
"It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them."

- Agatha Christie

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welcome to part 2 my lovely readers :)

Yumin POV

"Yumin, the guys will be teleporting here tonight." Jungwon said softly, rolling over onto my chest and peering up at me with his big, gorgeous eyes. (A/N: "gorgeous" is making me cringe but idk a better word send help) He took my hand into his own, gently fiddling with my fingers. "Do you think you'll be able to handle it?"

I observed as Jungwon placed a soft kiss onto my fingers, shooting me a reassuring smile. I softly smiled back, leaning back against the headboard. "Probably."

In all honesty, turning back into a pure blood had been the worst and best experience of my life.

The first day of my transformation included alarming changes in my behavior, as well as constant shivers or heat waves. Even Jungwon, who had never really personally witnessed a situation like this, didn't know what to do besides offer his support and hospitality. He was there every time the sharp pains in my my body jolted me awake from my sleep or when I fell into a transformation frenzy.

It had now been four days since I turned back into my original form. Along with the new physical appearance - paler skin and slightly longer incisors -, I went through a mental change too. I had a heightened sense of smell and no longer indulged in being excited about food, as it was no longer a necessity to me. Furthermore, I gained back the childhood memories with Jungwon that I lost. This only increased the closeness in our relationship, and he was ecstatic to see that I finally remembered him.

Of course, the most challenging alteration was the fact that I was now required to consume blood in order to function normally. What's weird about this to me, though, is the fact that the metallic taste of blood now tasted sweet and delectable on my tongue. The discovery both disgusted and intrigued me.

I solely consumed Jungwon's blood on the first day, to my embarrassment. After consuming his blood immediately after I transformed, I was shocked once I gained my control back to see my teeth planted into my lover's neck.

Immediately, I had reeled back and covered my mouth in shock, wiping the small trickle of blood on my chin and staring at Jungwon with wide eyes. He looked drained from the blood loss, but there had been no regret shining in his eyes. In fact, he had seemed relieved as he enclosed his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

Only a mere two hours later after that encounter, I was jolted with the need to consume blood again, just like a newborn baby would be with their milk. Jungwon and I had been taking a nap to try and regain both of our energy back before my breathing started becoming rapid.

The sleepy boy had only blinked at me with delirious eyes, still half asleep, before tapping his neck with a finger and tilting his head to the side.

I had been flabbergasted. He only continued to insist, whining when his patience started thinning as I continued to refuse. He raised a sleepy hand to the back of my head before gently pushing my face towards his neck, much to my disbelief.

"You'll be able to heal quicker and more smoothly with my blood." He croaked out, sleepiness lacing his voice. "The more you resist, the harder it will become."

"And no," he added. "this will not be an instance where I am the one to give up on the argument. I will make it a royal order if I must."

At the time, I had let out a defeated sigh before sinking my teeth into his neck once again with a flush on my cheeks.

Now, I usually only needed to consume blood once a day, with Jungwon calling in a glass of animal blood for me each day. I seldom needed his royal blood in the day, only consuming it if I woke up starved at night. He told me that as I gained my strength back as a pure blood, I would only need to consume blood once a month.

I tenderly ran my fingers through my prince's hair, the latter closing his eyes in satisfaction at the action and hugging my other arm, bringing his knees up to his chest in a soft manner. I fondly smiled at his childish actions, delightfully remembering that it was something he continuously did when we were children.

"What are they coming here for?" I asked, glancing down at him.

He opened his eyes, peering up at me. "We'll be discussing and forming the escape plans for the children since I know you've been itching to start the mission."

My heart raced in excitement at the thought of finally being able to do something to help the children. After the death of my two closest childhood friends and my rediscovered memories, I was more determined than ever.

At the sight of the excitement growing on my face, Jungwon looked up at me with a fond smile before lifting himself up on his elbows and placing a soft kiss on my cheeks. I brought a hand up to it at the action, staring at him with flushed cheeks. His eyes crinkled in barely concealed joy.

"Cliche." I commented, glancing to the side in embarrassment and cringing.

He giggled before placing his hands on both sides of my face, forcing me to look straight at him, and smothering me with pecks.


"Yumin~" Sunoo squealed the second he and the other boys were let into our bedchamber, pushing past a bewildered Jungwon and plopping down next to me on the armchair. He placed a finger underneath my chin, examining my face for any signs of distress as Jungwon muttered incoherent words under his breathe before closing the door as the last of the princes waltzed in. Immediately, the rest of them filed around me and cooed at the sight of me, interrogating me of how I felt and my condition. The boys knew that I fainted and was medically unavailable, but they didn't know why.

"I'm fine too guys, thanks for asking." Jungwon sarcastically said before returning to his place on top of me, dropping his arms around me and placing his head on my shoulder, his legs sticking off the side of the armchair.

"We don't see the two of you for a week and suddenly you guys are all lovey-dovey, huh?" Jay tsked, settling down in the sofas surrounding us as the others followed.

"And isn't it usually the girl who sits on top of the guy?" Heeseung added, crossing his legs on the sofa.

I let out a laugh as Jungwon stuck his tongue out at him, lightly playing with a strand of his hair. "And what is wrong with a guy doing something a girl would usually do? Problematic asses." Jungwon barked back.

The boys let out protests and tried to defend themselves at his words, mainly the older boys. Heeseung shook his finger at Jungwon, saying, "You used to be such a sweet child, what happened?"

The other boys agreed, nodding their heads and chattering to themselves.

Jungwon cut them off by raising his hand. The princes immediately ceased their blabbering, signaling Jungwon to start what he needed to say. "Yumin and I have something to tell you guys."

A few of the boys reached down to the table and grabbed the glasses of water sitting there to drink while gesturing for him to continue. Suddenly, Ni-ki let out a gasp as his eyes widened in realization. His mouth opened and closed as he repeatedly pointed between Jungwon and I, apparently being at a loss of words.

"Yumin was medically unavailable," Ni-ki said, his eyes lighting up in realization. "And the two of you have been acting suspiciously close. Now you have something to tell us? Don't tell me-"

Sunoo, too, let out a loud gasp as he started to catch on to what Ni-ki was saying. The other princes looked at the two in confusion, taking sips out of their glasses of water as Sunoo exclaimed, "I know what you two are gonna tell us too now!"

I tilted my head in confusion. How could they know that I was a pure blood now before the others? Did i look that different? "You... do?"

"You're pregnant!" Ni-ki and Sunoo exclaimed simultaneously.

Around us, the boys choked on their water, jaws hanging open as they looked at Jungwon and I for confirmation. Sunghoon pat Jake's back as he sputtered on his drink with a shocked expression.

I looked at jungwon with an equally surprised expression, watching as disbelief flashed across his face. "I- huh? No!" He uttered with horror.

"That's not even remotely close to what we were going to tell you!" I added.

The other princes let out relieved sighs and leaned back into their seats, letting out awkward laughs and smiles. The two accusers muttered apologies as Jungwon and I tried to calm ourselves.

"Now, what we were really gonna say, before some lovely princes decided to assume," Jungwon shot Ni-ki and Sunoo a glare as the others took sips out of their water again, "is that Yumin is actually a pure blood."

And thus the choking-on-water game continued.
