
"Jungwon." I said, placing another piece of cake into my mouth.

"Yes?" He asked, contently watching me continue to eat the cake with a small smile and glittering eyes, his chin resting on his hand.

"Simp." A low voice discreetly said while coughing. I laughed and turned to the owner of the voice- Riki, who was now looking in another direction with a sly smile on his face before his face was slammed with a pillow delivered from Jungwon.

The eight of us were in a garden in a garden of the Kim Palace, courtesy of Sunoo. The second I informed him of the end of Jungwon and I's feud, he insisted to throw a small tea party to celebrate it. Sure, the princes were all incredibly busy. But who could say no to Sunoo?

So, that's how we all ended up dressed up with pastries and sparkling cider in front of us.

"Is there a particular reason why you've been staring at me for the past half hour?" I asked with a mischievous smile. The boy only offered a sheepish smile as the rest of the princes snickered at my remark, continuing onto their own conversations.

"I've just been thinking." He answered.

"About what?"

"About how your birthday is in two days. You know, I've been thinking about how to throw the biggest celebration for you in the safest way." He said, tapping the pointer finger of the hand he was resting on his cheek, eyes indeed deep in thought.

"Oh my gosh, did you just say Yumin's birthday is in two days?" Heeseung gasped.

The other boys joined in on the gasping, breaking into heavy chatter.

"Why didn't you tell us, Yumin?"

"My baby is growing up."

"How old are you gonna be again? Wait, how old am I again?"

"Too old to be asking that question."

I laughed at everyone's commentary. They all peered at me with sparkling eyes. "To be fair," I said in between small laughs. "I didn't even know my birthday was in-" I paused, finally realizing something. However, I quickly tried to hide my hesitation. "two days."

But of course, Jungwon was quick to notice. "What's wrong?" He asked, worry clouding his eyes.

I gave him a reassuring smile, taking another bite out of the cake. "It's nothing."

Sunoo tsked, shaking his finger at me. "Ah-ah-ah. You should no better than any of us that 'nothing' is never actually nothing. Do I need to teach you girl code?"

I half-heartedly laughed at his joke. On the inside, my mind was racing again.

Two days. My birthday was in two days.

The note that I received from Yumin yesterday told me to meet her at midnight in two days. That meant that she wanted to meet me the hour that transitioned into my birthday.

But, wasn't the entire point of me complaining about Jungwon and I's fight because I felt like I needed to tell him about the note? This single fact made me exhale and set my fork down.

"I received a note yesterday." I said in a low voice.

Immediately sensing the shift of tone in my voice, the seven boys gave me their full attention with cunning sharpness in their eyes that accented their regal heritage.

I continued. "I believe it was from Yunseo, the girl in the assassination video."

While the others inhaled sharply, Jungwon's grip on his fork tightened, his knuckles turning white. "What did that note say?" He asked with a grim expression, voice tense.

I held up two fingers, reciting "Two days, midnight."

Hearing this, Jungwon immediately protested. "No. I must not let you go."

I huffed. "And why is that?"

He gave me a look. "What would happen if they held you hostage in trade for the crown? Or if they just killed you?"

I shrugged. "I'd be dead."

Sunoo snorted from his seat, but quickly muffled it when he caught sight of the deathly glare thrown his way by my raging prince.

"Hey man," Jay said, speaking up. "I think you should let Yumin go. It's not like she needs your permission in the first place." He raised a hand and tenderly rubbed my hair in a brotherly manner. "Our sweet Yumin is just trying to be polite and ask for your input."

Jungwon sighed, closing his eyes. "Yes, but-"

"I agree with Jay on that one." Jake added. "Plus, Yumin could gain some insight and act as a- i don't know. A double spy, maybe?"

The other boys quickly chimed in, to my prince's dismay.

"Yeah, I agree with them on this one."

"Yumin is strong enough to protect herself."

"Plus, isn't Yunseo one of Yumin's best friends? If their relationship is as Yumin says it is, I highly doubt any harm will come her way."

"Ni-ki. Put. My knife. Down."

"Sorry Jungwon, but you're acting like a total ass. Again."

"Plus," I added, beaming at the seven princes around me. "I have you guys to protect me."

Jungwon held up two hands in defeat as each of the boys and I let out accomplished smiles. Across from me, Heeseung lightly slapped Ni-ki's hand away from his spoon that the younger had tried to swipe away.

"Fine, I'll allow you to go." Jungwon admitted, but before I could comment, he quickly said, "-but I'm going with you."

"Fine." I answered with a grin, holding up my pinky to him.

To this, he offered me his own cheeky smile that I adored so much and wrapped his own pinky around mine.

"Guys. I'm feeling awfully single right now." Sunoo muttered, before swatting Ni-ki's playful pinky away.

The Next Day

Ah. The day Jungwon, the entire Kingdom, and I dreaded the most.

The day of the King's funeral.

His funeral had been conveniently (sarcasm) scheduled the day before my birthday, so the entire palace and its inhabitants were doused in black fabric. There were black roses placed in the vases around in the palace, each painting hidden by a black veil, adding to the gloomy atmosphere.

I had never spoken to the King prior to his death day, but the atmosphere was tense and heavy. My prince and I had just come back from the ceremonial precession where they officially buried the late king into the Royal tomb that the entirety of the deceased royal family resided in. 

Now, we were back in Jungwon's chambers. As we sat together on one of the couches, Jungwon blankly stared at the wall. 

The entire day, he had been awfully and unusually quiet. Through my meager attempts at starting a conversation, he was able to answer with a few short sentences. However, I must admit that it had gotten better after the event. 

The entire day was filled with cries for the King, although I could argue whether people truly mourned his death or were celebrating it. One thing was for sure, though. The Queen could put on one hell of an act. 

She had been bawling and wailing like a maniac, making Jungwon and I grind our teeth every time the horrible sound that the monkey we called our Queen met our ears. The servants and other nobles only gave her pitiful looks, handing her handkerchiefs and  conveying their sorrow. Jungwon and I, however, had caught sight of her dry, tearless face. 

"Love," Jungwon said, shattering my deep thoughts as I turned to him. To my relief, whatever small amount of color a vampire could possess had finally creeped back into his face, and the prince I knew was back. "I'm going to be crowned the new King by next year." 

"Ah.." I replied, looking down at his hands and taking one into mine. "It appears so." 

He took a sip out of his glass. "And I'm going to make you my Queen." 

I froze, my eyes darting back up at him. "Sorry?" 

"You're going to be the next Queen." he repeated, turning bright eyes towards me. "I won't let that woman have any more power than us after I succeed the throne." 

Jungwon coughed into his hand, shyly avoiding my eyes. "After all, I wouldn't want to marry any other person." 

I gasped, a sly smile forming on my lips. "Hey," I cooed, turning his face back towards me. "Are you, perhaps, proposing to me?"

At my words, the faint blush on Jungwon's cheeks reddened, spreading towards the tips of his ears. I could tell he was quite flustered, which only made my cheeky smile deepen. He continued avoiding my eyes. "Well, it's not the official proposal. I was just informing you of what I have planned." 

Nonetheless, he took grabbed both of my hands and finally met my eyes again with a determined look on his face. "I will make it work."
