
It's been a few weeks since Raph give Sunset a room of her own and Sunset Shimmer started to feel really happy about. Mikey has always knew that his phases are working and trying to work out the next phase, which is also known as phase 3 getting Raph to ask Sunset Shimmer out on a date or he will ask Sunset out a date by himself. Meanwhile at the pit at the lair, Leo, Donnie, April, and Casey are all sitting down watching tv but they weren't watching anything because they were focusing on something.

"Hey you guys, is it just me our has Mikey been feeling a little off little?" Asked Donnie.

"You notice it too Donnie?" Asked Leo.

"Yeah I mean I don't want to sound really rude and all, but does anyone know that Mikey has been acting strange lately?" Asked Donnie.

"Now that you mention it Donnie, Mikey ask us to buy a room decor and said that it was a secret and then I saw him and Raph make a bedroom for Sunset but he told Raph that it's his gift to her." Said Casey as he raised an eyebrow.

"I saw him talking to Raph about letting him getting to know Sunset more and he was starting to get really happy." Said April." It's like he was planning something."

"Hmm, maybe we better talk to Mikey right now." Said Leo.

So they four of them started to up and started to go to Mikey to see what he is planing. Meanwhile at the kitchen, Mikey was holding a clipboard writing down his phases and was started to get really happy that Raph and Sunset Shimmer are starting to get really know each other and grow feeling to each other.

"Alright, phase 1 and 2 are starting to get really great." Said Mikey as he smiles and writes down his clipboard." And I told Raph that the closet isn't too much. And now it's time for phase 3."

"Mikey?" Said a voice from behind him.

Then Mikey started to jump in fright and turn to see its two brothers and two human friends behind him with concern faces.

"Guys uh what are you doing?" Asked Mikey a bit nervous.

"Well apparently for the past few weeks you have been acting really weird lately and you have been asking us to buy stuff for Sunset and told Raph that he got it for her." Said April with a serious voice." And we all want to know what are you up to."

"Um well I was planning on get Raph and Sunset Shimmer to be a cute couple." Said Mikey as he smiles a bit nervous.

"Wait a minute, you want Raph and Sunset Shimmer to be a couple?" Asked Leo as he and the others are really shock." Why are you doing that Mikey?"

"Well you know Sunset Shimmer seems like a very nice girl and she and Raph are starting to get along really well." Said Mikey as he smiles a bit but the others raised their eyebrows and crossed their arms.

"Come on Mikey, what is your real reason why you want Sunset Shimmer and Raph to be a couple?" Asked Leo as he was still crossing his arms and Mikey knew he couldn't hold it much longer.

"Okay fine I will tell you why." Said Mikey as he started to tell the truth." Do you guys remember how heartbroken Raph really was when Mona Lisa betray him in one of our space adventures?"

"Oh yeah, I never seen Raph that sad in all my life, I mean he and Mona Lisa were really close." Said Casey as he and the others remembered." But what's this gotta do with Sunset Shimmer?"

"Well you see ever since when Raph have save Sunset Shimmer from the Purple Dragons he's been growing some feeling to her and so did Sunset Shimmer and it seems like that they both like each other." Said Mikey as he started to smile." So if I can get Raph and Sunset to know each other more and when they will start to love each, then they will become a couple and Raph will be happy again."

"Oh Mikey, you are trying to get your brother happy." Said April and Mikey nodded his head." That's really the nicest your are doing for Raph."

"Yeah and I can't believe I'm saying this but you are a genius." Said Leo as he smiles at his little brother.

"Oh and once Raph and Sunset Shimmer become a couple, then Raph will forget about Mona Lisa and the day she betray him. That will show that lizard breath alien girl what happens when she breaks my brothers heart." Said Mikey as he forms a fist and punches his hand with it.

"Wow, so that's why you asked me and April to buy that room decor the other week." Said April as she finally understands.

"Yeah you those are one of my phases." Said Mikey as he shows the others his clipboard." You see phase 1 is when Raph and Sunset Shimmer get to know each other more, phase 2 is where Raph give Sunset a gift and it went well really great. Now phase 3 is where Raph takes Sunset Shimmer out on a romantic date and they have their first dance."

"Wow Mikey you surely know how to work your phases." Said Leo.

"Yep I'm so good at this, and it's kinda like I'm a Secret Cupid and bring to people together." Said Mikey.

"Okay Mikey so what is your next phase of your plan anyway?" Asked Donnie.

"Well my next phase is that Raph will have to ask Sunset Shimmer out on a date and then they will have a romantic dinner and have their first dance together if Raph knows how to dance of course." Said Mikey as he hope that he brother Raph can do a slow dance." And maybe just maybe they might have their first kiss together what do you guys think?"

"I think that might be a good idea Mikey but just one question I wanted to know." Said Donnie as he got really curious." Where are you going to make Raph and Sunset have their first date?"

"Oh dear I haven't really thought about that yet." Said Mikey.

"You know Mikey, April and I heard that there is this one place that where teenagers have their first date." Said Casey." You see it's a gazebo and it has a beautiful garden around it."

"Oh that's perfect you guys so all we have to do is wait for Raph to ask Sunset out on a date and in the mean time we should like fix it cause it might get a little old." Said Mikey.

So then Mikey, Leo, Donnie, Casey, and April have all started to leave the lair to go to that gazebo where April and Casey first see it. And as they go there to fix it up, Mikey have started to realize that sooner or later Raph will ask Sunset Shimmer out on a date and it will be a romantic date that will ever go to.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon
