hi guys, i'm back from my trip! Jungwon died in one of the stories I was reading and now I'm depressed so I decided to write another chapter that has a lot of interactions w/ won to fill this empty void in my chest LMAOOSJSJS


I huffed and brought my wooden sword up again, pointing it at the boy in front of me who was barely putting up a sweat.

"Jungwon, we've been doing this for the past four hours, please give me a break." I whined as I let my sword arm droop a little.

Jungwon shook his head, tapping my sword with his own to fix my posture. "I need to make sure you're able to defend yourself in the future, especially since you got attacked in a night market of all places." He ran a hand through his hair. "You already mastered dagger throwing pretty well, so I'm sure you'll be able to get the hang of this in no time."

"Like I said, we've been doing this for the past four hours. No time my ass." I muttered.

Before we could continue the game of how-long-will-it-take-Jungwon-to-make-Yumin-fall-on-her-ass, the set of double doors on the side of the small arena we were in opened. Diana walked in, her stance as dignified as ever.

"Yumin." she called out to me, and I practically pranced to her in happiness for saving me from hell. "Yes?"

"Since your injury has healed, we are beginning the process of moving your things back into your own room and out of his majesty's." She stated.

I frowned. I had gotten so used to sharing a room with Jungwon that I forgot we didn't originally share a room. We've been sharing a bed, too, since coming back from the group get-away last week.

I turned to Jungwon, silently begging him not to make me move back into my room since I had gotten quite attached to his soothing hold and conversations at night.

His eyes met mine and I could tell that he wasn't planning to move me back anytime soon. My heart swelled at the sight of him, a small smile forming onto my face.

He was wearing his athletic uniform, navy with a gold stripe ascending down the shirt and pants. His hair was slightly messy, a small sign of sweat finally appearing on his forehead. Watching him as he casually leaned against his stick, eyes shining in kindness and relaxed, I sucked in a breath.

Damn, I really pulled one hell of a stunning man.

"Actually," Jungwon started before Diana could continue. "I don't think that's necessary."

Diana raised an eyebrow, glancing at the two of us but not protesting.

"What?" Jungwon chuckled nervously at her look. "Its just that we've become such good friends through this time, so I believe we've become rather close friends to let Yumin move out so quickly." He threw an arm around my shoulder and pulled me in, making me stumble a little as I fell against his side. "Right, best friend?"

Ah, that was another thing about us.

We didn't really tell anyone about our relationship, other than the boys that were there to witness it, of course. Heck, we didn't even know what type of relationship we had. That meant that our few kisses and small touches were mostly limited to Jungwon's chambers where we were alone, which also added onto the long list of reasons to our reluctance of separating.

I laughed awkwardly. "Haha, yep," I raised my fist in a weak, awkward way, lightly punching him in the arm. "best friend."

With Jungwon and I flashing bright, cumbersome smiles at her whilst still attached to each other, Diana sighed. She leaned in closer to us, lowering her voice. "You two are aware that no one would bat an eye if the Crown Prince and his mistress wanted to be in the same room, right? There's no need to create silly excuses."

Jungwon and I exchanged glances before forcing out laughs and pushing each other away.


"Of course."

Diana threw us on last confused glance before bowing and exiting the arena, leaving us waving after her until it was clear she was gone.

I turned to Jungwon. "What the fuck was that?"

Jungwon snorted, placing the wooden sword back onto its stand. "I had a little trouble coming up with an excuse."

I teasingly rolled my eyes, following his actions and putting away my equipment. "Maybe next time you should let me do the talking part."

Jungwon smiled, turning to me and gently grabbing me by the waist, pulling me close to him. "Perhaps."

I returned the fond smile playing on his lips, reaching up to place a kiss on his lips.

Before our lips could connect, however, a sharp pain sliced through the back of my head. I gasped as the blinding pain continued to travel through my head, legs giving up. My hands reached up to grab my head as I let out panicked pants.

"Min?" Jungwon asked, panic laced in his voice as he caught me and gently sank to the ground with me to ease my weak legs. "Min? Yumin? What's wrong?"

I was still breathing heavily as the pain had still not subsided, my fingers tangling in my hair. "Jungwon, it hurts so much. Please stop it. Stop it now."

Tears formed in my eyes as Jungwon could not do anything but pull me closer to him, rocking me in an attempt to soothe me while desperately finding a way to erase the pain.

A blinding white light flashed through my eyesight before everything darkened, making me slump in Jungwon's arm.

I slowly opened my eyes, looking up at the ceiling in front of me. However- there was something odd about my vision and movements. My eyesight was slightly blurry, like a nostalgic memory. I couldn't control my actions, only watching as my body did whatever it was doing. Additionally, my entire body felt smaller.

My arms moved against the soft covers, fingers slightly curling at the edge of the blanket before I moved my small hand up to rub my eye in sleepiness.

The covers were made with fine fabric, similar to the ones in my old bedchamber. However, the room and bed looked significantly smaller. Plastic star stickers that glowed softly in the dark aligned the ceiling. It was obvious that it was supposed to be a room for a child.

Why was I here?

"Yumin," A child's voice next to me said, breaking the silence and causing me to slightly jolt in surprise. "Why are you moving so much?"

My body again moved on its own, turning to the side to face the person as if it was a normal thing. However, the familiar face of the owner of the voice made my mind scream in shock and surprise:

