"Yumin, I think I'm falling for you, hard."

I blinked at his words.

Before I could respond, Jungwon spoke again. He looked down, a sad smile on his face. "But, don't respond yet. I don't want to give you the impression that you have to reciprocate my feelings, or even answer immediately. Just... spend some time thinking about it honestly, yeah?"

He glanced at me, nothing but innocence and kindness gleaming in his eyes.

I wordlessly nodded, and Jungwon gestured for us to continue heading back to our villa. I could tell by the way he tried to keep a little more distance from me that he was trying hard to respect my privacy and decisions.

I sighed, stopping him in his tracks by taking his hand into mine. "Jungwon." I said.

He turned to me, curiosity in his face, eyes glancing down at our hands. "Yes?"

I stepped closer to him, looking to the side in embarrassment. "If I were to just leave you hanging like that, wouldn't that make me a hypocrite? That's what I was just complaining about."

Jungwon's eyes widened playfully in realization. "Now that I think about it , probably." He chirped.

"You didn't give me a chance to respond." I told him with a smile and intertwining his hand with mine, watching him as his eyes slowly lit up. "I like you too, you idiot."

Jungwon slapped a hand onto his mouth, eyes bulging out and crinkling in delight. "Oh my gosh." He muffled through his hands.

He quickly turned around, squealing into his hand with his back facing me, catching me off guard. Jungwon took a few deep breaths before turning back to me, face expressionless but eyes betraying his facade. I snorted.

He cleared his throat before blurting out, "Yumin, I'm about to kiss you again."

I teasingly sighed in exasperation before grabbing the front of his T-shirt, pulling him down and softly placing my lips on his. I felt him smile through the kiss, and I'm sure he could feel the same from me.

Time skip

An abrupt noise dragged me out of my slumber, and I groggily opened my eyes to see the sun setting outside the window, which meant it was the early morning.

Next to me, Jungwon stirred but didn't wake up, evident from the soft snore leaving his mouth. With his arms wrapped around my waist and his chin snuggled into my shoulder, it would appear that he was the one who needed someone to sleep with him and not me. I decided not to move anymore in fear of waking him up.

I carefully turned to face Jungwon, studying the boy's pretty face. It seemed that sleep took away all of the stress and stiffness of his face. His skin was still pale, since he was in fact a vampire. Although most of my view was his hair, messy and spread out along my shoulder, I could make out some of his features. His eyes were closed in an impossibly gentle way, eyelashes resting against his cheek. There was a slight pout on his lips, making me have the urge to scream at the cuteness.

However, I felt the urge to scream for a different reason once I heard the noise that had woken me up again. It was a slight noise, like someone was looking through a drawer or cabinet. The noise was coming from outside our bedroom door, meaning it was from either the living room or the small dining area.

Again, I heard the noise.

I tensed. Fear and flashbacks from the night market that I was stabbed at caused panic to flood into my veins.

"Jungwon." I whispered, lightly tapping his cheek in an attempt to wake him up.

Jungwon slightly shifted on my shoulders. "Hm?" He whined, eyes still tightly shut and half asleep.

"I think there's someone in here."

He sniffed, a hand reaching up to rub his eye before laying it back down over me and snuggling back into me. "Don't be ridiculous, how could someone break into here?"

I scoffed. "How the fuck an I supposed to know? I wouldn't be telling you if I knew, Mr. Prince."

"Well, I bet it's just a mouse or-" he stilled as another noise rang out through the villa.

Immediately, he sat straight up on the bed, hair sticking up at wonky angles and duvet bunched up around him, exposing me to the cold air that was the least of my worries at the moment.


"Shhh." Jungwon hushed me, shutting me up. He quietly but swiftly reached underneath his pillow on the bed and pulled out a dagger.

Why the hell was this man sleeping with a dagger underneath his pillow?

He positioned his hand and prepared to throw it at whoever was going to open our door as we heard steps coming closer.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, making both Jungwon and I flinch. Seeing who it was, I quickly pushed Jungwon's hand down right as he let it fly, the dagger bouncing harmlessly off the bed.

"Riki." I sighed in relief, bringing a hand up to my pounding heart.

Said boy stood at the doorway, holding a bag of packaged food and munching on a chip. He stared back at our soulless figures with an unbothered expression, apparently finding nothing wrong.

"Y'all got anymore of these?" He asked, holding up the packaged food.

Jungwon sucked in a breath before shoving the blankets, hands wandering around. "Where's that damn dagger? I'm going to murder him."
