Chapter Eight

Shōko returned to work after she followed you both. She tried to dismiss the whole thing. No married how long she studied you both from afar, she couldn't decipher what caused her to feel the way she did when you both passed by her.

The following day she followed her daily routine unless she had some directing to do, then it would change. But not today, she didn't even need to tend to any injuries.

So her day was mostly open, which meant her mind was occupied with things that shouldn't occupy it. Which led her to smoke more than usual. "If you're smoking that much, then that means something important happened."

Nanami's strong voice made her stop as she was just about to inhale more smoke. That's when she realized she had been smoking more than she should have. She let out a long exhale and threw it on the ground and stepped on it. Her lips parted wondering if it was worth discussing it with Nanami. "Yesterday I went to the supermarket to fetch someone I needed." Again she stopped, feeling that maybe she was making it a bigger problem than it was.

Nanami nodded, maybe understanding her. "I've known you for years and whatever is plaguing your mind is making you this anxious, then it is."

"Just when I was about to leave,  a young man and woman passed by." She frowned, "and I felt dread, something that made my skin crawl. It was the worst thing I've ever felt."

"I see," he wasn't here all the time, but he had heard she did not return yesterday.

Shōko nodded. "I followed them after, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. I wanted to get a closer look, but they kept moving and they would have found I was following them."

"It's probably nothing, you've been stressed these past few days. Try to relax and forget about it." And if it was important, they would find out soon.

The woman sighed and rubbed her forehead. She couldn't even sleep last night, and she did feel tired. "Perhaps you're correct." She mumbled a few things to herself and removed herself from sight.

As for Nanami, he continued his day without sparing a moment to think of what Shōko mentioned.

The next day, during lunch he went to a bakery to buy something to eat for lunch. He was close to the bakery, his hand was already at the door ready to open it when a young foreign woman left. Her gaze turned to him, and a polite yet friendly smile adorned her face. A 'thank you,' left her lips and she exited and he opened the door.

It wasn't that smile that had him rooted to that spot, and that had him stare at her as she walked away. Two bags filled with pasties swung as she walked away. Dread. Literal dread washed all over his body as she passed right past him. Even now, he could still have a lingering feeling of it.

This is where he frowned as he stared at her. Was this what Shōko was speaking about?  No wonder she was thinking heavily about that encounter. "Welcome and please come in." If it wasn't for the voice of the young woman inside the bakery, he would have kept staring at you.

So he finally decided to walk in and order something. But when it came to paying his eyes shifted to the girl's shoulder. A curse rested there, which was odd. Yesterday Naname came here and there was no curse on that girl. Nanami and the girl had a bit of conversation and took care of that curse and then when he was done, he walked out.

However,  as he left, the girl waved at him and thanked him. He was supposed to go back to work but he took another route.

It was the same direction you had taken off to. It wasn't long before he finally managed to see you. He observed as you waved at someone, and there was one bag less in your hand.

Unlike Shōko, he did not hide so it was inevitable for your gaze to land on him. Something flashed in your eyes as you watched him come closer. Your body changed, it was straighter, and on defense. Something with experience did when it came to being prepared.

"Hello," he then stopped in front of you and he felt it again. "You're from the bakery, can I help you?" You asked and tried to be polite and yet, there was suspicion in your tone of voice.

He raised his bag, "I believe you forgot this." He replied, trying to stay longer and see why, was there a feeling around you?

You furrowed your eyebrows and stared at it trying to figure out if you had left something. But you hadn't from the shape of it, it looked like a sandwich and you didn't buy one. You shook your head, "maybe it belongs to someone else, it isn't mine." After that, your smile dropped from your face, and then just stared at him. "That bakery was empty when I left, so why are you here? I assume you know that woman that was following us yesterday. I'm not sure what it is that you want, but I suggest you stay away or I'll call the police."

With that,  you turned away and began to leave. Nanami stayed until you were out of his sight. His location was to go back to work but now there was another location he had to head off to. Shōko was right not to dismiss what she felt.  There was something off about you and more investigating needed to be done before completely dismissing your case. 
