

this is sweet 5/10

reasons I love them:

1: though I think this ship is sweet an all I feel a majority of ships with dazai and chuuya in them focus more on the other charcter. like sigzaichuu. most ppl focus more on the sigzai element. 

2: the fanart is so sweet.

3: legal

4: their fandom dynamic is sweet affff.

reasons I dislike them:

1: im not super fond of either ship tbh besides chuuzai. kunidazai is much more wholesome to me 

2: I dont think chuuya and kunikida would get along that well.

3: chuuya dont seem that interested in anyone.

4: I can see kunidazai and chuuzai but kunchuu I can't see which is why they alter kunikidas persomilty to a more tolerable person which I dont mind but its noticeable. 

sexuality HC:

chuuya: gay he/him

kunikida: bisexual he/him

dazai: bisexual, poly he/him
