Moving to England!

Today is the day! My best friends and I are moving to England. We are so excited! A few questions going through my head: Who are our neighbors and are they nice? We are at the airport right now and we can almost boarding. ''Oh my god, Tara. Look over there!" Michelle says, ''isn't it Niall from One Direction?" ''Yes, it's him!'' she knows, ''shall I go to him, so I can go on the picture with him?" Hannah think she should do it: ''Yeah, take your chance!'' But it's too late, Niall is already gone. ''Passengers, you have still five minutes left to board flight one.'' ''Let's hurry up!''

After the flight of one hour, they land in England and they take a taxi, which brings them home.

Louis and Harry are back from their tour. They are sitting on the couch and watching TV, but then they hear a car pass. ''Are they our new neighbors? Oh damn, they're really pretty!'' Louis says. ''You're right, loue! Will we go outside?'' ''Oh yeah, that is my idea.'' His heart beats. I'm in love, he thinks.

''Hi ladies! We are your new neighbors, did you have a good trip?'' asked Harry. Hannah turs around and says: ''Yes, fortunately. I'm Hannah, by the way.'' ''Nice to meet you, Hannah! I'm Louis and this is Harry 'flirts' Styles.'' ''Errm, thanks Louis. Just call me Harry. And what are your names?'' ''My name is Tara and the girl behind me called Michelle.'' ''Nice to meet you, ladies. Will you come to our party tonight?'' Louis says. ''Yeah, of course. We're in! We'll see you tonight.'' says Michelle excited.
