Chapter Thirty Three

Note: I wanted to update this since yesterday but I wanat happy with the chapter so I rewrote if three times. I'm not happy with it, but I still hope you guys enjoy it. 


They've found it, Gojo, Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara found the entrance of a domain expansion. One pulsating with your signature cursed energy. The world within this domain is purged on darkness, it's eerie, and the air is thick, almost suffocating. 


 With caution, they enter and they're surprised they don't find any obstacles. In the distance they can see three forms, getting closer to a set of stairs. The stairs aren't long, but at the end of the stairs, there's a small building. 


 As they get closer, they notice it is Geto, Toji, and Junpei. They're surprised the see the younger man, they didn't anticipate he would be with them. 


 Soon they're close, one more step and they'll be making their way up the stairs. But they stop, they wait until there's movement. In that building, which has no walls, lays a floor that was used as a bed. There's no movement for a few seconds, and then, you begin to stir. You turn to your side and remain there for a few seconds and then, you stand up, and like a zombie, you move slowly until you're standing at the edge of the stairs. 


 Your eyes are swollen and red, and you look tired. But what has them concerned is the detached look on your face, the blankness in your gaze as you sit down and stare down at them. 


 Your gaze doesn't move until it is Junpei who decides to ascend the stairs. He moves deliberately, with caution, and then when he realizes you've given him some sort of permission to move, he makes his way to your side. But you don't say anything, you move your gaze from him to the others, waiting. 


Then Yuji moves, but that's when there's a shift. There has been nothing but darkness filling the domain, but now the ground around them, not underneath them, begins to glow and get warmer and warmer. 

There's a crack on the ground, a crack accompanied by red, perhaps fire that separates them, maybe some sort of warning. "Are you here to kill me?" Finally, she speaks, her voice detached as it slices through the silence. 


 Yuji is anxious to speak, but Gojo takes the initiative invene. There's confusion on their faces. "No, [Name]. We're here to help you, make us understand what's going on." 


There is a twitch in her features, Junpei gets closer and grabs your hand. A form of comfort. "Why would it matter," she says, an edge to her voice. "It won't change the decision I've already made." At that, you stand up but you remain calm. At least on the outside, parts of the domain seem to awaken. 

 "What choice?" By now Yuji seemed desperate. "What's going on? We don't understand. Why are they saying you're a traitor?" There are more questions but he stops as your eyes narrow, and finally, your gaze comes to life with rage. 

 The rage is growing, the domain taking more like fire, flames. "Wait," Gojo places a hand on Yuji's shoulder, " You're currently facing serious accusations, accusations that we want to clear. We're here to help you, to hear you. That way we can clear your name." 


 Silence, and then you laugh, you laugh. A laugh that is still haunted by sorrow and bitterness. Then you abruptly stop, "clear my name? Why do I have to clear my name when they're the ones who decided I was a threat!" Her voice echoes throughout the domain, she is furious once again. Her cursed energy started to leak, and with that last question, there was a wave of it spreading through the domain. 


 "That's why we are here!" Yuji doesn't care, he wants to let you know you aren't alone. "We are here to help you! If they did that," already figuring out who you were talking about, "we'll stand at your side and help you." 


 "Yuji is right. Our presence is our testament to our support. We're here because we don't abandon our own!" Gojo's voice is sincere, "We are family. " 


 Family. It was as if an invisible spear pierced through your body. The faces of your parents appear on your face once again. A reminder that you will never get to see their smiles again. You will never experience embraces filled with nothing but warmth and love. You'll never get to see them again. 


 Your face morphed into pain as if you were in physical pain that made you crash to the ground. Letting go of Junpei's hand. He says soothing words, hugging you. 


 The domain changes, but the change is quick to return to the same as before, if not more intensified. You stand up, tears trailing down your face as you cry. "I have no family! And I have to thank them for that!" They want to get closer, perhaps offer their comfort as well. But you don't let them. "I have nothing to lose anymore." Slowly, your tears stop, your face turns cold, and your gaze burns with hatred. "You can try to stop me if you want, or perhaps join me. It doesn't matter to me, but I won't stop until I hear their agonizing screams as they're torn to shreds." 


 There's a pause in your words, but that pause is used as you give a moment for them to decide. Toji and Geto finally decide to join, and when they're at your side, curses and a hoard of curses begin to appear. As if you had experience in controlling your domain, you make it shift, and change. Changing the very fabric of the domain, forming a way to the exit for her and her allies. 


 As you move, you move like a ghost, slipping through cracks invisible to the untrained eyes. And before Gojo finds you,Geto, Junpei, and Toji are gone. 
