"Well, I guess this meets the criteria." He whispered, before completely leaning in and connecting his lips with mine.

"THEY'RE KISSING!" A shout that quite obviously belonged to Riki sounded behind us.


"It's pitch dark, how can you tell?"


"Why are you watching them, you pervert?"

Jungwon and I broke the kiss, and he fell into a fit of laughter. I slumped my hands in defeat and let my head fall against his shoulder, trying to hide my burning cheeks and small smile.

"Jungwon." I whispered, still trying to calm my racing heart.

I could practically feel the boy smiling. "Well, technically, you were the one who received a kiss from me. So, I didn't go against you."

I lightly pushed him, to which he only snickered. "Ah~" He said in a high pitched voice. "That hurts so much."

I rolled my eyes. "You sound like an idiot."

"Of course I sound like an idiot, how else would I be able to communicate with you?" He threw back.

"You should introduce your top lip to your lower lip, and shut your mouth."

"You mean the lips that you just kissed?" He grinned.

"Ok. You're done." I told him before prying myself out of his arms and turning to swim away from him. However, it should have occurred to me that I didn't exactly know how to swim.

The last thing I heard before plummeting down the water was Jungwon's ringing laughter.

Time skip

"It's not funny." I whined at Jungwon, sorting through the small bag of skincare Diana packed for me. Above me, Jungwon snickered as he patted and rubbed a small towel against my wet hair, helping me dry it after my shower. We were back in our room, specifically the bathroom, after spending a good majority of the day on the beach with the others, before we all agreed to head back to take a shower and get ready for dinner. Jungwon was standing behind me, daunting me with this tall figure.

"Who knew the most my mistress could do was puppy paddle and almost drown in process?" He asked with wide eyes. "Man, I even gotta save you from water."

I stuck my tongue at him through the window, applying moisturizer to my skin while Jungwon plugged in a hairdryer, turning it on and blow drying my hair.

"Please don't burn off my hair." I teased, watching him gently brushing my hair around. "Yeah, yeah." He answered, boba eyes focused solely on his task.

"Where will we be eating dinner?" I asked him over the loud noise of the hairdryer while playing with the hem of the yellow milkmaid dress I had on.

"Pardon?" He semi-shouted over the buzz of the hairdryer.

"Where will we be eating dinner?" I asked, raising my voice a little.

"Sorry, one more time?" He shouted. From the slight eyesmile on his face, I knew he was messing with me.

"Jungwon, put the damn hairdryer down."

He chuckled, playfully blowing air into my face before turning the device off and brushing through my hair once last time to make sure it was dry.

"Now," I continued. "I was wondering where we were going to eat?"

He looked up, thinking as he placed the hairdryer back into its designated spot. "I believe some employees are setting a table up on the beach right now."

Dinner on the beach? That sounded quite interesting, especially with such a big and entertaining group as ours. I could already imagine how fun it would be.

Sometimes, it just seems surreal to me that I was able to become so close with everyone in such a short amount of time. It was as if we've known each other for our entire life, and I felt more comfortable with them than with anyone else.

It was as if, they made me feel like I belonged.

Especially now, looking at the boy dressed in a T-shirt and shorts who was placing items back into their places while humming to himself. I felt giddy thinking about the fact that I was so close to him, and that I had even managed to kiss him.

Yeah, I think I'm falling.

A knock pounded on our bedroom door. Jungwon and I made our way out of the bathroom.

"Come on," Riki whined from through the door. "I'm hungry, how long does it take you two to get ready? I'm about to teleport in there."

Next to me, Jungwon crunched his fingers.

A/N: so sorry for the short chapter! It was kind of a filler chapter, but also sort of not because it showed a part of Yuwon's relationship haha

Also, I might not be able to update next week since I'll be going out of town, so I would just like to warn everyone of that! I promise I'm not ditching the story :)

Again, thank you so much for the comments and reads! You guys crack me up HAHJJAJA
