Story Telling

Sunset Shimmer have follow Master Splinter to the dojo to listen his story on how he have become a mutant rat. As they all enter the dojo, Sunset have started to sit down at the middle of the dojo, the turtles started to sit at at one side of the the dojo, and Master Splinter have started to sit and he was in front of Sunset Shimmer. As they were all sit down at the dojo, Master Splinter have started to take a deep breath and started to tell his story to Sunset Shimmer.

Master Splinter: Many years ago I used to be a human myself. My real name was Hamato Yoshi. I was the head of my ninja clan that is called the Hamato Clan. I work the art of ninjutsu along with my best friend, Oroko Saki. My father found him when he was just a baby, so he give him shelter and we were raised as brother's and rivals too. But that rivalry has soon turn bitter when we both fall in love with the same women, Tang Shen. Eventually, Tang Shen choose me and we got married and have a beautiful daughter name Miwa. But then, one night Oroko Saki have broken into our home and we fight and he was about to strike me but he strike my wife instead. Then a fire started and I was the one who survived but my wife died and my daughter too.

"Oh my god, that's so horrible." Said Sunset Shimmer as a single tear came down her eye."You poor man, it must be so horrible for you, to lose your wife and that your daughter has to be taken away from your own best friend."

Master Splinter did his best not to let out his sadness and then he continued his story.

Master Splinter: After that, I escaped and came here to New York to start a new life. Then one day, I was coming out of the pet store with 4 baby turtles.

"That was us." Said Mikey as he hugged his brother's.

"Mikey!" Shouted Raph, Leo, and Donnie because Mikey spoil the story and then Sunset started to giggled at Mikey's reaction, and Master Splinter shook his head but continued his story.

Master Splinter: Then I bump into a strange man and I follow him then their were more so I fought them off but then they spill some green stuff that is called mutagen that transformed me into some kind of animal.

"A rat?" Said Sunset Shimmer as she takes a guess.

Master Splinter: That's right, and it turn my sons into human size turtles and so we hid here at the sewers and I raised my son and trained them ninjutsu for 15 years.

"Wow that was an amazing story Master Splinter." Said Sunset Shimmer as she was amazed by Master Splinters story." But I also feel really bad that you have lost you wife and that your daughter has to be taken away from you."

"Yeah I get really sappy when I first heard that story, it kinda made me really cry." Said Raph.

"Say Sunset Shimmer, since Master Splinter tell you his story, why don't you tell us about yourself." Said Mikey and that got Sunset to be a little sad.

"Miss Sunset, I sense that you have something that is bothering you." Said Master Splinter.

"Huh oh uh well, well it's about my past and I don't really like to talk about but since you told me you story I think it's best that I should tell you all." Said Sunset Shimmer and the Master Splinter and the turtles started to be quiet and then Sunset Shimmer started to tell them her story.

Sunset Shimmer: You see, believe it of not I come from another world called Equestria. A magical land where unicorns, earth ponies, and pegasus live in peace and harmony. I was once a student of my mentor Princess Celestia the ruler of Equestria. I have always study from Princess Celestia and learn so much under her wing. But when I did not get what I want as quickly as I like I kinda took cruel and dishonest and escaped to this world and started to cause a lot of trouble.

That got the turtles to get really shock of what they are hearing. Sunset Shimmer did something really horrible at her past and then she causes so much trouble. Then Sunset Shimmer Shimmer took a deep breath and continued her story.

Sunset Shimmer: Then one day, I came back to Equestria once. But I only went back there to steal a crown from Princess Celestia's new student, Princess Twilight. Or should I say Princess Twilight.

"Wait, you steal a crown from a princess, dude that kinda a little messed up." Said Mikey as he was a little shock.

Sunset Shimmer: I know, I thought that if I had her crown, I would have so much power than I ever imagine. But when I put it on. . . I turned into a raging she demon and tried to form my own little teenage army to take over Equestria. But of course with the help of her new friends Twilight able to defeat me and showed me the most important thing about magic that I didn't know.

"And what kind of magic was it Sunset Shimmer?" Asked Donnie.

Sunset Shimmer: The Magic of Friendship. Once I was defeated, I started to regret everything I did, then Princess Twilight started to give me a second chance to learn about the Magic of Friendship and redeem myself. And I started to change but I still feel really awful because the truth is that all I ever done since being here is drive everyone apart and I don't know the first thing about Friendship.

Then after Sunset Shimmer finished her story, she started to form tears in her eyes. Raph started to feel bad for Sunset because he know that Sunset didn't mean to do anything so horrible. Then all of a sudden, Raph started to do something that no ever seen him doing, he started to go to Sunset and hugs her which really shocks her.

"It's okay Sunset Shimmer you didn't mean to make those horrible things back at your past and that you change to redeem everything you done." Said Raph as he started to wipe Sunsets tears.

"Raphael is right Sunset Shimmer, you can't not change your past but you can be able to make a better future to make up the mistakes you did." Said Master Splinter in a very clear voice.

"Yeah, and we are your new friends now Sunset Shimmer." Said Mikey as he, Leo, and Donnie started to smile at Sunset and she began to smile.

"Thank you guys for understanding me and that you are giving me a chance." Said Sunset Shimmer as she's still smiling.

Then the turtles and Sunset have all started to talk and as they were all talking, Raph started to look at Sunset and all of a sudden he started to blush and then he started to feel something he never felt when he have first met Mona Lisa: he started to fall in love with Sunset Shimmer but doesn't know how to express his feelings to her.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon
