Part -45

Unedited :-

In Jeon mansion ( night )

Two person are sitting on the dining table .

Hobi - hyung tell me what happen..I will try to help you .

So yeah he was
I am your hope , you are my hope , I am ---------

Back on the chapter

Jin -  it's nothing just some office work...

Hobi - really ( Bombastic side eyes )

Jin - a yeah... really....

Hobi - hyung stop lying for God sake please....

Jin sigh

Jin - Suga.....

Hobi - what..Suga hyung... Don't tell me that you are still not talking to him...

Jin - yeah I am not talking to him till now

Hobi -  hyung...what ...I know he is wrong at his place but still hyung ... it's been a week you are not talking to him... that's enough should have forgiven him till now...

Jin -  I know know today I even slap him twice and said so many mean words.

Tells hobi about what words he say to Suga .

( But Jin didn't tell that he scold Suga because of mafia work . As only Jin knows about it . )

I know I first mansion Rm too . Sorry for that . Now please remember that only Jin knows about it . 👍 Ok

Hobi - Really what he did ...

Jin - he just again skip his meal for some meeting... ( He lied )

Hobi sigh .

Hobi - he is really  something .. ( whisper )

Jin - i was just angry at that time..and said a lot of things which not even supposed to say .....

Hobi - what you said ...

Jin tell him.

Hobi - That's a lot know him ...he don't say anything or show anything but he is  so sensitive. In this things. . He always overthink...and as far as I know his overthinking doesn't have a good really don't have to said that all..

Jin eyes get teary..

Jin - I know ...I know that...I really don't want to say all that.. it's just the heat of moment... I can't able to control...i really hurt him but what can I do he stubborn never listen to anyone... always  take risk to his life for know I was frustrated all day because of this and then jm..and all that happened and I even slap him.. it's not even his mistake...

Hobi hug Jin.

Hobi - hyung it's ok..don't think so much...but know jm cried so much.. he didn't even want to eat the food.....I know you don't like food wastage but he didn't do that intentionally it just happened....and above of that he is not know him..he just turn into a big  baby whenever he is sick...

Jin - hmmm...did he eat the food...

Hobi - yep...I made him eat...such a hard task...

Jin - my baby ....he must be angry on me....

Hobi - yeah you have to make it up with him...

Jin - hmmm

Hobi - hyung....( Jin look towards him ) Please talk to. Suga hyung..if you think he needs punishment than  give him but please talk to both can't stay like this for forever... please talk...

Jin - I will....

They both stand up to leave to their respective room  but hobi again call Jin. Jin turn back...

Jin - what....

Hobi - If you decide to punish him..then please don't be so hard on a little gentle...

Jin smile and nooded then both sleep.

Next morning...

In Jeon mansion

Jin enter in jm room and find him sleeping cutely . He go and sit near him . He then saw his phone which is still  standing on the side table. He took it.

Jin - why his phone is placed like this .... ( Confused ) Whatever......( He put the phone down ...

Jin stroke jm hair lovingly.. jm move a little . Jin caressed jm cheek where he slapped him .

Jin - it hurts you right ...I am sorry...I am such a bad person......

Jm woke up listening someone talking on his ear .

Jm - who is there... please go talk to somewhere else...let me sleep....( Pout )

Jin smile and ruffled his hair  and leave from there.

In kitchen.

Jin was preparing the breakfast for everyone after a while hobi enters with eyes close. Jin look towards him . Hobi came to Jin and hug him . Jin ruffled his hair.

Hobi - hyung....I am sleepy....( Yawn )

Jin - then go and sleep for some more hours...

Hobi - I can't I have so many appointments know I have to do  two surgeries today ....

Jin - don't overwork hobi...

Hobi - I will not hyung ... it's just these cases are critical that's why I have to do it...

They were just talking when they saw a sleeping figure coming down the stairs...
It is none other then jk . He is coming downstairs closing his eyes. Jin and hobi saw him. Jk stumble on the last two stairs but balance himself  . His yes are now all opened.

Jk - phew...I have good reflexes ( patting his own shoulder )

He enter in the kitchen . He doesn't notice that two pair  of eyes  glaring him. He enter in the kitchen seeing his both hyung their.

Jk - hyung...ouch...ahhh...( He yelled )

Jin twisted jk's ear as he enter in the kitchen.

Jin - what was that ha...

Jk - owww...ow..Hyung...hurt..leave me..ahh...hobi me...

He yelled for hobi to save him from Jin . But in written hobi smack him.

Hobi - what save me you deserve this....what if you get injured...

Jk pout.

Jin - how many times..i have said to you that be careful on stairs and here you are performing stunt by coming  with your eyes closed...why don't you ..( twisted jk ear more )

Jk - ahhh...Hyung.. sorry..sorry...leave pls... it's hurting.......ouch...pls

They were bickering when another figure came in and that was non e other jm . He also comes with his eyes closed. Hobi shook his head.

Hobi - one more...

Jm came to hobi and hug him.

Jm - good.. morning hyung...

Hobi hug him back.

Hobi - good are you coming like this ...

Jm was about to say something but hearing someone yelling his name. He look behind and rub his eyes to get a clear view .

Jk - jm me please...Jin hyung leave it ear....ahhh...pls hyung...pls..

Jin look jm first and then look at jk and leave him . Jk rub his ear pouting.

Jin - jk go and freshen up then come downstairs...

Jk - how cruel you are.. ( sulked )

Jin glare him.

Jin - what did you say ...

Jk pout more.

Jk - nothing....

Everyone smile seeing the bunny pouting. Jin hug him.

Jin - stop pouting baby...go & freshen up... ( He kiss his forehead softly )

Jk leave from their happily jumping like a bunny .

Jin then turn to jm . Jm look away.
He go towards jm  and hug him .

Jin - I am sorry chim... it's my are not well and still i scold you...I am  sorry bub...

Jm sobbed . Jin came out of hug and cup jm face.

Jin - what happen ...

Jm - you are so just scold me so even slap me ....i didn't  do that on purpose...that was a mistake....but you....( Saying this he cried )

Jin - I am sorry ....I know I am wrong ....but pls forgive me baby ... hyung will never do that again....I am sorry....

Jm look at him with teary eyes . He then forwarded his hand towards jm.

Jm - promise....( Baby voice )

Jin joined his hand with jm ..

Jin - Yeah go freshen up  breakfast is ready....

Jm - I have to go hyung...I have meeting today ...I am already late...

Jin - you can't skip your breakfast jm

Jm - I will not hyung...I will eat there... promise....

Before Jin can say anything jm ran from there to his room.

After 30 min

Jm came downstairs running.

Hobi - don't run on stairs

Jm is wearing his shoes and about to run outside when Jin came. Jin gave him a chicken roll and and a sipper with chocolate shake in it.

Jm - hyung I can't eat ( said without looking at Jin )

Jin - first see than speak...and if you tried to escape from this than my  pink slippers will talk to you....

Jm sigh and take it from Jin and than leave .

That's how a peaceful morning went in Jeon Mansion. 😊

End ....

Hello guys 😊
This is a request I got from someone . I hope you like it . ❤️

But from now own the story will focus on Kim brothers more. So yeah  wait for next update . I will try to update soon .

My holidays started so now I am free for some days. So you can get updates early . I am already started to write the next chapter . So vote fastly.

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Bye ...👋🥰❤️
