The Gift

It's been weeks since Raph save Sunset Shimmer from the Purple Dragons and then he have started to get really close to her then ever without Mona Lisa. Then he started to think that maybe he should do something really nice to Sunset Shimmer since she has been at the lair for a few weeks but he just doesn't know what he should do. Then as Raph was thinking he didn't hear or see his little brother Mikey coming to him.

"Hey Raph." Said Mikey and Raph jump a bit.

"Mikey don't do that again, you almost give me a heart attack!" Said Raph as he holds his hand to his chest.

"Oh sorry I was just walking by and then I saw you thinking about something." Said Mikey." Are you still thinking about Sunset Shimmer?"

"Uh well yeah, apparently she was always nice to me and well I'm trying to think of a perfect gift I want to give her but I just don't know what to give her." Said Raph as he feels upset.

"Hey I got an idea for the perfect gift you should give her." Said Mikey.

Then Mikey started to lean to Raph and whisper to him on what gift that Raph should give to Sunset. Then after he explained his gift plan, apparently that got Raph to be really shock.

"Wait a minute, Mikey are you sure that is a great idea for a gift and where did you even get those supplies and decor for it?" Asked Raph in confusion.

"I had a little help with April and Casey and do you really want Sunset Shimmer to sleep in the couch?" Asked Mikey." Lets face it she needs to be comfortable."

Then Raph knew that Mikey got a point and then they both went to start on Sunset Shimmers gift. Meanwhile at the pit, Sunset Shimmer was sitting at the couch writing to Princess Twilight and after she's done, she puts away her book and relax for a bit. Then all of a sudden, Chompy started to climb up to her shoulder and started to cuddle her face.

"Oh hey there Chompy, what are you doing here?" Asked Sunset as she pets him gently." I'm guessing that Raph might be training and I have to admit you really are cute."

Then all of a sudden, Chompy started to yawn meaning that he is getting tired and then Sunset started to think of singing a lullaby to him so he can sleep. Then music began to play and Sunset Shimmer started to sing.

Sunset Shimmer: Lavender's blue,
Dilly dilly,
Lavenders green.
When I am King,
Dilly dilly,
You shall be Queen.
Who told you so,
Dilly dilly,
Who told you so?
T'was my own heart,
Dilly dilly,
That told me so.
Call up your men,
Dilly dilly,
Set them to work.
Some to the plow,
Dilly dilly,
Some to the fork.
Some to make hay,
Dilly dilly,
Some to cut corn.
While you and I,
Dilly dilly,
Keep ourselves warm.
Lavender's green,
Dilly dilly,
Lavender's blue.
If you love me,
Dilly dilly,
I will love you.
Let the birds sing,
Dilly dilly,
Let the lambs play.
We shall be safe,
Dilly dilly,
Out of harms way.
I love to dance,
Dilly dilly,
I love to sing.
When I am Queen,
Dilly dilly,
You'll be my King.
Who told me so,
Dilly dilly,
Who told me so?
I told myself,
Dilly dilly,
I told me so.

After Sunset Shimmer finished her lullaby, Chompy was fast asleep and was cuddling at Sunset's red and yellow hair and she smile at how cute he is.

"Wow that was a very beautiful song Sunset Shimmer." Then Sunset turn to see Raph standing smirking.

"Oh hey Raph and thank you, I was kinda help Chompy go to sleep." Said Sunset as she blush a bit and stands up to show Raph that Chompy is sleeping." He just climb up to my shoulder and started to get really sleepy so I sing him a lullaby."

"Oh that's very nice of you Sunset Shimmer." Said Raph as he smiles." Oh right, um Sunset I have a bit of a surprise gift for you but I wanted you to close your eyes because it's a bit of a surprise."

That got Sunset Shimmer a bit confused but then smile. Then she gently pick up Chompy and put him on top of backpack while he is still a sleep then Sunset Shimmer started to close her eyes and Raph takes her hand and leads her to her surprise gift.

"Um, can I open my eyes Raph?" Asked Sunset as her eyes are still closed.

"No not yet Sunset Shimmer." Said Raph as he and Sunset enter a room and stop." Okay you can open your eyes now Sunset."

Then Sunset opens her eyes and then started to gasp in shock. She and Raph are in a bedroom that is paint reddish-orange, has a bed with orange sheets that has little suns on, an orange pillow, the wall has pictures of suns and sunsets, has a desk for Sunset to write stuff, and it also has a closet for her clothes to put.

"Raph what is this?" Asked Sunset Shimmer in shock.

"Surprise, I made you your own bedroom, I see that your uncomfortable when your sleeping at the couch so I decided to make this for you." Said Raph as he smiles." Well I had a little help with Mikey, but you got your own room, you have desk here to write your letter to your friends, I got you a comfortable bed for you to sleep on, and I also got you a closet for you to put away the clothes you bought from the mall with April and Casey the other day. So what do you think?"

Her silence made him frown. She hated it. He knew the closet was too much.

"You hated it don't you?" Asked Raph as he frowns." I knew I told Mikey that the closet it too much."

"I..." Sunset stammered, still staring at the scene. "I... Raph, I don't know what to say."

"Well, a thank you would be nice," Raph muttered sadly.

Suddenly, Sunset did something unexpected to Raph. She attacked him around the neck with a hug. Raph perked up, tensed his body and widened his eyes at her touch. Nobody not even Mona Lisa had ever touched him like this before, let alone hugged him. Such a touch was new and strange...and pleasant.

"Oh thank you thank you, this is the most wonderful thing anybody has ever done for me!" Sunset Shimmer exclaimed. "Thank you! I love it so much!"

He looked down at the girl and saw that her smile is so much beautiful than he ever seen. He felt a tug in his chest, as his heart started beating. Slowly, and hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around her small waist and started to mutter.

"Your wel. . . Welcome." Said Raph as he mutter a bit.

Then Raph started to let go of the hug and then leaves Sunset alone so she can relax in her new room. As he was outside, he was still really shock at the hug that Sunset Shimmer give him.

"She hug me. . . She hug me." Said Raph and then he he started to jump in happiness." SHE HUG ME!"

Then he started to smile and blush really red about the hug he received. But what he didn't know was that Mikey was spying on him and started to smile at his brother.

"Yes it work, I knew that giving Sunset Shimmer a new bedroom will be the great gift for Raph to give to her." Said Mikey as he smiles." Now that was phase 2 and it time for phase 3 and I really hope that they will become a couple soon."

Then Mikey started to leave to his room and started to plan phase 3 for Raph to be together with Sunset Shimmer.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon

The song "Lavender Blue" is from the movie "Cinderella"
