Please Wake Up

Meanwhile at the Lair, the turtles minus Raph, April, and Casey have finished telling Karai and Shinigami about what happen between Raph and Mona Lisa. After they were all finished, Karai and Shinigami are both shock and look really sorry for Raph that he got his heart broken from the girl he used to fall in love with.

"And that's what happen between Raph and his ex girlfriend Mona Lisa." Said Leo as he finished telling about Mona Lisa." Yeah and Raph hasn't been happy ever since Mona Lisa betray him and lured us to one of Lord Dreggs traps."

"Oh dear, I felt so horrible for Raph." Said Shinigami.

"Yeah, me too do you think that maybe Raph will drop Mona Lisa and be happy again?" Asked Karai as she's worried about her brother.

"We just don't yet." Said Mikey as he began to feel bad for his brothers." To tell you a the truth, I never really Mona Lisa before and I knew she's wrong for Raph. Sometimes I wish that Raph would find the right girl here at earth and maybe she won't break his heart."

The others started to look at Mikey with shock. Then Leo started to hug Mikey to confer him. Then all of a sudden Donnie started to hear someone calling out his name.

"DONNIE DONNIE!" Shouted someone and that someone is none other than Raph.

"Guys that's Raph." Said Donnie.

Then the turtles, April, Karai, Shinigami, and Casey all started to get up and started to see where Raph is but Raph just got to entrance and what really shock the others is that they saw Sunset Shimmer in his arms and looking really injured.

"Raph, what happen and why did you bring a girl in our lair when you know we were not supposed to be seen by humans?" Said Leo calmly but in a stern voice.

"Long story short, the Purple Dragons have ambushed her and I save her and then they started to shoot her and now she's bleeding bad." Said Raph as he started to look at Sunset.

"Okay then, Donnie you try to heal the girl, I'll inform Master Splinter about this." Said Leo.

So Donnie, Raph and the others started to take Sunset into Donnie's lab and started to heal her. Donnie started to take the bullet out of Sunset's shoulder and then he started to wrap her shoulder and then he started to lay Sunset into a bed and started to put the covers on her.

"Well how is she feeling Donnie?" Asked Raph as he started to get really worried about Sunset and hoping she's okay.

"Well it was a good thing that you have brought her here Raph, because if you didn't bring her in time she could've died." Said Donnie as he explains." Her shoulder is alright and it will take weeks for it to heal and she going to be alright and probably wake up tomorrow."

Then Raph started to sight in relief because he thought that Sunset will die. Then Mikey started to get close to Sunset and started to look at her really carefully.

"Hey Raph you know what, this girl is really beautiful and she looks like an angel." Said Mikey as he started to smile at Sunsets beauty.

Then Raph started to look at Sunset and knew that Mikey is right. She is really beautiful to him in fact she like an angel that Raph has never seen before.

'Mikey is right, she is the most beautiful girl have ever seen.' Thought Raph as he stroke her hair gently.' And she is like an angel that comes down from the sky.'

Then Leo started to enter Donnie's lab with Master Splinter. As they both enter, Donnie started to explain that Sunset is going to be okay and then Master Splinter started to look at Raph.

"Raphael, Leonardo has told me that you have been seen by a human and you save her from the Purple Dragons." Said Master Splinter as he started to look at Sunset Shimmer then back to Raph." Is that true my son?"

"Yes Sensei, I know you said that we were not supposed to be seen by humans but I have to rescue her from the Purple Dragons." Said Raph as he starts to explain." They were about to do something horrible to her and I have to rescue her, so please don't be mad."

"I'm not angry my son." Said Master Splinter." I'm disappointed that you have been seen by a human when you know your not supposed to, but I'm happy that you to help the girl out when she is in danger. But of course your punishment for being seen by a human is that you will do extra training for 3 hours tomorrow."

"I understand Sensei." Said Raph as he accepted his father's punishment.

That got Leo, Donnie, and Mikey really shock. Raph has never been cool that Master Splinter has to give him a punishment, but ever since he save the girl he started to change.

'Wow, now that is just weird Raph has never been cool when Master Splinter gives him a punishment.' Thought Mikey and then he started to look Sunset then back at Raph then he starts to smile.' Maybe this girl could help Raph be happy again and maybe he will forget about Mona Lisa.'

"Well it's getting really late, Shinigami and I are heading back to our lair." Said Karai as she and Shinigami are both started to leave.

"Be safe my daughter." Said Master Splinter then Karai nodded her head and she and Shinigami have left.

"Well it's getting really late." Said Leo as he looks at the clock and seeing what times is." We should all go to sleep right now."

"Master Splinter, is it okay that I could sleep here tonight?" Asked Raph and that got Master Splinter a little surprised.

"Alright my son." Said Master Splinter.

So the turtles minus Raph, Master Splinter, April, and Casey all started to leave the lab leaving Raph and Sunset Shimmer all alone. As they all left, Raph started to look at Sunset and then he started to strike her hair really gently and started to look at her face.

"Please be okay, I just felt so guilty that you got shot by the Purple Dragons because you have to save me." Said Raph as he gently started to sit down." Please be okay and please wake up."

Then all of a sudden, Raph have started to do something he had never expected to do. He started to lean at Sunset Shimmer and then he kissed her at the forehead and then he started to fell asleep.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon
