Asking Sunset Out On A Date

The next day at the lair, Sunset Shimmer was at the pit sitting at the couch and then she started to grab her journal that she have gotten from Princess Celestia when she was her student before she became the mean girl and left Equestria. Then she started to write to her best friend Princess Twilight Sparkle from Equestria about how was her life been since she went to New York City.

Dear Princess Twilight,
Sorry I haven't been able to write to you lately, things have been really weird lately since I move here to New York to learn more about the strange magic I can sense. Anyway, ever since I came here, I started to make new friends like the turtles I told you about, Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey. And guess what, I have started to earns new magical ability, every time I touch someone, I can see and feel things at what people are thinking. But I'm also very concern on how did I ever earn this magical ability? And I'm not sure I might know the answer to it.

"Sunset, are you in here?" Said a voice close by, and that is also known as Raph.

"Raph?" Said Sunset as she hears his voice.

Gotta go now princess, Raph is here so I'll write you later when I have the time.
Your friend,
Sunset Shimmer

Then after she finished writing her letter, Sunset have started to close her book and then she have started to look at Raph when he have got to her.

"Hey Raph." Said Sunset as she smiles at him.

"Hey Sunset, what was that book you were writing in when I saw you?" Asked Raph as he sit next to her.

"This book was given to me by Princess Celestia." Said Sunset as she held the book close to her." I had it with me when I was Princess Celestia student and before I become the mean girl and came here."

"I see, I bet that Princess Celestia is one great teacher you ever have." Said Raph as he looks at Sunset.

"Yes she was, I just wished I wasn't so desperate for power I could've appreciated being her student more." Sunset sighed.

Then Raph laid a hand on her shoulder and then Sunset have started to look at him.

"I'm so sorry Sunset, but my master always told me, you cannot change what has happened, my dear. But you can always make tomorrow a better day for yourself and others." Said Raph as he smiles at her.

Sunset smiled feeling as if she was with Celestia like old times.

"Thank you, Raph you have always know how to make me happy." Said Sunset as she smiles.

Then the two love birds have stay quiet for few minutes not saying a word to each other and blushing till Sunset have started to break the silence and started to talks to Raph.

"So Raph, is there something you need to talk about?" Asked Sunset Shimmer as she looks at him.

"Well I was kinda looking for you and when I saw you sitting at the couch, I wanted to ask you something." Said Raph and that causes Sunset to blush." Would you like to go out with me tonight?"

Then all of a sudden, that causes Sunset Shimmer to blush really red. The turtle she have started to fall in love with have actually ask her out in a date, then all of a sudden she have started to smile a bit.

"You mean like...outside the lair and somewhere special?" Asked Sunset.

"Well, I understand if you're not up for it..." Said Raph till Sunset speaks up.

"No! That would be wonderful. I will love to go out with you Raph." Said Sunset as smiles at him.

"REALLY?!" Said Raph in excitement then all of a sudden he started to blush in embarrassment at the way he just speak up." I mean... Ahem, okay I will pick you must at 7:00."

"Okay, see you then." Said Sunset.

Then Sunset Shimmer have started to go to her room to pick out a outfit for her and Raph's date at 7:00 which mean it's 2:00 and she have 5 hours to get prepared. Then as she left, Raph have started to panic, he have just ask the girl he is starting to fall in love with out on a date and he really has no idea what to do so he went to the kitchen and when he got there he saw Leo, April, and Mikey trying to break up a fight between Donnie and Casey.

"Okay you two enough, it was just a video game, there is no need to fight over it." Said April.

"Oh yeah well tell that to Casey, he wouldn't stop bragging over it and it started to get on my nerves." Said Donnie as he is getting a bit angry.

"That's right Donnie, cause Casey Jones here is the best at video games than you and I can beat you in any video games." Said Casey as he brag again.

Then Mikey have started to see Raph and started to smile when he see's his brother.

"Hey Raph, watches doing?" Asked Mikey and that got the others to look at him as well.

"Um you guys, I think I just made the biggest mistake I have ever done before." Said Raph a bit nervous.

"Okay Raph, what did you do, did you blow your temper again or did you disobey an order from Master Splinter?" Asked Leo.

"No nothing like that at all." Said Raph and that got the others to get really confused.

"Then what is it then Raph?" Asked Casey." Is it something bad?"

"No Casey, is not something bad at all." Said Raph.

"Then what is it bro?" Asked Donnie.

"Well, I saw Sunset Shimmer at the pit and then I just ask her out on a. . . On a. . ." Raph tried to say it but got nervous and then he started to speak again." On a date."

That got the others to get really surprised. Raphael, the muscles and hot head of the team, just ask a girl out on a date.

"That's it Raph, what's the problem of asking Sunset Shimmer out on a date?" Asked Leo.

"The problem is that I don't know anything to do on our date and now I'm officially freaking out right now." Said Raph as he started to freak." And I don't know what place we should go since I'm a mutant turtle, so I think I'm starting to just cancel our date."

"What?! No you big scary cat, you can't just cancel your date." Said April." Canceling your date can cause Sunset Shimmer to be heartbroken.

"Oh right." Said Raph as he understand what April mean." But the only problem is that I just don't know what to do on our first date and I don't know what kinda special place we should go. Well you know I can't be seen by human."

"Well Raph, I think I know a place you can set your date with Sunset Shimmer." Said Casey and Raph look at him." You see, April and I heard that there was a gazebo at the park but was well hidden, it use to be a place where teenagers use to go in their dates but they stop coming there."

Then that got Raph to get really happy and relieved that he has great friends to help.

"And we think we have the perfect idea for your first date Raph." Said Leo as he, Donnie, and Mikey smile at him." Besides you're our brother and we really wanted to help you."

Then Raph started to relax that his family and friends are there to help him. Then they all have started to plan Raph's date with Sunset and making sure that it's perfect, and as they get to work Raph have soon will realize that this will turn out to be the greatest date that he and Sunset Shimmer will have.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon
