction to them won't help much." Katana said.

"Why is that?" Neo asked.

"Well, you guys recall his fascination with tentacles?" Katana asked, to which they groaned and nodded. "Both of these next two Elder Dragons are about tentacles." She said.

Winter deadpanned at this. "... Why?" She asked.

"Why else, to see all your reactions. You know, for the lol's." Katana explained.

There was a short pause, before Yang, Ruby, Neo, Nora, Coco and Qrow all spoke up. "I can respect that." They all said.

"Thank you. Now prepare yourselves. This is one of the true monsters amongst monsters. A beast whose appetite makes Deviljho seem reasonable. The creator of the Wyvern's End... Nakarkos." Katana declared, playing the next video.
