Lunch at Valentine's Day

Tara, Hannah and I are making up each other for the lunch that day. I wear a new dress, a little black one. Liam & Zayn bought it earlier. Tara wears a simple top with red pants, just like Louis! Hannah wears a dress with flowers. ''Uhmm girls, are you ready?'' Louis asks on the other side of the door. Hannah and Tara are already done with their make-up and I not. I still wear no makeup. ''Yeahh, we're done!'' They say both. When he opens the door, I say: ''I'm not done, I helped Tara & Hannah with their make-up.'' ''It doesn't matter, you can easily without makeup.'' he says. My cheeks become red. ''You see, she's wearing make-up. She's wearing red blush!'' He jokes and comes closer to me and whispers: ''Seriously, you don't need make-up. You're beautiful.''

This is the first time since a long time that I wear not make-up. It's weird! I love the fact that almost no one knows that we're in New York right now. But for how long? Only the families of the guys know it. There are many photographers and they must know a boyband called One Direction. We're gonna to a small pub. There are no others in it, just only us eight. I'm gonna sit next to Liam & Tara. Louis sits across from me. I take a bread with cheese. It's reminds me of Holland. A couple weeks ago I was living there and was fangirling all the time when there was a new fact about 1D with my friends and now I'm in New York with these 5 amazing guys! It's so bizarrre! I'll never forget this. Louis makes me awake, I was daydreaming again. Everybody, except for Niall and me, is already finished. ''Good afternoon!'' Zayn says to me. I smile at him and say the same against him.

I see a lot of roses outside, when I'm finally finished. OMG, it's Valentine's Day today. I totally forgot! Shit, now I have nothing for Louis! He grabs my hand. ''Will you follow me?'' ''Yeah, of course, why?'' I am curious why I have to follow him. We're gonna back to our hotel and I see a lot of candles. They stands in the form of a heart. Someone's playing guitar and Louis start singing: ''Ohohoh, Ohohoh, be my baby and I'll look after you and I look after you.'' He takes my hands while he sings. When he's done with the song of his favourite band, he asks: ''Do you want to be my babe?'' Oh my gosh, is this real? I can't believe it! I  feel tears welling up, but I try to stop them. ''Yes Lou! I really want it!'' We hug each other and then he kisses me. I feel his smile during the kiss and I feel like I'm the happiest girl on earth!
