The Spark

Later that night in the lair, the turtles, Sunset, and Master Splinter were all in their rooms sleeping. They are all sleeping peacefully except one and that person is Sunset. She was having a nightmare about her demon self when she stole Princess Twilight crown and she was about to hurt her. Then all of a sudden, Sunset started to toss and turn about her nightmare. In her nightmare, she was tied up looking really hurt, and right in front of her is her demon self smirking evilly and then she was about to shot her and killed her.

"No get away from me." Said Sunset in her sleep." Stop. . . No. . . NO. . . AAAHHH!"

Then Sunset scream and got up from her bed. Apparently Raph was the only one who heard it and then he started to burst inside her and took out his weapons.

"What is it Sunset? What's wrong, did someone break in the lair? WHERE ARE THEY?" Asked Raph as he growls a bit.

"Nothings wrong Raph, it was just a bad dream." Said Sunset as she calms down.

"Oh, sorry Sunset." Said Raph as he puts his weapons away." When I heard you screaming I thought you were in danger but I was wrong I'll leave you alone now."

"Wait!" Said Sunset as she grabs Raph's arm." Can you please stay here? I'm too afraid to go to sleep."

"Oh okay." Said Raph as he sit next to Sunset." So your nightmare, what was it about?"

"Well my nightmare is about my demon form and she was about to take control of me but then she almost tried to destroy me." Said Sunset as she has tears coming down to her eyes." I keep having this nightmare everyday and every night and they just don't seem to go away."

Raph was really starting to feel bad for Sunset, he knows that her dark past is really bad but he didn't know that it was that bad. Then all of a sudden, he started to get an idea that might help Sunset Shimmer calm down.

"Hey Sunset, why don't I take you somewhere special where I needed to go when I need to calm down." Said Raph as he grabs Sunset's hand.

"Wait you mean now in pajamas, don't I need to change first?" Asked Sunset.

"Eh no you don't and besides you look kinda nice." Said Raph as he smiles.

That causes Sunset to blush red but then got out of her bed. Then Raph ask Sunset to close her eyes and then carried her bridal style. Then Raph started to leave the sewers and they arrived at a rooftop, and Raph started to set Sunset down and sit next to her.

"Okay you can open your eyes now Sunset." Said Raph as he smiles

And then Sunset have started to open her eyes and then she gasp. She realized that she's at a rooftop but what got her really shock is that she look up and see so many beautiful stars.

"Oh Raph, what is this place?" Asked Sunset still in shock.

"This has always been my favorite spot of the roofs whenever I get a nightmare or that I needed to calm down." Said Raph." What do you think?"

"Oh Raph it's so beautiful, I never knew that the stars can be so bright tonight." Said Sunset." They are so beautiful."

"Indeed you are." Said Raph a little dreamy.

"What?" Asked Sunset and Raph started to stammer a bit.

"I mean the stars, beautiful kinda like you, and your eyes. . ." Said Raph and then he started to stare at Sunsets eyes that started to sparkle." Wow what do you know your eyes do sparkle like the stars.

"I really like the stars, and you can see the star constellations." Said Sunset as she smiles.

"Yeah, but did you know that you can make your own star constellation by trace each part of the stars?" Said Raph.

"No I didn't know that Raph." Say Sunset." In fact I didn't know that you could make your own constellation."

"Here let me show you, you trace that to those other stars." Said Raph as he points the star he saw and started to trace it." Then you trace those stars to those ones and it kinda looks like sun like the one on your pajama."

Sunset took a good look at it and realized that Raph was right, the star constellation looks a lot like the sun on her pajama.

"Wow Raph, your right." Said Sunset as she smiles.

"You know, that constellation is so pretty that I wanted to name it Sunset Daylight major." Said Raph and that got Sunset o blush really red.

"You will name a constellation after me?" Asked Sunset still blushing.

"Yeah, besides it's really perfect for you." Said Raph and Sunset started to smile." Um Sunset can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it Raph?" Asked Sunseg.

"Do you love me?" Said Raph and that got Sunset to get really shock.

"Oh. . . Uh." Sunset tried to find an answer but she couldn't.

"Oh what am I saying?" Said Raph as he was blushing really red at what he said." Sorry Sunset, I guess I'm not supposed to ask that question."

"Oh no, it's just that I'm not sure if I love, but I like to be your friend Raph." Said Sunset as she hold Raph's hand.

"A friend?" Said Raph as he blush and Sunset nodded." Thank you Sunset."

"Your welcome Raph." Said Sunset.

Then she yawn and so did Raph.

"Man I'm tired are you Sunset?" Asked Raph.

But then he felt something on his chest he look and saw Sunset is  sleeping already at his chest and Raph felt her and she was soft. He smile and he wrap his arms around her and he went to sleep.

"Good night Sunset Shimmer." Said Raph as he wrap his arms around her.

'Man she so beautiful when she is smiling, she is even beautiful when she is sleeping.' Thought Rob as he smiles.' Man I think that I'm might be falling in loving with Sunset Shimmer.'

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon
