Chapter Four

It was day three, and you wanted to explore further. But the first thing you needed to do was to get your credit card, you haven't had any notifications that it was used for other purchases.

So, first thing in the morning you headed to the convince store, and you just hoped that Junpei would be there. Though you made sure you didn't run into those punks.

With no issues you managed to arrive at the place, and Junpei was already waiting for you at that table. He wasn't looking around, but it seemed he was here for a bit. There was even a bag on the table, but whatever he bought was still untouched.

He had been staring at his hand, or to be more precise your card. There was a frown on his face, battling with something he only knew. "Good morning." Finally, you decided to announce that you were here. You were still a few feet away, but it was loud enough for him to hear you.

His gaze quickly landed on you but did not reply to your greeting. When you were in front of him, in front of the table, you waited for him to say something. It took him a few seconds to react, and when he did he offered you, your card along with some cash.

"I didn't lend you my  card and expect to be repaid." Instead of taking the money,  you just grabbed your card and put it away.

"You're too trusting in people," but that was where he left it.

You laughed. "Some people are greedy, I know. But you didn't seem to the that kind of person. Besides," you showed him your phone. "I can always report it as stolen." Stopping, your eyes trailed to his shoulder. Part of his shirt moved to the side, revealing some bruises. They were starting to fade, and you were right. This was not the first time he had been beaten. Taking a deep breath you looked away.

"Don't," he snapped. "Don't start with that look, the look of pity. I hate it," his voice started to rise. "All you people do is give me that look..." and do nothing about it. He probably wanted to add.

"I understand what you feel," you didn't expect to stay long. All you had planned was to get your card and leave. Try to explore other streets and maybe some important places. Like parks, or even museums. But no, you took a seat and faced him.

"Understand?" Oh, that must have strung a cord. "You all say the same thing. But you...People don't understand, people don't" He was getting exasperated, and heated which was capturing the attention of a few people who were passing by.

"I understand how it feels to be beaten," you started, "and how it feels for others to just stand around and just watch." Or laugh. "I know."

He relaxed when your gaze turned to look at your hands, you were intertwining your fingers. In doing that, he noticed your hand was bruised, and still red. Though, surprisingly,  there was no swelling. "You?"

"Yeah," you took a second and hesitated.

"Why? You don't seem-"

"Odd?" You cut him off. You didn't seem like the type of person that would be bullied?  He nodded, so you took out your pills but you didn't open the small container.  "I guess I'll probably never see you gain." It was something you said to yourself more than to him.

"I was diagnosed with mild schizophrenia when I was a kid. I may have looked normal," it was something that was talked about often, but it still revived some bad memories. " And well, kids can be ruthless so when they found out about it, it was a matter of time before they decided I was a freak." Though some stuff was blurry as you were told, it was something painful. So you sort of forgot about it.

"Is that why you know how to fight? To defend yourself?" Jumpei was curious it seemed. "Didn't that make it worse?" Because it did when he tried to fight back.

"My parents would speak with the principal and parents but, they're just being kids. That's what they said, so we had to move a couple of times because of that. My dad knew it wouldn't end, and it would get worse as I grew older. So he decided to enroll me in a Karate class." Recalling that memory, your dad was furious, and as much as they wanted to homeschool you, they couldn't afford to do it. Your dad's solution was that if kids would start to bully you, you would at least be able to defend yourself. Then your eyes changed, your gaze lowered to the ground.  Your shoulders slumped."At the last school, I transferred to, " I was lucky enough to meet my best friend." As if recalling a funny memory, you laughed. "When I was being beaten and I tried to fight back, she joined me. Since then, we would get into fights but only to defend ourselves." When she helped you, she had now set herself a target.

Letting out a long sigh, a sad smile stretched across your face and then you stood up. "We're both similar it seems, however, I was lucky. Junpei, don't know if we'll see each other. I just hope that one day you can meet some, just like I met her."

Before you moved, he took out items from the bag. Two drinks, and something for the two of you to eat. "Is that why you helped me then?"

He didn't ask, but he wanted you to stay longer. Something in his gaze told you to not leave right now. You don't know how many times you had that gaze as well. But instead of asking someone to stay, you were pleading for help. Help for other kids to help you, but others were scared. While others found it funny. Which is why you could not help but retake your seat.

When you sat down, he grabbed what he had gotten for himself and motioned with his gaze for you to grab what was yours. You did, you grabbed it and stared at it. "I helped you, not because you reminded me of myself.  You reminded me of the first time I met her." You swallowed had. "She...she was a rebellious girl, but with the biggest heart any person could have."

"...Was?" He stopped unwrapping his food upon you mentioning it.

He stopped but you started to unwrap your food. "She died a couple of years ago of cancer. Since then I swore if I ever found myself in a situation where I was able to make a difference,  I would do it in her honor. Because I know it would be something she would do."

You left it at that, clearly heartbroken. Jumpei kept watching you but then looked away. The least he could do was to let you be and enjoy your meal.
