It turns out, the "room" Jungwon mentioned was actually a full villa. The interior of the villa was decorated in a modern but tropical style, with the main color theme being a cool shade of blue.

As he had promised, Jungwon had made sure to book a villa that had bedrooms spaciously separated from each other, with our room being the farthest away from everyone's.

Before I could toss myself in our bed and absently stare at the objects in our room, Jungwon tugged me on a walk with him on the beach, which our villa was conveniently located on.

We passed by Sunghoon and Jake, who were already jumping around in the pool. Next to them, poor Heeseung was drowning in the splashes the two boys were creating and struggling to hop out of the pool. Jay, seeing his friend's struggle, quickly helped him out.

Sunoo was sprawled out on one of the beach chairs on the sand, sunglasses resting on his face and completely unbothered by the lack of sun nor Riki piling sand on his feet. Riki giggled, patting more sand onto Sunoo's feet and a camera dangling around his neck.

Jungwon was excitedly pulling me by my hand. The sand underneath my feet was soft and powdery, unlike what I had imagined it to be like. I guess this was the difference of sand on an island beach.

"Let's go to the water!" Jungwon exclaimed. He had quickly changed into swimming trunks in the villa before flaunting into our bedroom to make sure I wasn't already sprawled out on our bed. Then, he had made sure to zip one of his windbreakers over me as well as a waterproof gauze so there would be less salt water coming into contact with my still-healing injury.

As we got closer to the sea, my excitement grew. Considering the way the boy was practically jumping up and down from happiness, Jungwon felt the same way.

Cute, I thought.

We reached the sea, and Jungwon happily ran into the water without hesitation. I attempted to do the same, but realized too late just how cold the water was on my inexperienced body.

I pranced away from the water and back onto the damp sand the second my feet came into contact with the icy ocean.

Jungwon turned to me, confused. The lower half of his body was already soaked, but he looked unbothered by the temperature. A sly smile grew on Mr. I'm-immune-to-hypothermia's face as he realized why I was reluctant to step in the water.

"Come on, Yumin, a little cold won't bother you." He cooed. "Plus, your body will adjust to the cold."

I paused, weighing every outcome that could possibly happen. The water was freezing, and even though it wasn't exactly cold outside, the night wind wouldn't help. I peered down at the quick-dry shorts I was wearing that would not remotely help keep me warm at all.

Yeah, there was no I would let the ocean turn me into a human ice pack.

Jungwon snorted as he noticed me slowly backing away from the ocean. I took another step back as he ran a hand through his hair.

Before I knew it, the tall vampire prince was charging at me.

I quickly turned, trying to make a run for it to try and escape my inevitable doom. Not surprisingly, Jungwon caught up to me with no trouble and snatched me into his arms. I let out a mixture of a shriek and a laugh as I was lifted into the air. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held onto him as he ran back into the ocean with me in his hands, his damp T-shirt sticking onto me.

He let out a laugh at the same time I let out a terrified scream as soon as the water came into contact with my skin. To my dismay, this boy would just not stop running.

Jungwon finally slowed down when the water was up to his shoulders, arms still supporting me from underneath as I tightly clutched onto him. He was still letting out giggles at the sight of me.

"Jungwon~" I wailed, head falling back. "I can't even reach the bottom!"

He winked. "That's the point, my lady. You won't be able to run out this way." He let out a smirk. "You can only rely on me now."

Jungwon playfully let go of me, releasing me to the depths of the ocean. I screamed, before he quickly snatched me back up against him. He laughed, holding my scrambling form tightly. "See? Only me."

I rolled my eyes at his ego, wrapping my legs around his waist to give me more support and giving him a light slap on the shoulder. I did it just in time, too, as he twirled us around. I let out another laugh, the water rippling around us.

Through my laughter, I could make out the bright smile flashing on Jungwon's face that crinkled his eyes. Some strands of hair stuck onto his face, and his cheeks and nose had a slight pink tinge to them due to the cold. However, the happiness was evident on the young prince's face.

He stopped the spinning torpedo act, but kept the smile on his face as he grinned at me. I lifted one of my hands, brushing one of the strands of hair out of his eyes, a small smile playing on my lips before tucking some hair behind his ears.

"Your hair grew longer." I said softly while running a hand through it in emphasis, pointing out his hair that had, indeed, gotten longer and rested in layers. The water around us calmly flowed by.

Jungwon closed his eyes and leaned into my hand. "I like that." He simply said.

"Hm?" I asked, tilting my head.

"You running your hands through my hair." He let out without opening his eyes and a sly giggle. I chuckled at his words, continuing my actions. A content smile played on his lips, his long eyelashes resting on his cheeks.

"It's not fair that you're prettier than me." I pouted.

He opened one of his eyes. "You don't mean that. I'm quite sure everyone on this beach would agree that you're the beauty in this relationship."

I shook my head with a smile. "I doubt that."

Jungwon opened both of his eyes, a hand flying up to turn my chin towards him. His eyes bore into mine, sincerity lying in them. "I don't. I think you're much more beautiful than anyone I've seen, and I've always thought that."

My cheeks heated up at his words, and a strange, giddy feeling bubbled up inside of me. I looked to the side, flustered, trying to surprise the smile forming on my face.

"Don't say that or I'll kiss you." I jokingly warned at him.

"Then do it."

I laughed, turning to him and expecting him to be laughing too. To my surprise, he wasn't laughing, and had seemed to have taken my words seriously.

"You can't be serious." I told him.

He shrugged. "And what if I am?"

I playfully scoffed and gestured to the lamps lining the beach. "As long as these lights shining on us and exposing us to the other boys continue doing what they're doing, you won't be receiving any kisses from me, my prince."

As if on cue, the lamps immediately dimmed. I looked around the beach in shock. Startled and confused yelps sounded out from the beach, as well as a shriek that quite obviously belonged to Sunoo.

I turned to Jungwon, about to awkwardly laugh at the coincidental situation. Instead, I found the boy's face already close to mine, our bodies equally as close to each other. My heartbeat quickened at our close proximity, eyes betraying me and starting to his lips. He chuckled, eyes bright in the darkness.

"Well, I guess this meets the criteria." He whispered, before completely leaning in and connecting his lips with mine.

A/N: yall are literally so smart like I honestly didn't expect anyone to remember little details

And tbh Yumin and Jungwon's first kiss was actually scheduled to be later in the story, but I thought we needed to spice some things up considering the fact that we've barely been getting any romantic actions from the two even 20 chapters in BAHAHAH

Anyways, thank you to EVERYONE who has been commenting and voting on the chapters!! It literally makes me so happy reading them <3
