Bet On It

The next morning at the rooftops, Raph have started to woke up and yawn as he tried to open his eyes. He was really sleepy and almost felt like he almost didn't get a goodnight sleep.

"Oh what a night, Sunset and me looking at stars and everything." Said Raph as he yawn a bit.

When Raph woke up, Sunset was still asleep and he was shock to see her still sleeping in his arms.

'What the, when on earth did Sunset get here and how did we get up here." Raph thought till he remembered last night.' Oh right I forgot, we were star gazing. Wow she is so beautiful when she is sleeping.'

Then Raph started to have a fantasy of himself at his own wedding and Sunset comes out in a beautiful white dress. She would look so radiant. Then after their wedding they will have a daughter in the future.

Sunset started to stirred as she started waking up. Raph retracted his hand and shut his eyes. Then he open his eyes and see that she just yawn a little and is about to open her eyes.

"Good morning!" Said Raph and Sunset let out a little shriek."Did you sleep well, Sunset?"

"Yes I did and I guess I have no nightmares." Said Sunset as she looks around." Um, how did we get up here?"

"We were kinda star gazing and you fell asleep." Said Raph as he smiles.

"Oh I guess we were. Well we better get back to the lair and I really need to change." Said Sunset as she looks to see she is still in her pajamas.

So Raph and Sunset have both started to go back to the lair. Then after a few minutes, Raph have to explain his brothers and Master where he and Sunset are and then he started to get shock when they understand, Raph thought that his Master would punish him. But then he let it go and then started to train with his brothers. Meanwhile at Sunsets room, she was sitting at her bed all change and then she starts to think about last night with Raph.

"Oh man, last night was really magical with Raph." Said Sunset as she blush." Man he is so handsome, strong, and is always there for his brothers. OMG I think I am developing feelings for Raph, but does he feel the same way about me?"

Meanwhile at the rooftops, Raph was outside getting some fresh air after his training with his brothers and Master. Once he was at the rooftops, he was starting to think about Sunset Shimmer.

"Oh man, it's been weeks since I save Sunset from the Purple Dragons and we just become friends." Said Raph as he smiles." Man she is so perfect and really beautiful, and she is also a magical unicorn from another world."

Then as he kept on thinking of Sunset Shimmer, he realized that his heart is telling him is that he is started to fall in love with her, but then his head kept on telling him that he still have feelings for Mona Lisa and kept on telling him to choose between Sunset Shimmer or Mona Lisa.

"I love Sunset with my heart, but my head kept on telling me that I still have a bit of feelings for Mona Lisa. Ugh, it's like I can't choose between both of the girls I fell in love." Said Raph as he puts his hand on his head." It's like a bet on me and I have to choose between the 2 girls I love."

Then all of a sudden, as Raph said that, music have started to play and then Raph have began to sing.

Raph: Everybody's always talking at me
Everybody's trying to get in my head
I wanna listen to my own heart talking
I need to count on myself instead

Then as Raph kept on singing, he is started to hear some voice singing with him.

Did you ever?

Raph: Loose yourself to get what you want

Did you ever?

Raph:Get on a ride and wanna get off

Did you ever?

Raph: Push away the ones you should've held close
Did you ever let go?
Did you ever not know?

Raph: I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am
I'll give it all I got, that is my plan
Will I find what I lost?
You know you can
Bet on it, bet on it
Bet on it, bet on it

Bet on me

Raph: I wanna make it right, that is the way
To turn my life around, today is the day
Am I the type of guy who means what I say?
Bet on it, bet on it
Bet on it, bet on it

Raph: How will I know if there's a path worth taking?
Should I question every move I make?
With all I've lost my heart is breaking
I don't wanna make the same mistake

Did you ever?

Raph: Doubt your dream will ever come true

Did you ever?

Raph: Blame the world and never blame you

I will never

Raph: Try to live a lie again
I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way

Raph: I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am

Who I am

Raph: I'll give it all I got, that is my plan

That's my plan

Raph: Will I find what I lost?
You know you can

You know you can

Raph: Bet on it, bet on it
Bet on it, bet on it

Raph: I wanna make it right, that is the way
To turn my life around, today is the day
Am I the type of guy who means what I say
Bet on it, bet on it
Bet on it, bet on it

Raph: Oh, Hold up
Give me room to think
Bring it on down
Gotta work on my swing
Gotta do my own thing
Hold up

Then as Raph saw a puddle at the bottom of him and he looks at his reflection while he is singing.

Raph: It's no good at all
To see yourself and not recognize your face
Out on my own, it's such a scary place
The answers are all inside of me
All I gotta do is believe

Then as Raph made a fist, he started to splash the puddle with his puddle and then started to get up and kept on singing.

Raph: I'm not gonna stop
Not gonna stop 'til I get my shot
That's who I am, that is my plan
Will I end up on top?
You can bet on it, bet on it
Bet on it, bet on it
You can bet on it, bet on it
Bet on it, bet on it

Then Raph kept on jumping on each rooftop while he kept on singing his song.

Raph: I wanna make it right, that is the way
To turn my life around, today is the day
Am I the type of guy who means what I say
Bet on it, bet on it
Bet on it, bet on it

Then all of a sudden, he stop at one rooftop of a building and started to finish singing.

Raph: You can bet on me

As Raph finished his song, he have started to look at the sun setting down for the night and he admire at the sun because it has reminded him of Sunset Shimmer and then something came to his head.

"Maybe I should follow my heart, I moved on from Mona Lisa when she betray me, and have started to realize that I have fallen in love with Sunset Shimmer." Said Raph as he smile at the sunset." I should tell Sunset how I feel but the only thing is that I need to know how to tell Sunset Shimmer how I feel about her."

Then as the sun disappeared, Raph have realized that he had to get back home. As he goes back to the lair, he have realized that his heart is telling him that he is in love with Sunset and that he should tell her how he feels about her.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon

The song "Bet On It" is from the movie "High School Musical 2"
