
''Carrot Happenin?'' Everyone turns around. There he is, Louis. He has with him carrots and gives me one. ''Thank you Lou!'' I love carrots. This reminds me of X-Factor, video diary 2: ''I like girls who eat carrots.'' haha, I hope that Taar & Han take no carrots. Only Zayn, Harry, Liam and Niall, of course, take one. Louis tries to grab the carrot while I'm eating. Huh, what do these cameras here? I think. The  tranquility is over, there are lots of girls walk behind the cameras. Niall whispers to Tara: ''go please, for security. I'll see you tonight or these afternoon.'' She gives him a sweet kiss and waves goodbye. We're going as fast as possible out of the park with the three of us.

''Taar? Is it now officially between you two? You're so cute together!'' I ask. ''Uhmm, not YET.'' she replies. We're going shopping. That we have not done for a while. After we all bought something, asks someone if she can make a picture with Hannah. We have no more privacy! I hear someone say: ''I saw her on the news, with Louis Tomlinson.'' How can we go? There are more and more girls around us. They ask how the boys are in real life and if they can kiss well Haha, I have to laugh. I whisper to Tara: ''Do I have to call Lou, so we can go away?'' ''Good idea!'' I press number 1, a shortcut for Lou. ''Hi sweetie! What's going on?'' ''Hi Louu! I think we've got a problem. There are many girls who want a picture with us. And they ask questions about you all.'' ''Oh, where are you?'' ''We're at the mall.'' ''We're coming! They want with my girl in the picture.'' He said to Zayn, but I heard it. ''Bye, Boo Bear.'' It was already there before I knew it. ''Oops, sorry Lou!''
