Part : 40

Tae see toward Suga with teary eyes and Suga see him with concerned eyes. Tae lips wobble. He is waiting for this for so long. But his Hyungie is just been so cruel .

He push Suga lightly away from him and stand properly. Tae than pass the paper to Suga. Suga sigh . Be knows his bear is angry on him or he will do anything for his bear forgiveness.

Suga took the paper from tae . Take a look of it and then throw it on the table. He himself was not interested in this . He see toward tae who was trying to be angry on him but failing miserably.

As tae is now looking down . He lips curled up . His eyes filled with tears . His nose & cheek is already red due to so much crying . Suga cooed internally.

Suga hold tae hand and pulled him towards the chair he was sitting. He made tae sit . He then took out the ointment from the table drawer.  He kneel down in front of tae .

Suga - me your hand ..( softly )

But tae don't do it.

Suga again try but no response. Maybe the bear is a little too angry.

Suga himself hold tae hand but tae freed his hand. He look other side .
Suga sigh now he again need to use his hyung card.

Suga - Taehyung show me your hand  ( strictly )

Tae see him with more teary eyes being scared . He slowly show his hand to him . Suga was about to put the ointment but hear sobbing sound.  He look towards tae who is sobbing hardly.

Suga immediately took him in his arm.

Suga - baby what happens it hurting too much..tell hyungie...

Suga hug him but tae start to hit him with his fist. Which ofcourse can't harm Suga . ( Because He is fucking Mafia  ) .

( Suga - wait , did you just curse on me ? ( Angry glare )

A/N - hmm..hehe..just slip of tounge ..( nervous )

Suga glared

A/ N - sorry ..( Vanish away )

Back to story

Tae - leave me are so punish tae even hit are bad..leave taeta ...tae tae don't talk to you...

He protest but after a min. Hug Suga back and start crying .

Suga -  shhh....I am Hyungie is bad he punish tae tae ..I am sorry... please forgive hyungie baby ... don't cry..tae..

Suga rub his back until tae crying turn into sobs  and then sniffles.
Suga again kneel down and hold tae palm carefully . He see the cane marks . He see towards tae .

Suga- Hurt...

Tae nooded with tears in eyes.
Suga kiss his palm lovingly.

Suga - sorry baby... hyungie will make it go ..

Suga apply the ointment  . He then pick up tae and then they both go in Suga room . Suga place tae on bed and sit on his side. 

Suga - tae sleep for sometime..

Tae pout

Suga - what

Tae point at his legs . Suga gave him a confused look.

Suga - what..use your mouth ...

Tae - my legs are paining...

Suga - so what can I do in this.

Suga knows what tae wants to say . He was just teasing him .

Tae - hyungieeeee ........( Whine )

Suga - whatttt....

Tae eyes filled with tears again . Suga slaps him mentally . He again made him baby teary .

Suga - don't cry bub...lay down I will massage you ok ..( patted tae )

Tae smiled listening him and immediately lay down putting his leg on Suga lap . Suga exhaled deeply.

Suga - such a drama king ( whispered )

Tae - what...

Suga - Nothing your majesty...

Tae - Nice now do your work nicely .....( Giggled )

Suga smiled and shook his head. 
  Suga thinks -  God knows when he grow up. But I want him always like this happy, healthy and smiling . My baby bear. 

After that tae sleep . Suga leave from there he has a very important work to do .

In Jeon  mansion

Hobi - you can come out now.. jungkook..

Jungkook came out of the corner he was standing from past 1 hr.


Hobi & jk arrived in the mansion . Hobi just parked the car and came out of it . Jk was still sitting not able to come out . The whole drive was silent  just him and hobi side-eyes . He was really scared . 

Hobi - Come out Jungkook..

Another sign that his hyung is angry calling by his name .  But jungkook was scared . He is already lost in thinking the consequences.
Hobi open the door angrily .

Hobi - Don't you listen in once , Come OuT NOW....( Sternly )

Jk try his luck for last time .

Jk - Hyung..list.. listen..I am

But to his bad luck hobi got angry. He pass the key to the guard . He then hold jk by his ear and start dragging him inside the mansion.

Jk- Oww..ouch..hyung... leave's hurts ...ahhh...

Jk was wincing but no use . Hobi drag him till the hallway. They are standing in the middle of the hall.

Hobi - care to explain KiM JUngkook.

Jk stays silent. He didn't even know what to say now . How can he explain when he himself don't know.He was again zoned out . Hobi twisted his ear more hardly .

Jk - ahhhh...ah.. hyung... leave ... sorry sorry..pls...

Jk whimper in pain . Hobi let go the younger ear seeing his plight. Jk immediately rub his ear which turned red . Hobi folded his hand on his chest . Jk look down not knowing what to do.

Hobi - I ask you something jungkook tell me the truth..

Jk looked down. His tears flow down . It's rare to see his sunshine hyung angry . And for Godsake he looks scary when angry .
Seeing him crying hobi melts like an icecream . He love his dongsaeng  . He don't like when they cry or get scared of him .

Hobi - kookie...

Listening his soft voice jk look up with fat tears in his eyes . Looking adorable.

Hobi - tell me is it your fault..yes or no..

Jk shook his head in no but then nooded in yes after seeing hobi glares.

Hobi - then you deserve punishment...

Jk sobbed loudly hearing it.

Jk - Me sorry hyung..pls no punish kookie.

He said while holding his ears in baby voice showing his big doe eyes that are filled with tears. Hobi really want to scoop him in his arms but not do it.

Hobi - Go kneel down there facing the wall holding your ears.  ( Coldly )

Jk see him with pleading eyes but didn't get any response . So  he hold the punishment. Jk knows that he can't melt him more.

After 1 hr .

Jk - hyung... pls..I am sorry..

Hobi see towards jk but don't said anything . Jk pout this is the 5 time he is getting ignored .

Jk- hyungggg....

Hobi - Jk don't test my patience ...stay in the position if you don't want slaps..

Hobi was not angry now and jk sense it . Hobi can never be angry for a long time Hobi wants to end jk punishment soon but the bunny just wincing in every 5 min so he thought to increase it .

Jk - hyung pls...let me go legs , hands and ears all are paining now ...pls hyung..I will not do it again..

Hobi smiled but don't said anything .

After 15 min .

Hobi hear crying sound  and he knows  where it's coming from .

Hobi - jk..stand up...come here...

Jk stood up and go towards hobi  sniffling  still holding his ears cutely

Hobi - why are you crying...did I hit you...

Jk shook his head in no ..

Hobi - then

Jk - you are angry at kookie..that's  why ..kookie scared ...

Hobi - will you do it again...

Jk again shook his head in no ..

Hobi - words bub ..

Jk - kookie is sowwy... ( Crying )

Hobi - aww..come here baby...

Hobi gently removed jk hand from his ears.

Hobi - now don't pull your ears or else they will grow long and then you will seriously look like bunny ( chuckled )

Jk scrunch his nose .
Hobi made jk sit on his lap and wipe his tears with his thumb softly.

Hobi - bunny  it ok more crying...see hyung is not angry don't get scared ok... kookie is a brave boy right...

Hobi said cheerfully and jk nooded in yes . Then they have some sweet talks.

End ...

Hello guys ..
I got a very good response on last chapter and on doubt . So think to give you a surprise . Hope you like this .


I am confused for whom strict side to make for Suga that's why I asked you all and you all make more confused 🤷.
Like seriously you gave me 50-50 🙄 votes on each . I think I am confused one but today I got you all . Like author like reader .

And one more thing . Next chapter is related to jm . You can take this as a precap.

I decide to make both . One will come early and the next one on later chapter .  So yeah that's it for today .

Bye ...

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Q - How's hobi & jk moment ?

Q - how tae& Suga moment ?

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