It's everything about you

We all have a glass of champagne and toast together. It's very cozy with the radio in the background and candles on the tables. It's already dark and we're still outside. It's getting more colder, so I put a blanket around me. Tara hasn't cold, because Niall sit against her and his arm is around her waist. Hannah sits on Harry's lap.  I don't know any nicer and funnier guys than these guys. The waiter gives us some snacks and asks if we want something to drink. I take an orange juice and the others take a soft drink. There's a familiar rhythm on the radio. It's everything about you. Liam sings his piece along and then starts Harry his part. Hear the song live, it's more fun than using the CD. Tara, Hannah and I yell along with the chorus. We're not worried about others boaters. The song brings such good memories, the day when we were shooting and the hotel visit. It's just amazing.

Tara is called, it's her mum I think, from Holland. She screams very hard REALLY? in Dutch, only Hannah and I understand. When she hangs up, she says to Niall: '' My mum has seen us at show news.'' ''Oehh Tara, you're famous!'' Zayn says. ''What did she think about it?'' Niall asks. ''Do you really want to know it? She thinks that you really suits me.'' That last she whispered, but I could understand. I think the same about Nara. She does her hands around him and gives him a kiss on his cheek. Louis is wondering what she said and I say the same as Tara. ''So we fit together?'' Louis jokes. ''I was talking about Tara & Niall, but if you wanna know it, you should ask the others.'' He asks Harry, who is sitting next to him. He nods!

e and toast together. It's very cozy with the radio in the background.
