Chapter Three

A familiar face, the same face you saw yesterday came to view on your way to a restaurant you've seen yesterday. Though, it wasn't how you would have liked to see the young man again. It would have been nice to just spot him, you wouldn't even have to interact with him. You could have continued on your way.

But that was not the case. The scene you were facing was also familiar. Normally you were calm, but your belly felt hot and that heat was spreading to your chest. It wasn't just was warm feeling, no, it was also accompanied by disgust and anger. Feelings you hadn't felt in a while.

And no matter how many times your parents' voice echoed in the back of your mind, you couldn't control your body. You were moving, you were taking steps, then walked faster until you were jogging.

People seeing and walking away failed your anger and pushed you to run faster. You came to enter an alley and stopped to see two individuals drag the familiar face.

The one on the ground didn't even fight back when they started to kick him.  Perhaps this was not a one-time thing, it had happened before and people didn't even stop to call the police or something.

You didn't say any as you rushed forward and kicked one of them behind the knee. Making him fall, the other one took notice and offered his attention. But you were quick and socked him squared in the jack.

The other one stood up and attempted to grab you by the back of your [shirt/dress]. They may be slightly bigger, with a stronger build but they didn't know how to fight property.  So you moved away, though you almost tripped as the one you had punched had recovered and was ready to move.

But they stopped and frowned as their gazes on you. They took notice of your features, took steps back, and looked at each other. They were debating whether you were worth the trouble. "I've called the police and gave them all the details. I told them you were following me, so if you're smart enough I'll leave."

Something else, something else was floating behind the mind. But upon mentioning the police, they 'tsked' and spit on the floor before they turned around and left.

You watched them run off, and when you made sure they were gone you turned around to the man. He was standing up, but it was obvious he was in pain.

He wasn't looking at you, he was looking at the ground. It wouldn't be a surprise if he felt embarrassed that a woman defended him. Some men had their egos, and knowing this would be the outcome you began to turn around, ready to leave.

You weren't expecting a thank you, nor were you fishing for one. "Why?" Finally, he spoke stopping you from walking any further. Then he let out a sour laugh. "Just because you're a foreigner doesn't make you immune to getting beat up. "

You knew exactly what he meant and it was supposed to be an insult? "I wouldn't have gotten involved if I didn't know I couldn't handle myself. " But maybe you would have.

"Am I supposed to thank you now?" If anything, you probably made it worse.

This time you turned around to completely face him. "I'm just repaying  a debt."

"You don't know me." Replied standing up as straight as he could. Though, if you hadn't intervened, he wasn't sure he would be able to stand at all.

This time you watched him more without answering his question. And a minute or so after instead of answering, you looked at your phone and frowned. Then you fished around in your pocket and retrieved a small counter. A pill container, there were a couple of pills inside of it. He watched as you took them popped them inside your mouth and swallowed them. "Not to you." But to life, if you could say. Not that he would care anyway.

Taking a deep and long breath, you turned around and you started to walk away.

He had seen your hand, it was red, and with how hard you pushed that animal, he wasn't surprised. But for a woman, or someone in general, that punch was very well practiced.  As if you knew how to do it properly without hurting yourself in the process. 

"I didn't call the police, so if you don't want those guys back you should leave too." He heard you say as you continued to walk.

He frowned. This wasn't the first time those guys had beat him. And it wouldn't be the last, he was sure of that. He didn't know why but he followed you, staying as back as he could.

He watched as you walked and cleaned your hands. It wasn't until you reached a restaurant that you stopped. You stared at the restaurant, studying it until a small smile reached your lips.

You mouthed something, maybe to yourself, before you entered it. He was familiar with that restaurant, he had been to it as well. It was one of the restaurants where he could eat without having to interact with other people.

He found himself following after you and entering the restaurant as well. By the time he got inside, you were already sitting down and even ordering. It took you some time to read and understand how it worked, but eventually, you managed to order some food.

Having no other choice, he sat down and he too ordered something.  Unlike you, he finished his meal fast. So he just waited for you to finish. And when you did, you stood up and turned to him and motioned for him to follow you.

When you both exited, you turned the the direction, of the alley that you both had left. And sure enough, he spotted those guys close by. They kept their eyes on you both, waiting to walk by so that they could beat the two of you. "That's kind of you to stay and make sure I'm okay." You said, unbothered that those guys were just waiting to beat you up. Though, he didn't even think that they would be that bold, though that was not why he was here... "But you shouldn't worry about me."

"How, how were you able to fight like that? I've tried to fight back before." And even if he managed a punch or two, none came close to making them fall, or even cause real damage to make them falter on their attack.

This time you frowned, and looked away to stare at those bullies. Your eyes narrowed, perhaps remembering something. "I'm guessing you don't live that far?" Again you looked around in your pocket and then retired a card. You hesitated but you stretched your arm offering the damn credit card. "Do you need help paying for a taxi? They probably took your phone and money, so here take it. I'm trusting you'll bring it to me, to..." You stopped to think. "To the first place we met."

Maybe you were an idiot to trust him with your credit card. And he didn't want to take it, but those guys would follow him back home...You sighed since he was taking so long. So you grabbed his hand and placed the card in his hand. "I'm [Name] by the way."

With that, you left him but before you got too far, you heard a soft "Jumpei." There was still more to see, which was all you would have to do since you gave him your card.

It was stupid, maybe, but all you could do was report your card as stolen. Besides, there was a limit to it, so it wouldn't be like he would spend a thousand dollars on it right away.

When you turned back to see if he was still there, you smiled as you spotted a taxi pulled over and he took it. The guys waiting for him and probably you, had ugly frowns on their faces. You didn't pay them any attention to them. They didn't know you lived nearby, for all they could guess you lived by the way you were heading. Besides, you didn't plan to go back home right now.

Note: Any guesses as to why she helped him? And as to why said said she had a debt to pay? Why she took that medicine?
