
A/N: Hello, everyone! Before we start this chapter, we need to talk about something important: respecting authors and the choices they make for their stories. If you check the most recent reviews, you'll see that someone Jonnywoods88 was rather angry with his reviews of the last chapter. I understand that not everyone will agree with the choices I make in these stories, about pairings and who to redeem, etc. If you don't agree and don't like it, that's fine, but there is NO reason to be hostile or violent in the reviews of mine or anyone else's reactions.

If you don't like how the story's going, then don't read it or maybe make your own so you can dictate what happens, but absolutely verbally assaulting or threatening someone is not okay. Criticisms are fine, but outright insulting and, again, threatening people, is entirely uncalled for.

Also, I haven't heard back from any of the people who volunteered to do an MHA watches Monster Hunter story in a while, so I'm putting out the challenge once again: Someone have Class 1-A and, should you choose, the teachers reacting to these mighty creatures. I will give the the transcripts that are already finished, so you literally only have to do the reactions! I'd love to see what you come up with.

"Wait, Chameleos? As in a Chameleon? And Adam's monster was a giant bull... Are you just giving us animals based on our Faunus traits?" Ilia accused.

"No, she's not. Look at mine." Velvet said, pointing with her head to Quickshot, who was on her shoulder, who screeched happily.

"It may seem a bit on the nose, Ilia, but I promise you, Chameleos is the absolute perfect choice for you." Katana assured her.

"Great! Let's get it started! I can't wait!" Nora cheered.

"It does sound rather interesting. I'm hoping it lives up to that." Ren agreed.

"Oh, trust us, flower boy, this monster is one you'll never forget!" Razara declared as Katana played the episode.

"All alone in deep wood, yet a presence felt all the same. An uneasy feeling you can't explain." Rage whispered ominously, before the sound of a twig breaking could be heard as a forest cave was shown. "What was that?! A twig? A snap? A growl or whisper? Terror grips, you look around! How do you defend yourself against that which can't be found?" He questioned as a first-person POV looked from right to left, at which point something shining could be seen, the POV turning back to it. Suddenly, the angle changed, apparently now very close to something, before the creature revealed itself, but the close-up only allowing a very of the creature's pointed nose, mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth and one terrifying chameleon-like eye that looked in every direction.

Once the creature showed itself, a lot of them were rather shocked at its appearance. "Th-that's Chameleos?" Pyrrha said fearfully.

"Well, the Chameleon part is definitely apparent." Blake said, looking at the eyes, a bit disturbed.

"But since when do chameleons have razor sharp teeth and noses that look like spears?!" Jaune asked.

"They don't. But just because the name is similar, doesn't mean it is just a chameleon, children. Clearly, there is much more behind it than that." Glynda told them.

"Forget about seeing behind it! You can barely see ANY of it! It turns freaking invisible!" Roman cried out, clearly freaked out.

"Hello then, my fellow hunters and meet... Chameleos, an Elder Dragon completing a trio with Teostra and Kushala, but for some reason they aren't in the New World. He is my second-favorite Elder Dragon, but he does have the advantage of quite essentially being just a chameleon monsterized and I'm a big fan of my lizards and I kind of do plan on getting a chameleon one day." Rage explained as the beast walked through the narrow cave, taking hesitant, janky, almost comedic steps forward very similar to an actual chameleon, before during transparent and nearly-invisible once again.

For many of them, fear changed to laughter as they saw how it walked: exactly like a chameleon with its slow stalled steps. "So cute!" Velvet cried out.

"I can't take it! It's so adorable!" Winter shrieked.

"It's like it's dancing!" Ruby laughed. Neo then used her semblance and produced a boom box playing "Get Ready For This" as the Chameleos walked. [1]

"Okay, now I can't see it as anything scary!" Coco laughed.

"It's amazing how one little change can turn something from terrifying to hilarious and adorable." Adam said. Before this, while he may not have killed these humans [2], but after seeing the Marvel movies and interacting with these people, he's finally seen that not all humans are as bad as he once thought.

"I feel like it would look good next to my Bearded Dragon." Rage explained as a Bearded Dragon was seen trying to climb up the arm of a leather couch, but was unsuccessful, "Alicia understands not gravity", text beneath the lizard read as it kept sliding on the slippery material. "And my blue-tongued skink." He added as his skink was laying on the couch calmly, "Nyx is just chill", the text read before Nyx turned to the screen "And my red-foot tortoise." He continued as a tortoise was turned towards the back of the couch, "Baka thinks a sofa is food. This is why he's called Baka", the text explained as Baka tried to eat the back cushion. "And my two black and white tegus." He finished as a hand was seen pulling a small toy rubber tire away from a tegu, "Sylvie here loves killing all of the things", the text declared as Sylvie attacked the tire. "I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!" Rage insisted as another tegu as shown with the tire, "Smol, however, loves loving all of the things", the text assured as Smol was seen sniffing and cuddling with the tire.

"No, he most certainly has a problem." Weiss declared.

"Now Weiss there's nothing wrong about wanting multiple pets." Winter lectured her sister. "Especially such precious little lizards." She said quietly, silently adoring the reptiles on-screen, before Glatteis rose up and licked her face.

"I know right?! I love his skink." Ruby cooed.

"What are you talking about? His tegu lizards are the best." Nora insisted.

"Your both wrong, the bearded dragon is his coolest pet." Yang declared.

"I'm partial to the turtle, myself." Cinder admitted.

"But one thing that I DO NOT have a problem with is Chameleos. Now, he's not going for the usual grace, elegance, majestic power of his brethren Elder Dragons- Okay, look! I'll just say it: he's a bit fucking weird. But he's certainly unique! And he has a face that you don't forget!" Rage defended the beast's quirkiness, before an image of it with its mouth open and tongue lashing out was shown, along with a girl screaming.

Ruby, Jaune, Velvet, Roman and Penny screamed much like the girl in the video while almost everyone else cringed, Neo and Emerald being the only ones that didn't. "Dammit, I hate it when he does that." Blake snapped.

"He does seem have a knack for catching his audience off guard." Pyrrha agreed.

"It's so mean, scaring and leaving us in suspense all the time." Ruby pouted.

"No, it's more like he's trolling everyone. Which I can totally get behind." Neo said, giggling evilly.

"Same here." Emerald said with a smirk, the two high-fiving.

"Of course you two would. Considering you're are all about making illusions." Blake muttered.

"He is actually quite horrifying when you think about it, but I find a strange beauty in him: the purple coloring is lovely, his frilly, leaf-shaped tail for camouflage on a monster that can go invisible- I mean, way to double down, Chameleos! And the classic pair of eyes that look just alien as they rotate independently, darting, scanning the environment for threats and prey alike, allowing for a full 360 degrees of constant vigil, a hooded crest of a crown to add to his intimidation factor and otherworldliness. Complete with a natural harpoon-like horn, good for a spot of impaling. But his most prominent feature is one that every good chameleon cannot do without. Lying hidden in wait within his vicious maw, lined with needle-like teeth longer than your hand is his most deadly and signature weapon: the long, sticky tongue." Rage explained the beast's basic defenses and biology, the last bit of the sentence an echo as another Chameleos was shown in a cave, launching its tongue repeatedly at a Huntress, who struggled to avoid it, before the beast suddenly vanished.

"Well, that certainly does sound like an effective creature." Ozpin said.

"Indeed. The ability to see 360 degrees would be incredibly useful." Ironwood agreed.

"I'm almost jealous. This thing is like two times better than me already. It could see me no matter where I came from and it can actually go invisible!" Ilia said in awe.

"That just means you gotta step up your game and keep up, kid." Qrow told her.

"Able to lash out at a moment's notice with precision, briefly cresting unimaginable speeds of 2,600 meters per second as it accelerates from naught to 60 miles per hour in just one one-hundredth of a second. And just as a side note: That's normal, tiny chameleon stats. I mean, you blink-" Rage began as a clip of a small chameleon was shown as the lizard inched forward on the grass it was on, before leaning forward and shooting out its tongue to snag a bug with the sound of a gunshot. "And you miss it! It's actually quite remarkable." Rage assured the audience as the chameleon ate the bug, before everything went black.

The intellectuals and animal enthusiasts of the group (Ren, Winter, Penny, Emerald, Pyrrha, Ozpin, Glynda and Ruby ) all got excited by this scene. "So cool!" Ruby said.

"Indeed. The speed in which it can fire its tongue is incredible!" Ren agreed.

"And how it sticks to prey with only the smallest bit of contact and retracts like that is simply amazing." Pyrrha said with a smile.

"Yeah, they're like nature's ultimate snipers." Emerald said with a smile.

"Maybe not the ultimate snipers, but certainly among their greatest." Glynda agreed.

And they all fawned over the the actual clip of the chameleon. "It's so cute!" Penny said.

"It's gross and disgusting!" Weiss cried out.

"Weiss, don't make me take away your make-up kits!" Ruby said, causing Weiss to gasp in horror.

"Honestly, Weiss, the Chameleon's tongue is a marvel of nature. You need to learn to appreciate the world around you." Winter told her sister.

"Now this tongue won't be the last thing you'll ever see because, well... you won't see it. A sense of being watched and then... darkness. Never-ending darkness." Rage declared ominously, before the sound of a whip cracking was heard, everything going black for a few seconds afterwards. However it soon returned to the fight. "Now, Chameleos doesn't boast tornado-summoning, supernova-firing almost unnatural power of its fellows, but what if CAN do is GO INVISIBLE! which is not bad, right?!" Rage declared as a group of four hunters all ganged up on the Elder Dragon at once, who hardly seemed fazed by the relentless assault.

"Yeah, that is pretty epic." Coco admitted.

"That would've come in REALLY hand for some of our stealth missions." Cinder said, looking to her teammates, who nodded.

"Oh, man! I wish I could turn invisible! I'd totally snatch all the sweets from the cafeteria!" Nora declared.

"No offense Nora, but you'd still be way too noisy. Invisibility can't help with that." Yang told her.

"Well, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?" Neo asked.

"I didn't say I'd be any better." Yang admitted.

"So, it achieves this via a two-part mechanism: number one, controlling the electric current that flows through its rubbery skin that helps absorb and turn away blows and by breathing a thick, white mist in great gouts all over the battlefield, blanketing it in dread. Then, the light refracting between his skin and the mist activates, essentially a camo cloak and he disappears from sight, escaping effortlessly or appearing behind you as if teleported with incredible speed and agility for a surprise attack. It's incredibly hard to see in his mist cloud, nevermind if the target you're looking for is quite literally invisible." Rage explained as, much like he said, the creature vanished, small shimmers of light giving an idea where it is, but still not revealing the full creature. It also breathed a stream of mist, much like he said, this time vanishing completely.

"Invisibility, thick fog and poison that feels like a bit much." Velvet said fearfully.

(Who cares? He can turn invisible and make it hard to see with mist! I can do that, too, with my tornadoes. And they can actually hurt you.) Ozymandias boasted.

"Now, now, Ozy. It's not a competition." Ozpin told him.

"But if it was, Chameleos and I would win, because poison messes up your wind!" Ilia boasted.

"Chameleos would have a hard time getting through the metal skin, though." Jaune countered.

"Naturally, this makes them incredible ambush hunters, but look- I was a little disingenuous earlier. The whole leaf tail camo is because the mist that they breathe... well, the invisibility doesn't really work, so they lie in wait, incredibly still, flat against the environment for an unwary to wander by. Now, they can of course use the mist and turn the area into, well-" Rage gave a disclaimer to the ability's weakness, before a song played briefly, saying "danger zone" to match what he was talking about as a Chameleos dropped from a cave ceiling and lashed its tongue out at a Huntress. "But a lot of would be prey, hunters included have learnt that thick mist is very bad for your health." He warned as the Chameleos vanished, although its outline still visible as it charged at the hunter, preparing to bite, before vanishing again.

"You care to check your eyes there, Rage? Because that thing was vanishing and popping up all over the place with no fog to be seen anywhere." Qrow criticized.

"Some form of an outline or refraction of light could still be seen, though. So it's not true invisibility until he uses the mist." Winter analyzed.

"The mist blocks your vision and makes it harder to see the light shining off him. That's why ninjas use smoke bombs." Blake said matter-of-factly.

"It cannot be understated how utterly frightening being hunted by a Chameleos is. You could be minding your own business and then-" Rage declared as the Chameleos appeared on the roof of the cave above the Huntress, disappearing once more, before reappearing in the air, dropping down on the Huntress head-first, its mouth agape and its eyes changed two different colors, both locked onto the Huntress as prepared to eat her in one bite, accompanied by a sudden intense noise from horror movies. "OH! JEEZ- WHAT?! JESUS! AAH! CHAMELEOS! OHHH!" Rage screamed in shock.

Just about everyone jumped at this, Ruby and Yang leaping into Summer's arms and Neo leaping into Yang's, all the other normal fear couples clinging to each other. "DEAR GODS! That's even scarier then Salem when she's mad!" Cinder cried out as she dove behind the couch.

Ironwood even pulled out his guns and tried to shoot the screen, but Katana simply shot the bullets out of the air with ice kunai. "Really, James?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry. Military instincts." He apologized.

"I would call you out for shooting first, asking questions later... But I'd definitely do the same thing." Adam admitted.

"But we're not done there. There is many more tricks up Chameleos' tongue." Rage declared, before breaking down in laughter. "Tongue felt like the right choice... Sleeves are basically tongues! Goddammit!" He cursed himself as the Chameleos turned its eye to look at the Huntress, before turning to her and breathing a thick mist as it backed away, vanishing within said mist.

"I think this guy might actually be crazier than Nora." Ruby said.

"Yay! Not the craziest anymore!" Nora cheered.

"He certainly has a... different way of thinking." Penny agreed.

"But those tricks include a saliva that corrodes away armor and seeps into the skin and exhausts prey and hunters alike, the weapons becoming heavy, the will to fight being eroded as you are forced to stand there, unable to move and accept your ultimate fate. And if that's not enough, because it's not, Chameleos has one of the most potent toxins of any known monster. And not just a poisonous bite or the tongue, no! It comes out in huge clouds of gas, filling the battlefield in beautiful purple hungry for life. You essentially want to hold your breath when a Chameleos is around. It can even fan its tail to create huge gusts of wind to blow away and knock down whoever, well, it feels like, very similar to Kushala's wind armor. And he then has a series of physical attacks you might expect: impacting you with the tongue, clawing at you, charging at you, all of the good stuff made extra effective by coming out of, well... nowhere most of the time." Rage warned about its other abilities as the Chameleos demonstrated the moves he spoke of in the video.

"Oh, come on! Even our armor isn't safe!? This thing is unreal!" Jaune complained.

(Of course. You don't get to be an Elder Dragon without being at the top of the top.) Luna declared proudly while Cinder brushed her mane.

"So many different attack options... That could come at any angle... without being seen until the last possible second." Ironwood noted.

"Even I'm not sure how to handle an assault like that." Glynda said, shocked.

"You'd need someone competent with wind-based dust to blow away the mist and poison. And something to throw on it so it could still be seen if it vanished. Like paint or something." Ren theorized.

"In the future, Blake set her house on fire so I couldn't hide in the darkness. That could help, too." Ilia pointed out.

"I did WHAT?!" Blake cried out, shocked she'd do such a thing, then horrified by what her mother would do to her for such an act.

"But that's not to say you can't fight back! A strong jolt of electricity will send Chameleos' natural defenses haywire, essentially shorting them out for a time, forcing him to stay visible and therefor vulnerable. A Chameleos is an Elder Dragon embodies the whole being oh so much greater than the sum of its parts. It can direct its mist and toxins via its large webbed wings and there is a lot of individualism between Chameleos. Even by Elder Dragon standards, they are incredibly clever cookies, capable of employing tactics and analyzing the perfect way to take down what aggresses them. And even some Chameleos have a paralytic element to their tongue." Rage gave helpful tips about the Chameleos' weakness and counters to their strategies as the creature changed up its attacks on the hunters facing it, but was finally starting to be overwhelmed and knocked to its side.

"It is impressive how it takes all these weird, quirky abilities and rolls them all together to make it work." Emerald admitted.

"That's basically, my semblance in a nutshell. I'm already pretty good, but when I use my weapon and all the strengths and abilities of my friends, I almost can't lose." Velvet declared happily.

"Aww, yeah! Cause you're one bombin' bunny, Velvet!" Yang cheered.

"And that's why I love her." Coco said, pulling Velvet in and giving her a peck on the cheek.

"So, to fight a Chameleos is to deal with ALL OF the things! You have to handle the trickery! You are facing a creature that moves and acts in a way that is just a little bit unnerving, it's jittery, it's odd. You can never quite tell what it's thinking, what it's about to do. One moment it will be whipping its tongue out at you, the next billowing toxic cloud, the next disappeared and striking from behind with tooth and claw. You have to be on your toes, you need a reaction time. It is a tense, horrific dance as you prepare for whatever onslaught comes next from a myriad of natural options the Chameleos can employ." Rage said seriously as the hunters struggled to attack Chameleos, while avoiding its ambush attacks and clouds of poisonous smoke.

"So you need to keep a cool head at all times. That won't be easy looking at..." Weiss started, before she gulped and pointed to the screen. "That." She finished.

"Remember, students. Look past the thing that bothers you. Focus on what truly matters and take your opponent down." Ozpin said sagely.

"Right. At the end of the day, it's just an animal. A clever and powerful one, but still animal." Adam agreed.

"But, they are fond of one fun little tactic. You see, Chameleos the Mist Dragon... Well, he likes a little bit of devilish fun." Rage declared as intense music began to play as one of the hunters managed to mount Chameleos and attacked away at his back. "You see, when the Elder Dragons sit down to play D&D, Chameleos is always a rogue and, as such, is a bloody right little bastard of a thief! He likes to raid hunter camps, stealing any food he can find and generally just causing havoc. But more intimately in combat, he will use his sticky tongue, not only for its various deadly uses, but to rob you blind. You see, taking a hit will likely see an item of yours getting ripped from your person. Say goodbye to that Max Potion. It's really irritating, but it's also a lot of fun and gives him a lot of personality as a right little blighter!" Rage explained as a Chameleos got up from getting knocked down and beaten by hunters, knocking a few of them back with its tongue, which was wrapped around some kind of items from the hunters.

"Hmm, ya know? I think Chameleos would also be my ideal monster." Neo noted.

Kin looked offended at this. (Seriously!? I steal entire fortresses!) The golden Mantis mentally snapped.

"Oh, um... I-I didn't actually mean- what I meant was... You know I was just kidding, right? I-it was a harmless little joke, I mean come on. B-besides, sometimes the smaller thefts in life are the most important, right?" Neo quickly tried to backtrack, but the glare she was receiving clearly told her Kin wasn't buying it. "...Yeah I'll shut up now." She said, lowering her head.

"Wow, Neo. So insensitive to your partners." Roman said in mock disappointment. Neo punched him in the shoulder at this.

"And chameleons are kind of like that! They have some lovely little ticks." Rage declared as the scene suddenly shifted away from the fight.

A chameleon was then shown on a branch. "Oh, hey! You filming me? I am beautiful, let me just-" He said as he approached the screen.

"Oh, yes you are adorable, you beautiful thing!" Winter cooed at the creature.

Qrow looked to Ironwood. "Surprised you're not reprimanding her for not behaving in a proper military manner." Qrow said.

"I've learned that perhaps I've been too strict and I should loosen up a bit. Starting with the troops closest to me." Ironwood explained.

"Oh, hey! What's going on!? Hi!" A second chameleon greeted as he approached the screen far closer than the first one.

"What the hell?" The first chameleon questioned incredulously.

"Um... U-uh- what? Ohhh..." The second one wondered as he got closer to the screen.

"Steven! Steven, no!" The first one told him.

"Is that food?" Steven asked, starting to open his mouth like he would shoot his tongue out.

"Ugh..." The first chameleon groaned, visibly grumpy.

"Oh, I'm gonna- I'm gonna! Wait... No, it's not food." Steven pondered as he started to, but then stopped as he was about to launch his tongue.

"No, Steven! It's not food! Put your gross tongue away!" Weiss snapped at the chameleon.

"Oh, come on, Weiss. Quit being mean. They're cute and you know it." Blake told her.

"Indeed. I can spend the rest of our lives showing you the beauties and nature of Remnant, Weiss!" Penny said, to which Weiss groaned.

"What the hell are you doing, Steven?!" The fist chameleon declared.

"Could be food?! Ooh, I think it might be-!" Steven said excitedly, sticking out his tongue again in preparation to fire. "Actually, no. That doesn't make sense." He finally decided, stopping once more before launching his tongue.

"I want you to know that you're adopted Steven." The other chameleon declared angrily.

"Well now that's just rude." Ruby said angrily.

"Easy sis it's just a joke. Sometimes you can be as much as a sourpuss as Blake." Yang said. Blake just glared at Yang, but the blonde beauty just crossed her arms and gave a proud grin. "I'm not sorry." She declared.

"And to be fair Steven doesn't seem all that self-aware." Emerald admitted. Ruby just puffed her cheeks and went "Hmph", like Weiss usually does.

"So, the reason that Chameleos do steal the items, the reason they've learnt- think about that, right? Chameleos have learnt that taking the items off the hunters makes them so much worse at combating them because a hunter relies on his preparation. But the reason that they do it, other than weakening their would be foe, is because they know that it is frustrating and they rely on the hunter losing motivation to continue hunting them so they don't lose more of their belongings! Is that not just the purest, most incredible thing you've ever heard?! This Elder Dragon, for all its incredible arsenal, essentially goes 'Yeah, I'm just gonna make you so sick of my shit that you just turn around and go home because it's not worth it!'" Rage explained Chameleos' most rage-inducing attack and the creature's thought process, before cutting to some nefarious organization laughing evilly as a group, with Chameleos' head superimposed over the person in the middle's head. "I love it! I absolutely love it!" Rage admitted.

"Oh my god. It's literally trying to make hunters rage quit! This Elder Dragon is a complete troll! I love it." Yang laughed.

"It's so hilarious! Are you sure I can't have this one?" Summer asked.

"No way, lady! It's mine already!" Ilia shot down Summer's request hard.

"And all of this said, then, Chameleos is actually the calm little fellow: he avoids combat, retreats when he can and doesn't want a straight-up fight, which makes sense. He is not built for proper one-on-one physical combat. He is, when it comes down to it, really weak. He NEEDS all of his various little trickeries to get by, but when he does have them all... My word, you are in for one hellish experience." Rage finished as the Chameleos managed to fend off or knock back all the hunters fighting it, clearing some distance before jumping away, flying off high above the hunters.

"So, thoughts?" Katana asked.

"That is the coolest monster ever! Changing color so it can't be seen is already cool enough, but it turns completely invisible AND it can put down a mist, so it's even harder to see! I might not even have to change color to be hidden! It's perfect!" Ilia said.

"And I totally love how much of a troll it is!" Yang laughed.

"Plus, I always have to show respect to a fellow thief." Neo stated.

"Certainly, it's one of the most fascinating monsters we've seen so far." Glynda agreed.

"I still wish it could be mine." Summer said wishfully.

Ruby then became curious about something, looking to the older Schnee sister. "Excuse me Winter, I was just wondering. With how much you like reptiles, which lizard would you love to have as a pet?" She asked.

"Hmm... That's a good question. There are so many different kinds and varieties, I don't know if I could settle for one." Winter pondered her answer.

"Careful Schnee, otherwise you might become one of those crazy cat ladies. Only with reptiles." Qrow warned with a smirk.

Ruby and Yang snickered at this. "Of course, the poor things might freeze to death. What with their owner being an Ice Queen." Cinder declared with a smirk of her own.

Ruby, Yang, Neo, Emerald, Coco and Nora burst out laughing. "I love this new Cinder who can actually make jokes!" Nora said.

"Alright, so that means it's my turn now, right? So, what am I getting?" Roman demanded impatiently.

"Well, the next video features two monsters. As to which one you get... I'm not gonna tell you until after we see it. But get ready to meet the family of Yian Kut-Ku and Yian Garuga." Katana declared.

A/N: Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!

[1] If you got the reference, go get yourself a cookie.

[2] Remember, this is pre-character short Adam, before he killed anyone.
