star news

The boys have brought us home, so we can talk about what happened earlier. Tara is over the moon. She smiles ALL the time! I think this is her best day ever. She has got a heart necklace with the letter N in it. The N of Nando's, no, I mean of course Niall. It strikes me that they did not live together. I have to laugh that thought. ''Taar, how do you feel?'' I ask. ''Argajf I feel 1Derful! I can't believe it. It is just AMAZAYN!'' she continues to scream. I give her a hug and say: ''You did it, girl! You have an Irish boyfriendd!'' Irish people are always so cute, but so does English people. I'm glad I can with them just fangirling about 1D. Just like before, but with the boys in the neighborhood, we must include. That I can't always, I'm still say sometimes boo bear.

The TV is on and we're looking at the stars news. We talk a lot so we hear almost nothing. ''Is that correct? I think there was 'one direction' on screen!'' We start fangirling! Oh shit, it is advertisement... Why is it taking so long? Bah, I hate this. Finally! It's back. There are a few titles. It says: Niall Horan has a new girlfriend. ''OEEH TARA, look! That's you!'' ''Huhh! I did not know there were cameras this afternoon!'' she says. They say  that she the same girl as their new video. Tara gets a text message. It's from Niall. ''Hi sweetie! Do you watch star news now? It's about you! I love youuu, kiss!'' Ahh, she shows us the message. It's so sweet!''
