Sunset's New Magic

The next day at the lair, Sunset Shimmer was at the pit sitting at the couch writing at her journal to Princess Twilight and as she was writing, she began to realize that Raph has been very quiet for the past few weeks and he has been really sad lately.

'I wonder how's Raph doing, he hasn't been talking much lately for the past few weeks and he's been really upset lately.' Thought Sunset as she puts her journal away.

Then Chompy have started to crawl on to her shoulder and when Sunset see's him, she picked him up and started to pet him at his head and Chompy started like it. Then Leo started to come into the pit.

"Hey Sunset." Said Leo.

"Oh hey Leo, what's up?" Asked Sunset as she looks at Leo.

"Well its Raph, he's been in his room all day, he hasn't been with us at training today or hasn't eaten anything today and were all getting really worried about him." Said Leo as he began to feel really worried." And since you are so close to Raph maybe you can see what's wrong with him."

Then Sunset started to think and realized that Leo is right, she and Raph have been really close for the past few weeks and she help Raph controlling his temper.

"Okay Leo, maybe I can figure out what's wrong with Raph." Said Sunset Shimmer.

Then Sunset started to put Chompy down at the couch and then started to head to Raph's room. As she have arrived at Raph's room, she started to hear Raph sob a bit and now she have started to get really worried and then she have started to knock on the door gently.

"Hey Raph, its Sunset Shimmer may I please come in?" Asked Sunset gently.

"Sure come in." Said Raph a little weakly.

Then Sunset started to open the door and once she's inside of Raph's room, she saw that Raph is sitting at his bed with his knees and arms covering his face, then Sunset have started to go to him and sit next to him.

"Hey Raph are you okay, Leo says that you have been in your room all day and you haven't come out." Said Sunset Shimmer." Is everything okay?"

Then Raph started to look at Sunset and when Sunset look at him, his eyes were a bit red and his mask has been wet from the tears he had and now Sunset is really concern about him.

"Um Sunset, I like to ask you something?" Asked Raph a bit weak." Do you believe in love?"

That got Sunset Shimmer really confused that Raph ask her that to her.

"I don't know, why are you asking me that Raph? Asked Sunset Shimmer.

"Well you see. . . I just. . . Oh man!" Said Raph as he put his hand over his face.

"Raph please tell me, I really want to help you and I can't help you if you don't tell me." Said Sunset Shimmer as she touch his arm.

Then all of a sudden, as soon as Sunset have touched Raph's arm, her eyes have started to turn white and then she have started to see Raph's past.

Sunset's vision

In Sunset's vision, she saw that Raph, his brothers, and Casey are inside a castle and then as the lights have turn they have started to hear evil laugh and then she have started turn to see an insect alien sitting at a throne.

"Lord Dregg," Leo says, narrowing his eyes.

"Finally, the Turtle aliens and their little ice friend are mine," Lord Dregg says.

"You mean ours, Dregg. Don't you cut old Armaggon out of the deal," said a alien shark name Armaggon appears.

"You did well, Y'Gythba. Lord Dregg says.

Then a alien lizard appear next to the alien shark looking really sad and then Raph have started to get really heartbroken.

"Mona? How could you?" Raph asks in shock while Lord Dregg laughs.

"Fools! You fell right into my trap," Dregg tells us.

"Mona, why did you betray us? Why did you betray me?" Raph asks sadly, sinking down to his knees.

End of Sunset's vision

Then all of a sudden, Sunset's eyes have started to go back to normal and Raph started to look at her with a worried face.

"Oh my god, Sunset are you okay?" Asked Raph then Sunset have started to look at him.

"Raph, are you really sad because someone you really care about betray you?" Asked Sunset Shimmer.

The Raph have started to get really confused on how did Sunset know that.

"How'd you know what I was thinking?" Asked Raph.

"When I touched your hand, I could see things. I could understand why you are upset," Sunset suddenly gasped, "My new magic...! This is my new magic! This is incredible!"

Then Raph started to get really happy that Sunset have a new magical ability but then Sunset started to turn to Raph.

"Raph is there something you didn't tell me about why are you sad?" Asked Sunset.

Then Raph started to sight and then he started to tell Sunset that during his space adventure looking for the black hole pieces, he use to have a girlfriend name Mona Lisa he wants to call her and he really care about her but then one day she have betray him and broke his heart and they have to breakup. After Raph told him, Sunset was really shock and felt really bad for Raph.

"Oh Raph I'm so sorry that Mona Lisa have did that to you." Said Sunset Shimmer." You must've been really heartbroken."

"Yeah, I can't believe that Mona will betray like that, I trusted her and she broke my heart." Said Raph as he still has tears coming down his eyes.

Then Sunset started to have an idea to help cheer up Raph.

"Listen Raph, I might not know this Mona Lisa but I want to let you know that I will never betray you or break your heart." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles at Raph.

"Really Sunset?" Asked Raph.

"Yes because I'll be always right here with you Raph." Said Sunset.

Then as soon as Sunset said that, music have began to play and she have began to sing.

Sunset Shimmer: I'll be right here where you need me
Anytime just keep believin'
And I'll be right here
If you ever need a friend
Someone to care and understand
I'll be right here
All you have to do is call my name
No matter how close or far away
Ask me once and I'll come, I'll come runnin'
And when I can't be with you dream me near
Keep me in your heart and I'll appear
All you gotta do is turn around
Close your eyes, look inside
I'm right here
Isn't it great that you know that
I'm ready to go wherever you're at
Anywhere I'll be there
All you have to do is call my name
No matter how close or far away
Ask me once and I'll come, I'll come runnin'
And when I can't be with you dream me near
Keep me in your heart and I'll appear
All you gotta do is turn around
Close your eyes, look inside
I'm right here
Whenever you need me
There's no need to worry
You know that I'm gonna be
Right here!
Ask me once and I'll come, I'll come runnin'
And when I can't be with you dream me near
Keep me in your heart and I'll appear
All you gotta do is turn around
Close your eyes, look inside
I'm right here, oh yeah yeah, I'm right here

Then after Sunset have finished her song, she looks at Raph and saw that he is starting to feel a lot better.

"Wow Sunset that was really great song." Said Raph as he smiles.

"Thanks Raph, and remembered this I will always be right here for you if you are sad or alone." Said Sunset as she smiles.

Then Sunset started to hug Raph and Raph hug her back and realized that she must be the right girl for him and try to figure out how to tell her how he feels.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon

The song "Right Here" is from Miley Cyrus
