
so my friend like cross fandom ships so she asked me to do yuri and chuuya bc ig thats a thing


reasons I love them:

1: they are so similar in personality I love it. 

2:  like the meme said they are the same but different fonts.

3: their ship name sounds like the cereal 

4: I like the ship when they are 15. other than that no. I wont ship 22 year old chuuya with 15 year old yurio

5:  ya know they hit that bad. they share similar personailtys but in a different way. yurio has a more toxic mean and Chuuya has a more aggressive mean.

reasons I dislike them:

1: not to fond of cross fandom ships

2: sigzaichuu and otabeck x yurio better.

3: I cant see them being a couple like with their design and all. 

4: this ship isn't random but I feel ppl just choose charcters who look or act the same and ship em.

5: I feel they would both be to mean to actually be a couple

sexuality HC:

yurio: pansexual he/him

chuuya: gay, poly he/him
