
yumlise (this is gonna be long af and also just dressing stuff about Elise as well)

the fact this dosnt even have a ship name bc nobody in their right mind would ship a 10 and 13 year old romantically. 3/10 

reasons I love them:

1: they are literally besties you cannot tell me otherwise. 

2: they are literally a unstoppable duo.

3: they are so silly

reasons I dislike them: 

1: one is 13 one is 10. AND ELISE ISNT EVEN A HUMAN.

2: this just once again supports my theory on higugin and montcott and now yumlise on how this is the next best thing bc you can't ship Mori x Elise. idfk why anyone would want to ship a 13 and 10 year old with someone but those two are closest in age that are in the same environment. ofc there is yumeno and kenji which is another resort ppl might take when they dont like kyoukakenji or yumlise. 

3: Elise is not a real person. I love Elise and she is my favorite PM member but all these things of "Elise deserves better!!" or "free Elise!!" are BS.  she is a ability-she is what mori finds attractive.  also when ppl call mori gay is fucking hysterical. WHICH ONCE AGAIN ADDS ON TO THE THEORY. 

4: I also feel some people wanna make Elise lesbian bc of mori. once again.  If a man physically hurts a woman or mentally (and in this case is a pedo) you gotta ship her with a woman or make her lesbian. and idc if ppl like to self project themselves onto charcters- "dazai is bi bc im bi!!" "deku is trans bc im trans" or whatever. but jeezus- do not self project onto a 10 year old. real or not its still weird. like Samatha. you are 14 years old, you are not a temperamental 10 year old who likes to eat sweets all day. this 10 year old child is not "LITERALLY ME!!"

5: im also torn between ppl HC her as the (idk what its called but its like the yellow orange flag I think) I assume it means she feels no attraction- and her being straight. we get to see 3 kinds of Elise in the books and show. beast Elise, adult Elise in the war, and the Elise we have now. Ik she can change to whatever mori finds attractive but does that mean she loves him? rn we have Elise with younger dazai and yosano personality which both people obviously did not love him. so if he found a more loving personality attractive would Elise love him like romantically?? I mean as of right now Elise clearly does not love mori which I assume is dazai and yosanos personality traits so I guess is why ppl HC this Elise as aroace or whatever sexuality it was. but genuinely speaking-would Elise's sexuality change with moris attraction? (got carried away lmao)

6: I think yumeno just wants friends. not a relationship.


sexuality HC:

Elise: straight (for now) she/her

yumeno: straight, NB. they/them
