Chapter Thirty One

It has been two days since [Name] [Last Name] left in an emergency, with the claim that her father was ill and she had to go home. Despite trying to work as fast as they could, proper arrangements were not made.

And now there was a meeting held by none other than Yaga, and the conference room was also filled with figures like Utahime Iori, Kiyotaka Ijichi, Aoi Todo, Mei Mei, Nanami, Shōko, Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, Maki, Toge, Yuta, and of course, Gojo was there. But there was also Naoya Zenin.

Yaga stood in front of the room, and so was Naoya Zenin. Out of the two, Yaga didn't seem pleased to be there. "Thank you for coming in such a short notice. " Yaga started and his eyes scanned the room. "As some of you already know, a few days ago a temporary student left and went back home in an emergency.  A family emergency, one of her parents fell ill. However, our contacts indicate that she did not arrive home."

It was understandable that some, if not all of the students that knew began to talk. They were worried. However before any questions were given, Naoya Zenin spoke. "It seems her flight was nothing but an excuse, for plans we have yet to find. What we do know, knowing her connection with Kenjaku is that she is involved with Kenjaku. We believe she planned this whole emergency as a distraction to get to him."

"It's [Name], she wouldn't do something like that." Yuji made it known that he was angry, furious even that they would say something so foul.

Naoya has a file that is slammed on the table. "We've investigated nearby hospitals to her home, none had any records of patients with her father's name. Which suggests that he wasn't hospitalized as she said."

"When she left she was very worried. She wouldn't say something that isn't true." Something didn't sit right with Yuta either, with the direction of this meeting he had a feeling where it would end.

Naoya glanced at Nanami and Geto, "it shouldn't be surprising. After she was told not to leave the school, she did so. And under the pretense that she had been permitted by Yaga. Isn't that correct?" That question was directed to Yaga, Gojo, and Nanami.

Nanami cleared his throat, "she did mention there was a letter, granting her permission to leave the school. However, she wasn't able to prove that said letter existed. Not to mention the teacher that delivered said letter denies the existence of the said letter." He does not like where this is going, but that is the truth. "But even then, if there was no letter, we should understand her. She had been confined to the school for weeks."

Within the file, Naoya retrieves a few pictures. Pictures of [Name] accompanied by none other than Toji Fushiguro, the sorcerer killer. "These were taken the day she was found outside the school."

The accusation seems to rile Yuji up, and Maki attempts to control him. "I've known her for months, and as her mentor, we must figure out the context of their meetings. We don't know if you were coerced, or perhaps she was at the wrong place and wrong time."

Sure enough, the students who do know [Name] agree, refusing to believe that the person they know, the person they care about would plan something like that.

"This isn't the only evidence we have. I've tried to contact her parents, to find out if they know their location. We have not been able to find either." The Zenin member wasn't pleased by the reaction. Though it wasn't surprising, they'd known her for months. More pictures, this time these pictures looked as if they were taken by airport security.  "As you can see, this makes us believe that Toji and she orchestrated this trip to get away."

"That's enough!" Yiji shouted, "I get you have evidence but that doesn't explain anything! What if he threatened her? Did you think about that?"

"[Name] wouldn't do that. Not to mention that she had no obligation to temporarily enroll in our school. She remained to have more control over her emotions, and turned her cursed energy because she didn't want to bring harm to others." Megumi explained further.

Naoya almost smiled as he took out even more documents and also [Name]'s pills. "She arrived in Japan with the presumption that her trip was sponsored by a company. A company that doesn't exist."

"What about her pills? If everything was planned, then why did she give us her pills? Pills that we know had been created for her by Kenjaku himself. Why would she willingly give them to us." Shōko explained, why would she give them if she knew Kenjaku created them.

Oh, Naoya seemed to wait for someone to ask that question. "[Name] [Last Name]," he began, " did say she was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. We checked her medical records, and yes, we did find a recommendation to see a psychiatrist, but we don't see any on her medical records. Other than ordinary medical visits.  As for medication, there are none out of the ordinary on her records as well. For the pills, and why she offered them to us, perhaps it was in hopes of us seeing her as a possible victim. To get trust from us."

"Then, why enroll in our school?" Finally, Yuta's questions, wouldn't make sense at all. "Why come to us?" And he isn't the only one with that question either.

More documents it seems, Naoya was more than prepared. "Upon her arrival, we requested a DNA sample along with her pills. And in our findings, we managed to find mechanisms that only belong to Kenjaku. These pills could only have been created by him. As for her DNA, he found anomalies, which can tie her to Kenjaku." That didn't answer the question but it did give everyone more information. "It is a fact well known that Kenjaku is a manipulator, so it wouldn't be a surprise if he used our school to further her abilities while he worked on his scheme. That would explain her enrollment. And now that she is done with her training, she leaves with the ruse that her father is ill. "

Shōko is usually calm, and always tries to. But now she is frowning at the implications. "It would make sense to you and to those who do not know her to assume of her betrayal. However, during my mentorship, she was genuine. She has absolutely no idea how to control her emotions and her cursed energy. She was afraid," it almost felt as if it was yesterday.  "With my years of experience, of observation, I can tell you,  that her goal was to control her ability, for the sake of others."

Naoya shook his head in disapproval.  "I'm not surprised. Kenjaku is a manipulator,  I'm not surprised she would learn that from him. The fact is, all evidence shows her betrayal. And not to mention the threat she holds at the wrong hands."

"Her observation cannot be ignored, I understand the implications. I understand her ability is dangerous in the wrong hands. But she came to us for guidance, to understand and control her abilities so that others cannot be harmed." Nanami also explained that they've known [Name] for months, and if you weren't genuine, they would have seen a slip-up. Something that would indicate your I'll intentions if that was the case.

Naoya almost rolled his eyes, almost as if he was speaking to children. "Do any of you know how dangerous her ability is? Especially at the hands of Kenjaku? Toji? Geto?' And once more, he shuffled a few more documents and stopped when he found what he was looking for. Pictures, more pictures of [Name] of course. This time though, it was a picture of her and Geto. The picture itself wasn't taken by any of their people, it was a picture taken by someone at the Cafe. And they both were caught in the background. Geto looked like anyone else, but she had changed her appearance.  She dyed her hair, or perhaps it was a wig. She also changed the way she normally dressed, trying to blend in, trying to hide.

"I understand your hesitation to believe all the evidence I am showing all of you. To some of you, she is still a friend, to some of you she's still your student. However, it doesn't change the involvement she has with these two, she has become a big threat to us all. It is imperative to capture her either dead or alive."

"Wait." There is usually a smile on Gojo's face, but not this time. "We cannot assume anything without hearing her side. For all we know, she has changed her appearance to stay low, to stay safe. It is mostly now that she is being followed. And," he grabbed the photos and the documents, "we cannot assume these are authentic.  As her mentor, I'd  suggest we investigate further."

By now Naoya was annoyed, furious even. "If you doubt the authenticity of these documents and photos, then take them. You're more than welcome to study them, but I assure you, these as authentic. You have the rest of the day to prove the authenticity of these documents, after that, her capture will be inevitable. "

The meeting is over and everyone, those who care at least, get to work. Not a minute, not a second is to be wasted.
