
this is a rare pair dont kill me 

I quite like them 6/10

reasons I love them:

1: I feel they have that peaceful calms vibe. teccous might be different but I find them sweet.

2: they look sweet.

3: legal

4: I feel louisa would tale the place of tecchou and just warn him not to eat those weird food combos. 

5: their ship name is cute and easy.

6: the only 2 charcters I HC as trans in a ship :3

7: I feel is louisa was introducing him to Francis tecchou would show him all these food combos and louisa would be like "oh no hes gonna hate him" and Francis would call him a genius.

reasons I dislike them:

1: their age gap is a bit weird

2: they dont interact. 

3: Tecchou might be a bit to aggressive for louisa

4: no fanart but I aint surprised 

5: Louisa has a crush on Francis and him pretty sure she would stay loyal

sexuality HC:

louisa: trans fem she/her

tecchou: trans masc he/him
