surprise again

It's always fun in the car with the lads. It seems that Zayn is a little bit interested in Sarah, the way how he looks at her, just beautiful. We're almost at the beach and stop at an ice cream shop, so we all taka an icecream. I take the melon one, I love melons! ''Oh girls, one thing. I have a surprise for you.'' Louis says. ''Oeh, what then?'' I ask. ''You'll see later today.'' he replies. I'm really curious! We walk to the beach and I recognise it immediately, it's the place, actually one of the places, where what makes you beautiful is recorded! I look surprised at Lou and he nods his head, it's like a yes about what I'm thinking, like he can read my mind. The girls see it too and become happier, while they were really happy before the beach. Zayn suddenly grabs Hannah and runs into the see and at the same time I get a call from Tara and I say hi. ''Hi! How are you? How's the weather in England?'' She asks. ''Yeah I'm great and it's hot here and there?'' "Wonderfull too. Can you give Hannah please?'' "I can't, she's in the see.'' Tara forces me to walk to the see and say that I have to put the loudspeaker on. She screams: ''Zayn, whate are you doing with Hannah in the see?'' He turs around and wonders, like me, how she knows it. ''What? How do you know that?'' I ask her. ''Look at your left side'' she says and ring up. There I see Niall and Tara coming closer to us. I run tho them and we hug each other. ''Hi guys! what are you doing here?'' I ask. ''Hi! Tara said that she wanted to see her dutch friends and I said back that we can go back, so she doesn't miss them when we come back.

We're one group again and Tara socialize with Sarah and Emma. They talked to each other a whole time again! I decide to go to the see and a moment later, Louis stands beside me, without knowing. He grabs my shoulders and I got scared a little bit, but I know it's Louis, so it's fine. ''So, this is the surprise?'' ''Yes, do you like it?'' ''I didn't expect this kind of surprise, but I love it!''
