
fukumori (TW idk what to call it but im talking abt mori and his actions a lot)


reasons I love them:

1: I love they mutual respect for each other despite them working on the opposite sides. 

2: their interactions are so funny.

3: not a huge age gap (shocker for mori)

4: their fights are the highlight of bsd for me. they are always so interesting even tho they had a calico cat blow up the building. 

reasons I dislike them:

1: FUKUMORI IS NOT CANON. MORI IS 100% NOT GAY. Elise is his ability, she is what mori finds attractive. now idk what bsd fans are not getting abt that, but if mori was gay wouldn't Elise be a man?

2: My theory once again comes into play, now obvi they have a lot of SC and I can see a bit of chemistry but it's the same for most ships. kouyou most ppl HC as lesbian with yosano and Elise is to young and once again fukuzawa is the next best thing besides Francis and fukuchi.

3: fukuzawa is forgiving but idk if he will date the person to traumatized dazai and yosano. 

4: mori once again finds little girls attractive. I hate I have  to have to explain this but mori is not that type of pedo to SA people. ik that sounds awful but I feel I should explain my opinion on moris situation as well. SA and grooming are different things when in the moment. let's take Elise for example- yes he likes to see her undressed and make her wear different dresses but that dosnt mean he SAs her. and yosano, she was almost always in the war bunker and near the end mori seemed to have enough of her. and dazai- mori is scared of dazai so why would he fucking SA him? I am not justficting his actions and being a pedo but it pisses me tf off when ppl say he SA charcters. I hate I have to say all this shit but he likes girls who 'fight back' so having someone easily comply to its 'desires' is false.  and when I try to talk abt this ppl always comment back "he legit says he prefers the women in his life to be under 12 wdym" "OFC HES A PEDO!" im not saying he isn't one. anyone with common sense can see that he is one. but the crimes ppl are saying he does vs the ones he actually does are two different topics. plus if you hate mori soooooo much for those crimes you say he does why are you fucking HC him to be doing it? "oh I hate when characters get SA but I bet mori did it allllll the time to yosano Elise and dazai." do you know how stupid and awful you sound? his situation is like pro shippers. pro shippers ship lets say a minor and a adult in a show. it seems wrong and everyone hates them even tho they are fictional. but HC mori to do awful things to a fan favorite character isn't bad?? also when someone says not to joke abt what he does but then makes all these awful Hc for him- wtf?  I feel I needed to address that.

5: fukuzawa and mori have mutual respect. I also see them mori as brothers based on a few of their interactions and reasons of fighting.


7: I tried to hard to ship them but I can't see it.

8: I dont feel like current mori deserves ALL that hate. Ik he's a pedo and he traumatized dazai and yosnao but what do you expect? he's a villain- villains so bad things. I think he's a really well written charcter and plus I think current more is much better then younger mori bc younger mori is where all his actions leading up to the fandom hating him came from. (this is a reason why I likee his charcter but imma just keep it ion the "why I dislike them" section)  and I really thought it was interesting when mori lied about yosano having to come back to the mafia. bc for a while mori was a antihero and he was bad but had been doing good things to help save everyone but that random evilness with yosano I thought was amazing and brought us back to who mori really is and not some "sweet incoccent bean"

9: I can't really see them as a healthy couple considering mori.

10: fukufuku is growing on me tbh-

(I might add more points later but after that huge paragraph abt mori my brain is fried.)

sexuality HC:

fukuzawa: bisexual (he/him)

mori: pansexual (he/him)
