Chapter One

"You must be [Name] [Last Name], congratulations!" Upon arriving at your destination, someone was already waiting for you. A young petite woman welcomed you with a polite smile.

Her [ your native language] was broken, but you still managed to understand her welcoming speech. Though you've noticed she had a little trouble with it. "I apologize, " she paused, "someone else was supposed to be here but was unable to. Please be patient with me." She took long pauses to try to translate what she wanted to say.

In return, you offered a nervous smile to acknowledge her. "Thank you," you began to speak in Japanese causing her eyes to widen in surprise. 

"You speak Japanese?" You could spot a sigh of relief from her. "And so well."She took a few steps and helped you with your luggage.

"My mother is a language teacher, I know a few languages." A bit of nervousness eased from your body as the lady seemed to relax as well.

A kinder and friendlier smile reached your lips as she led you to a taxi. "Thank you, my [language] isn't the best. My colleague was supposed to be here but he got sick and was unable to welcome you."

Before you got to say anything back, she opened the back door of the take and instructed you to enter. Your luggage was taken from you and placed in the truck, later the lady joined you but she had to take a call.

The flight was long and although you were exhausted and you wanted nothing more than to sleep, you forced yourself to stay away.

You weren't sure how long the ride took, and you were surprised that you were not taken to a hotel like you expected which was rather odd.

"Since you'll be staying for two weeks we thought it would be more comfortable for you to stay in an appointment rather than a hotel. We," she cleared her throat, "we were notified of your medical condition. This is why we want to make your stay as comfortable, convenient, and fun for you."

You couldn't help but flinch at the mention of your condition, but you supposed it couldn't be helped? "Thank you," was all you said to her.

The lady handed a few things, among them were a cell phone, a card, and the keys to the apartment.  "Anything else you need to know you can read it in there. However, if you have any more questions, my phone number is on that phone. So, please contact me if you have any more questions."

Despite the bad feeling you had, you pushed it aside and thanked the lady. She allowed you to enter the apartment and to rest.

The apartment wasn't that big, but it was enough for one person. It had a room, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. It even had a little backyard in the back.

Letting out a tired sigh, you dragged your luggage to the room and placed it aside. It was already late, you were hungry and on your way into the apartment, you spotted fruit on a table. You were sure there was food, but you were just too tired that you just threw yourself on the bed and it wasn't a minute later that you fell asleep. 

If there was one thing people knew about you, was you were a fast learner. You were smart, and whatever you set your mind to to learn, you would learn it. You weren't stupid, but you were tired.

If you had not been tired, you wouldn't have ignored the bad feeling you had with the meeting. If you hadn't been too tired and sleepy, you would have paid more attention to that call that lady had on your way here. If you hadn't been too tired, you would have made sure you had everything in your bag. If you hadn't been that tired, you would have seen that lady take your passport from your bag.

Then, if you'd noticed all these things you would have called your parents and booked a flight back home.

But you were tired and sleepy,  and by the time you take notice of all these things...It would be too late.
