
A pig.

There's a fucking pig in my arms.

It took every single ounce of self control inside of me to restrain myself from twirling the poor animal around the room. He was just so cute.

Porkey was only one month old, with a black patch amongst pink around his right eye, one on his back, and another on his left leg. The second Jungwon had pulled up with Porkey in his arms shortly after he left when the maids were tending to me and claiming 'he had to give me my first present at this instant', my prince had unfortunately fallen to second in line for my heart.

Porkey, of course, had to come first.

I recalled our conversation from a few weeks ago when Jungwon had been doing paperwork at his desk, glasses resting on his nose and fingers tapping the desk in concentration as he flipped through numerous proposals and forms. I had been sprawled out with boredom on an armchair next to his desk, a book titled A Vampire's Guide to Magic sitting absently in my hands.

"I want a pig." I declared, shutting the book to add dramatic effects.

Without looking up from his work, Jungwon answered, "There's bacon in the royal kitchen."

However, the pig blinking up at me with glittering eyes told me that Jungwon had indeed listened to what I said, remembering even when I had forgotten the proposal. Immediately after he gently handed the baby over to me (and with a little help from Diana, who miraculously happened to know a friend who made clothes for pigs), I dressed him up in a gold and navy patterned sweater vest to match the Yang Kingdom's colors.

I was sitting on one of my couches, Porkey on my lap. We stared at each other in silence.

"Oink" he snorted.


"Oh. my. godlsjflkasjdlkfjasldfjlsjdf" I squealed, hugging the pig. "Aren't you the cutest little baby?"

My door opened, revealing Jungwon dressed in his formal attire. His uniform was black with a gold collar and shoulder plates, a matching gold sash draped across him. Medals and ribbons glittered across and down his left chest.

There was a smile on his face before it quickly dropped as his sucked in a breath in awe. "Wow." He breathed out.

I beamed at him, proudly holding Porkey up to let Jungwon admire him. "I know. Doesn't he look so handsome in his little sweater vest?"

Jungwon let out a laugh, walking up to us. "Not the pig, silly." he snickered, fondly taking a strand of my hair in between his fingers. "You. I must admit, I managed to pull one hell of a girl."

I felt a blush creep its way onto my face, and I looked down to hide my smile. "Don't listen to him, Porkey. Your father is just too utterly down bad for me to recognize your handsomeness."

"I agree with that one." Jungwon admitted.

Porkey snorted, continuing to aimlessly watch us, not a single thought behind his eyes.

Jungwon slightly lifted his sleeve up, glancing at his watch (in a very attractive manner, dare I add). He met my eyes again and smiled. "Well, if you're done changing, we should go down now. I believe the majority of our guests have arrived."

I nodded, gently handing Porkey over to a royal servant who had come at Jungwon's beckon. The guests that Jungwon mentioned included many foreign public and political figures, as well as the nobles of the Yang Kingdom. Furthermore, although the grand ballroom and banquet hall was not open to the public, there was an entire setup filled with food and games available to any common citizen free of charge outside of the palace and at various locations around the kingdom.

Jungwon offered his arm to me, which I gladly took, slight nervousness fluttering within me as we made our way to the grand ballroom.


"Now entering: His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince and the Royal Noble Consort, Mistress Yumin." The herald announced as the two colossal doors ahead of us swung open in its glory, exposing us to the wandering eyes of the vampires.Β 

Jungwon and I stopped arm in arm, slightly inclining our heads down as we had rehearsed before while the other vampires bowed and curtsied. In the process, I peaked at my dress and felt a giddy feeling wash over me. It was rather pleasing to look at, and I must admit that it felt nice to dress up once in a while after living in an orphanage for practically my entire life.Β 

Thinking about the orphanage caused a pang of sadness and guilt to race through me. While I was here, dressed in fine silk with a prince on my arm, those that I had grown up with were either dead or facing their fate of an unsuspected death. I pursed my lips. Hopefully, Yun Seo found a way to fix that.Β 

The majority of the next hour was spent with Jungwon and I sitting at the front of the room, fake smiles plastered on our faces as each of the nobles came by and offered their greetings and presents.Β 

"Your highness, the mistress is looking rather beautiful today."Β 

"Prince Jungwon, you have chosen a gem to be your consort, as expected."

"I am greatly flattered to have been invited to your mistress's birthday celebration."Β 

About thirty minutes into the greeting, a greatly fed up Jungwon gritted his teeth and stared daggers at the rest of the line waiting to offer their own greetings. "Do remember that this is Mistress Yumin's celebration and thus directly congratulate her. Please refrain from all of the 'your highness's mistress' nonsense."Β 

I chuckled at the imaginary fumes steaming from my prince's head as he demanded respect, squeezing his hand in thanks.Β 

"Yumin, happy birthday!"Β 

I turned to see our friends approaching us with bright faces. The princes bowed, each placing a hand on their hearts in respect. Jay peeked at Riki, who was next to him, and quickly swatted his arm before muttering, "Put the damn cupcake up."Β 

The latter pouted, the half-eaten cupcake in his hand disappearing, courtesy to what I assumed was magic.Β 

Heeseung cleared his throat. "We, Enhypen, have arrived to offer our most sincere 'happy birthday's to the newest addition of our small group of tolerable people." Jungwon snorted at that.Β 

"In addition, we would like to greatly thank you for turning that grumpy jackass of a prince next to you into a more patient and kind soul. Thank the heavens." Sunoo added, innocently smiling at a triggered Jungwon.Β 

I laughed at their statements, motioning for them to stand up. "Enhypen...?"

Jake proudly smiled. "Yes. It means connection, discovery, and growth."Β 

I absently nodded, not understanding anything. "Right."

As they started walking away in order to prevent themselves from holding up the line any longer, Sunoo waved. "We'll give you your presents later tonight!"Β 

I shot him a thumbs up, waving back to him before the herald's booming voice thundered through the room again.Β 

"Now entering: Her majesty, the Queen."Β 

Jungwon's eyes hardened, the nobles around us dropping down into bows. I only watched silently as she strutted in, struggling to keep the fake smile on my face the second her beautiful face came into view.Β 

"My dearest Yumin!" She declared in her sickeningly sweet voice. I straightened up in attention, slightly caught off guard by her odd choice of words. The last time I had seen her was the day of the late King's death. "Happy birthday. I will always be thankful to have someone born in such humble backgrounds in our royal family." She stopped several feet away from us, plastering on a grin at her words.Β 

How backhanded.Β 

The Queen was wearing a tiara more extravagant than any that she had previously worn, almost as if she wanted to send out a message of superiority to everyone else, and specifically, me. Her dress was just as overly extra, bejeweled in such a way that reminded me of a glittery bug, matching the multiple glinting jewelry pieces hanging from her.Β 

However, it was what she said next that made the blood drain out of my face, Jungwon's hand in mine stilling and turning cold.Β 

The Queen turned to the watching crowd. "I would like to add on to such a lovely celebration with joyous news, if I may." She announced, glancing at me.

I swallowed, feeling small under the pressure of her gaze. "Of course, your majesty."

She grinned. "The death of my late husband has left our country in despair, and the throne empty. Our people have suffered with no ruler as their savior for long enough."

Around us, the nobles nodded their heads, as if they had anything to worry about when they were buried in their luxuries. No, it was the realΒ people who were suffering, those that live outside the comforts of the palace.Β 

"With that, I would like to declare that the late King has designated our prince to be the next ruler- with one exception." She turned her pointed smile towards the two of us while beckoning with her hand for someone in the crowd. Jungwon's grip on my hand tightened. I blinked in horror.

In front of us, Lady Clora stepped up with a proud smile on her face. The Queen held her hand in her own. "The late King stated that Lady Clora will be Crown Prince Jungwon's Queen."Β 
