Jungwon let out a loud sigh, caressing his nosebridge with his fingers. "Jake hyung, how many times do I have to ask you guys to ask before you randomly teleport into my home?" 

I gaped at him with unbelieving eyes. "You're one to talk." 

Jungwon stuck his tongue out at me before leaning below the table and snatching Layla up before she could teleport away from him. He let out a giggle as she thrashed around in his hands, licking his face. Jake quickly teleported to Jungwon and grabbed Layla, cooing at her. 

"Layla, why do you always have to teleport at the most random times?" he whined. 

Jake let her jump out of his arms, pulling out the seat in between Jungwon and I and settling down in it. Then, he turned to me, as if was just now noticing my presense. "Goodmorning Yumin!"

"Goodmorning Jake." I replied with a smile. Jungwon sat back down, eyes still on Layla, who was prancing around in happiness around the dining area. He scratched his head, thinking. "I should bring Maeumi to your palace one day to meet Layla." 

I took a sip of my tea, offering Jake some of my food, which he happily accepted. "Who's Maeumi?" 

Jungwon smiled, clearly fond of whoever this 'Maeumi' was. "My dog. Maeumi's staying with her trainor right now, though." 

Suddenly, Jake snapped his fingers as he came in realization of something. "Ah, I just remembered that I needed to come see you for something." 

Jungwon and I looked at him, waiting for him to continue. 

He took a bite of the blueberry pastry I offered him. "My parents are hosting a masquerade ball tonight for the important government figures from all of thekingdoms, and they told me that I could personally invite you two, along with the other princes."

I thought about the idea of being able to go to another kingdom, as I've never been outside of the Yang Kingdom before. The thought excited me, and I started to agree to it. However, Jungwon cut in before I could even open my mouth. 

"I'm really sorry, but Yumin's injured right now. I don't want her making her injury worse." He said, gesturing towards my side. 

The fact that Jungwon had remembered that I was injured surprised me, especially considering the fact that I had forgotten myself. I touched my side, slightly dissapointed at the thought of missing out this chance because of the wreched injury. 

"I think I might be able to handle it." I said reassuringly, giving Jungwon hopeful eyes. Jungwon, noticing my gaze, gave me a look. 

Jake looked between the two of us, not sure what was going on. Layla peeked her head above the table, trying to sneak a bite out of my food. Jake quickly pushed her head away, whispering, "Read the room, Layla." 

Jungwon pursed his lips, setting down his silverware. "Yumin, you'd probably rip open your stitches just from trying to get into a dress." 

I, too, set my silverware down and gave him what I hoped was a convincing smile. "I'll be extra careful." 

"You can't even clean your own injury. How am I supposed to be assured that you won't do something rash and injur yourself even more?" 

My smile grew. "Well, you'll be there won't you? You can be there to make sure I don't do anything dumb." I crossed my arms, pulling the last straw with my words. "Unless, you don't think you'll be able to handle me?" 

Jungwon sighed, his last buttons pushed. However, that look in his face said that he had given up. "Somewhere out there is a tree, tirelessly producing oxygen for you to breathe. I think you owe it an apology." He muttered under his breath. 

He picked his spoon up again, dipping it into his porridge. "Fine." 

Jake and I let out equal shouts of excitement, high fiving each other. 

Jungwon looked back up at me, glaring. "But, you'll have to promise you won't leave my line of sight. Or I'll teleport you right out of that ball." 

I winked at him and threw a blueberry to Layla, who caught it in mid air. "Understood, my prince." 

 Five hours later, Jungwon and I teleported to Jay's studio. To my surprise, it was not empty like it had been the first time I came here to pick a dress with Sunoo. Vampires were bustling around, picking out dresses and getting their hair and makeup done at the vanities. Jay was showing a group of ladies a collection of dresses, who seemed to be more interested in the fashionable prince than the items he was showing them. 

Looking at the amount of people who were there, I was glad that I was able to walk again. If Jungwon had to wheel me around in my wheelchair, we wouldn't be able to get anywhere. 

"This way." Jungwon said, holding out his arm to me. I took it and we weaved through the crowds of people. I felt eyes following us the entire time, living beings that were far more beautiful than I was. They whispered behind their hands, watching as the prince and his human mistress passed by. While I avoided their gazes, Jungwon met theirs with a fierce gaze of his own. 

Even if he was kind-hearted, his authority and status had definitely created a sense of fear for him from the other vampires. 

Jay glanced at us, noticing our presense. He broke out into a large smile, making the group of ladies around him swoon and buzz. Jay gave us a brief wave before pointing towards a room in the back. Jungwon threw him a smile and nod back, leading us towards that room. 

He opened the door, revealing a room full of even more extravagant clothing. Dresses and suits were showcased in glass structures, the mannequins made out of glass too. The clothing gleamed and glittered in the lights in all of their glory. 

It was noticeably quiter in this room than it had been outside, as there were siginificantly less people in this room, regardless of the size of it. It seemed to be two times the size of my personal bedchamber. Inside, the other five princes were picking their outfits and getting touched up by some maids. 

At the sight of us, they turned and waved, saying their greetings. Sunoo popped up right in front of my face, a big smile on his face. "Yumin!" 

Before I could answer him back, he teleported both of us to the other side of the room where the rest of the princes were, away from Jungwon. Sunoo pouted, inspecting me. "Jungwon didn't make you cry, right? He can be a big asshole sometimes." 

Jungwon gave Sunoo a playful look, still on the other side of the room. I laughed about to tell him that Jungwon had done no such thing. However, Sunoo grabbed my face with both of his hands, surprising me. 

"He did, didn't he?" Sunoo hugged me, scooting me farther away from Jungwon. "Don't worry, I'll yell at him for you." 

Suddenly, someone else grabbed my arm, teleporting us away from Sunoo. I looked up to see Jungwon, both of his arms around my shoulders. His eyes were on Sunoo, a big smile on his face. "Hyung, is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth?" 

Sunoo stuck his tongue out at him, taking the outfit that he was going to wear and walking to the changing booth next to him. 

Jungwon let go of me, looking around at all of the clothes. "Let's choose our outfits now. Let me know when you've changed." 

We separated ways, walking towards different directions since the dresses and suits were on opposite sides of the room. I looked at the various dresses in awe, not sure how I would be able to pick a dress out of all of the beautiful dresses. 

Last time, Jay and Sunoo were able to make the decision for me, and I was glad that they did. Since I didn't grow up accustomed to these type of gatherings, I wasn't sure what was an appropriate dress and what wasn't. The only thing that I knew and was familiar with was that the Yang Kingdom's color was gold, so there was no doubt that Jungwon would choose a suit in that color. That meant that I, too, need to choose that color to represent the Yang Kingdom. 

A maid walked up to me, which relieved me. She showed me the various dresses that I could wear. As we looked through the assortment of gold dresses, both the maid and I paused at the sight of one of the dresses. I was immediately attracted to it, and I could tell the maid felt the same way. 

After confirming that I wanted to try on that particular dress with her, she removed it from the  mannequin with the help of some other maids. The maid helped me put the dress on, along with the matching neck piece. While she did that, the other maids touched up my hair and my makeup. Again, I was overwhelmed with the sheer weight of the thing, feeling my shoulders start to sag a bit. 

The maid quickly tapped it, reminding me to stand up tall. "My lady, as humans, we are not nearly as powerful as the vampires around us. However, we must look the part."

I nodded, understanding. 

The maid stepped back, admiring her work. She carefully turned me around to face the mirror, to which I was pleasantly surprised. The dress looked better than I imagined, perhaps even better than the dress I had worn to the welcoming party. 

As we stepped out of the changing booth, I noticed that the rest of the princes - including Jungwon - were ready. At the sight of me, they all stopped talking. 

And stared. 

I smiled awkardly, not sure what to do with the eyes of seven insanely good looking princes on me. 

Sunoo was the first one to break the silence as the maids started cleaning up. "Wow." The other princes nodded in agreement. 

Jungwon stood up, dressed in a gold blazer and black dress pants, walking to me. Sunoo squealed, repeating the familiar words he had said on the night of my welcoming party. "You love it, don't you?" 

Hearing those words, Jungwon let out a soft smile before taking my hand and placing a soft kiss on it. The boys around us cooed at the sight. Jungwon lifted up his eyes, to directly meet mine, his voice equally as soft as his smile. 

"Yes, I do." 


A/N: Ahhhh a long chapter again my bad lmao 

but please vote for this chapter <3 
