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''I'm baccck!'' Tara yells. I am wide awake right, what can she scream! Just not normal. ''Hii. Welcome back. Did you have a great time tonight?'' I ask. ''Yeaah, it was just perfect. I have met Ed! I'm so happy right now.'' ''Oh my gosh, Ed Sheeran?'' ''Yes, he's really good on stage and I've talked to him.'' ''I'm so happy for you! What happened?'' ''Ohh, I tell you all later. I think I'm gonna to bed now.'' ''Okay, good night!'' She runs upstairs and I'm alone with Lou again. ''Did you know it?'' ''Yes, but I had to keep my mouth shut from Niall, sorry.'' ''Hahah, you did it. I'm very proud.'' He laughs loudly, finally he laughs because of me instead of I laugh because of him. ''Butt, do you have time tomorrow?'' he asks, ''We have a surprise for you three.'' ''I need to grab my calendar. Hihi, no joke. I can tomorrow. Should I ask if they can either?'' ''Yes, that's good.'' I'm interested in what we will do! I can't wait!

''What the fuck? Is it fake?'' Hannah wass wondering. It's just his brother in law! I scared me badly! On the other hand, I am very relieved! It was really a great evening! I even danced a little with Liam, haha. We are in a Dutch snack bar now. Zayn eat only fries, Liam eats for the first time one croquette and Harry shares a portion of chips with me. ''So, this is something you eat in the Netherlands?'' asks Liam, ''I like it!'' ''Yeah, it's typical Dutch.'' I answer. Ohh, what a night, I thought!
