Chapter Twenty Six

Note: I'll be updating posting another chapter in an hour or so, I want to get to the juicy part. Which is why this is short, but this chapter has its purpose. 


Someone was waiting for you. And not just anyone, Nanami was waiting. His usual serious expression was accompanied by a frown, and if that was not enough to make you nervous, his arms were crossed across his chest. 

 "Is everything okay?" You asked as you got closer, and upon that question, he let out a sigh.  

 "Understandably, you feel trapped, but there's a reason why you weren't allowed to leave. It's for your protection." He explained, and he wasn't wrong...

 But, wasn't that issue fixed? Or at least enough to let you go out? This time it was you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "And I wouldn't have left if one of my teachers handed me a letter. The principal permitted me to leave for a couple of hours. I... I can show you, I left it on my door."

 Without even glancing back to see if Nanami was following, you headed to your dorm. You opened the door and headed straight to the nightstand, which was where you had left it. Nanami followed and watched. You moved a couple of things on your nightstand, the the drawer, and then you began to look around the room. "I swear I left it there. After my last class, my teacher gave me the letter. I came to get some money before I left, and I left the letter on the nightstand." 

"Just be glad you're in one piece, but we can't guarantee that it'll be the same thing if you keep leaving the school without permission. Let this be the last time." He turned around and was ready to leave, but you reached out and grabbed his wrist, making him stop. 

 When you had his attention, you let go of his wrist. "I'm sorry. I would never leave without permission, I'm not that stupid. I left because in the letter it said I could leave only for a couple of hours. They've been investigating, and there was no sign of Kenjaku. I swear my teacher gave me the letter." You glanced at the nightstand as if you would see the letter there. "I'm sure my teacher is still in the school, we can go and ask him if you want. I'm not lying."

This was one thing, and since you weren't harmed Nanami could let it go. Even the principal could let it go, maybe with a warning. But you were so sure that you could prove that that letter existed. But if that was true, then there was more going on. "Then follow me, let's find this teacher." If that letter existed, then that would prove someone wanted you out, and for a reason. 

 And you both walked to the room where you took your last class. And sure enough, the teacher was inside the room grading some assignments. The man raised his gaze but his eyes settled on Nanami first and then on you. "Is everything okay?" 

 As he asked, he rose to his feet and met you halfway way in. Nanami waited for you to speak, and you did. "The letter, can you please tell him about the letter you gave at the end of class?" 

 But the teacher has a confused expression on his face. "I'm sorry Miss [Last name], I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. I don't recall giving you any kind of letter."

 "What? You gave me a letter. That letter was from the principal, you told me when you handed it to me." Honestly, why would he even lie about it? 

 But the teacher frowned and looked rather angry. "I'm not sure what you're talking about. If the principal wanted to tell you something, he would have done so personally. Or he would have summoned you, and his secretary would have given you this so-called letter." 

 Despite looking exasperated, your cursed energy was in control. A small spike which was quickly fixed. "This is all, thank you." Nanami grabbed your arm and led you out. 

 Gojo was casually walking by, and he decided to see why you looked so pissed. "Hey, something interesting seems to be happening here." Curiously it seemed. 

 "She went out of the school when she was not allowed," Nanami explained. 

 "Come on," Gojo smirked, " we did the same things. Let her live a little."

 "I don't know why he's denying it, but I swear he gave me that letter." You turned to Gojo, "My teacher gave me a letter saying it was from the principal. That letter said I was allowed to leave for a couple of hours. I wouldn't have left if it wasn't true." You paused and took a deep breath. "I swear, I don't know where that letter is but I left it in my dorm." 

 Gojo raised an eyebrow, though he still kept that smile. "Relax, it's not the end of the world. Just don't do it again." 

 You groaned out of frustration, rubbed your face, and opened your lips to say something. Instead, you shook your head. "If you don't believe me fine, but I am not lying." And you left them standing there. 

 The two of them watch you leave, and once you're gone, Nanami turns to Gojo. "We can dismiss this whole thing, but she hasn't lied before. And she's not the type to lie either."

 Nanami nodded, "but it wouldn't be a surprise if she did. She's been coupled inside the school, has been training, taking classes. I would understand if she did, she's under so much stress. "

 "Still, we should get this investigated. If Kenjaku is involved, it wouldn't be surprising if he had something to do with this." Gojo explained, "Though it seemed nothing out of the ordinary happened." 

 "I'll speak to Yaga and explain the situation to him and open up an investigation." After deciding that, the two of them headed to take care of what they needed to take care of.
