Chapter Twenty Five

[Height], with [hair color] and a foreigner.  Those [eye color] also matched those in the picture. She was wearing her uniform, he knew to what school that uniform belonged to. A foreigner, and yet she seemed to be able to communicate in Japanese quite well.

She was taking a seat at the Park, and a bag of convince store food in a bad. A bottle of juice rested in your hand as you took a sip from it. There were a few people around, some kids playing but if he wanted, he could do his job without trouble.

His eyes narrowed, even from here he could sense your cursed energy which was very well controlled. It wasn't time, no, instead he made his presence known. It wasn't until he was a few feet away that he turned to you. A friendly smile reached his lips, " Such a nice day to enjoy, isn't it?"

Your eyes narrowed, suspicion quite evident. Despite it, you respond. "Yes, it is a beautiful day."

His eyes trail to your uniform, it seems as if you left the school in urgency. He wouldn't be surprised. "You know, my son goes to that school. He has decided to take that road," he turned around as if to make sure people wouldn't hear. "The life of a sorcerer isn't a safe road."

"Son?" Now you look curious, and he wanted to smile deep down.

"May I take a seat?" First, he asked, and once you move the bad and he sat down he continued. "I'm Toji Fushiguro,  perhaps you know him, Megumi Fushiguro."

And there it was, finally a friendly smile. "Oh, I'm [Name] [Last Name], nice to meet you." You introduce yourself before you continue. " I'm sorry, it's just that he never mentions you."

"We have a complicated history, if he keeps quiet about me, I can't blame him." Just to make it more convincing, he shows a hint of sorrow.

You clear your throat and offer him a smile. "That's a shame. I think you both should enjoy the time you have together. It's hard staying away from my parents, I can't imagine being away and with hard feelings."

Toji looks away, and perhaps your words obtained genuine a bit of shame. "Life and choices got us here, can't turn the clock back. Still, thank you for your kind words, it shows the kind of person you are. I'm glad my son has something like you as a comrades, and perhaps as a friend."

You smile and shake your head. "Megume is such an amazing person and I'm glad we are friends. Though, even if I'm not there, he's surrounded by amazing people. "

"What made you choose Jujutsu College, you're far from home?" He questioned, though his tone was curious. And you supposed he had a reason to be, you were indeed far.

"I wasn't intending on staying, I was supposed to stay for two weeks." A nervous laugh left your lips. "But, well, you know how cursed energy can be."

Toji looks relaxed, his eyes even look at the scene in front of him. "Cursed energy is unpredictable, sounds like you've had quite the expression with it if you decided to extend your stay."

She flinched, Toji noticed from the corner of his eyes. "Curses are dangerous, and the last thing I wanted was to create them and hurt someone. It...was a precaution more or less."

Toji nodded, masking a look of understanding. "They're dangerous alright. Actually, when I approached you was able to sense your cursed energy, it seemed pretty under control. Did you have some training before transferring to Jujutsu College?"

A proud smirk reached your lips as you shook your head. "I took Karate since I was a kid, but that alone didn't help at all. I've been using meditation since my emotions are what makes my cursed energy out of control."

"Actually, a conversation of martial arts and meditation is a great start approach. And so far, it seems you're doing a great job." But there's more, there has to be more...

"But why now? It seems like your cursed energy and emotions weren't a problem before.  Why start now? It's okay if you do not want to answer." There was more, he could see the way your eyes shifted to the side. As if his gaze locking with yours would somehow find the truth.

Instead of answering, she gathered her bag and stood up. "It's getting late, and I was allowed to go out for just a couple of hours."

Toji stood up as well, and he fished around for something in his pocket. A card, a card with a phone number and a name. "Me and then kid aren't on speaking terms. If it isn't too much, maybe you can keep me posted on how he's doing?" To make it more convincing, he shows the concern on his face. "It'll mean a lot."

He could almost laugh, you don't even hesitate. Since you were close to your folks, you were probably hoping that he and Megumi one day be close as well. Mend their bond. "I guess it'll be wise not to let him know about you."

The corner of his lips twitched up in a half smile. "That'll be the best, I don't want to cause any trouble." Toji was about to turn away when he paused, "Even if it isn't about Megumi if you need to talk or any tips you can reach out if you want." And then he is gone, but once you were out of sight, he kept staring in the direction you left.

Too many shadows, too many secrets. Why were the higher-ups so desperate that they were even willing to hire him? Hire him to exterminate you. It was an easy job, the opening they offered made it possible for him to kill you. Right now you would be lying on the ground with a pool of blood around.

But too many secrets. Why offer him just a name and a picture? No more details, just that. If they were this desperate, then there was a very, very good reason why they wanted to kill you. A large smirk crossed his lips as he walked away. He'll investigate and see how he can benefit from this.
