
I dont think I did them

I like em a lot actually 6/10

reasons I love them:

1: legal

2: Ivan is like the fandom nikolai where he has already devoted his entire being to Fyodor. 

3: they would call eachother "dear"

4: I feel Ivan would be a calm psyco stalker. nothing to insane but I feel he would be obsessed. 

5: the fanart is cute actually

6: russian pookies

7: I actually think if any male charcter was going to like a man it would be Ivan. i might be overstepping this but you can cleary see how much Ivan is devoted to him sorta like a fukuchi and teruko vibe. I mean he took away Ivans sad emotions (nikolai?...) so hes in his debt possibly in admiration but I get minor in love vibes.

(im craving pickles)

reasons I dislike them:

1: Ivan is the biggest pawn for fyodor. it's so obvious. 

2: their height diffrence is a bit weird... 5'6 and 6 feet under...

3: Ivan needs to back off my man!!!??

4: my dude fyodor needs to chill with the white haired men who dress nice.

idk I cant really think of more reasons to dislike them. it actually might be one of the more healthier ships with fyodor..

sexuality HC:

Ivan: (I forgot the sexuality but its when someone only falls in love with ppl really close to them.) bisexual he/him

fyodor: gay he/him
