The party [part 1]

''Omg, do you recognize them?'', says Hannah. ''Yeah, of cours! This is the best day so far! First, we see Niall at the airport and thenwe find out that Harry and Louis are our neighbors! Isn't it a dream?'' asks Tara, "aah, that hurts! Okay, it is real. But Michelle, what are you quiet?'' ''Oh sorry, I'm daydreaming. What dress will you wear?'' I say. ''I think the little black dress and Tara, you should wear the white one. Okay, let's go!''

After two hours they are ready to go and what are they excited! the door is immediately opened. It's Zayn! ''Ehmm, welcome ladies! Who are you?'' ''We are the new neighbors of Harry and Louis and they had invited us to come to the party. This is Tara and Michelle, and my name's Hannah.'' ''Nice to meet you all! I'm Zayn. Come in!'' He looked surprisingly happy, we saw. We follow him to the living room and then we see the rest of the group: Niall, Harry, Liam and the nicest, Louis. I'm looking at Tara. This will be her best night ever, with Niall, I think. He goes off the couch and walks to us, the rest follow him.

 Louis introduces us to the rest and I see that Niall looks all the time at Tara. I hope that she grabs! ''What do you want to drink?'' asks Liam. He looks at me, so I say I want water. Tara and Hannah take coke. Niall and Louis walk to the kitchen. Niall says: ''I think I've seen these girls before, I believe at the airport.'' ''They arrived this afternoon, so I guess you're right.'' ''What do you think of Tara? I think she's the cutest person I've ever seen.'' ''She looked at you the whole time. I think she likes you. I like Michelle more.'' ''Ermm, is that the middle one?'' ''Yeah, you're right! Come quickly, before they miss us!'

Zayn is trying to attract the attention of Tara, but she has no time for him. She can only look at Niall. He gives her a glass of coke. ''Awhh, thank you Niall!'' ''May I have this dance of you, lady?'' asks he. ''Oh, of course! I love dancing!''
