Part- 35

Suga go in hospital and met hobi. Hobi check him and give some medicine to him as he was a little week. After that Suga leave from there . Suga was about to sit in the car but before that he got a call and seeing the caller id he stiff. He attend the call after few more rings.

Suga- Hello ( coldest voice. )

Hello I am xxx..

Suga- why you call me .. ( his voice send shivers to the other person)

I am so sorry boss .. it's so important to tell you..

Suga- then say fast don't waste my time .

Boss a group of people is following you from the past 3 days. According to our source they are the members of a new group name white snake . They even followed you till your mansion.

( Listening the information Suga got serious because some hours ago tae was traveling with him. A single scratch on tae giving him pain )

Suga - And you are telling me now ...( Angrily )

Sorry boss..

Suga - set everything I am coming


Saying this the person cut the call immediately. Listening to Agust D voice he was swatting badly God knows who will save them.

In no time suga sat in the car and drove from there. The group also follow Suga . The race start . After covering some distance they reach an empty area where no one is present. Suddenly Suga car blasted off. The car caught fire immediately. The group come out of thier cars and start laughing . One of them call their boss to tell him the news but suddenly....


They all heard a loud voice . When they see towards the sound they see that their cars were blown in the air and long fire flames are touching the sky and one person is coming out of it .

When they see the face they all freezed on their places.

Guess who....



😁😁😁 Joking read further...

The AGUST D , the most dangerous person , emotionless , fearless , cruel , and the most feared in underworld . The one & only The king of all..

Mafia king AGUST D

Agust d came out of the flames . In no time many black suited guys came around him . All of them are highly equipped with weapons they come and stand behind Suga. Suga took out a cigrate

Agust d - finally some fun ( smirk )

One of the enemy is about to shoot him but before he pull the trigger he was lying dead on the floor.
Suga team shoot him.

Agust d- don't...I will handle ✋

He stop his team who are ready to shoot. He smile and then pull out a gun . He caressed it.

Agust d - ohh baby I missed you... finally I can play

The enemies gulped. They want to shoot him but his aura is not allowing them . They can't even stand in this deadly aura. His presence is scary. He was filling fear in every one heart . The aura speak power & obedience.

He took some step towards them.

Person- what you think you alone can kill us all .

A person came in front of him . Suga smirk .

Suga - I  appreciate but still you have to die....

Saying this Suga aim the bullet towards him. And the bullet hit in the middle of his forehead. The person died on the spot lying in his own blood. And in next moment the war started. The enemies are about 15 - 20 well trained peoples but no one can stand the mafia king. Suga kill them all in a couple of minutes.

After killing them Suga stand in the middle and kiss his gun.

Agust D - Good work..

He then close his eyes ,raise his hand in the air and shoot 3 more times one by one and then open his eyes  and left to his car. The place was cleaned like nothing happened there .

He left.

After that Suga enter in  mansion at 12 midnight.

He was going toward his room but see that Rm room lights are still on . He go and enter inside and see that rm is sleeping while sitting with the computer on his lap. Suga think how workholic rm is. 🤷  He took the laptop from rm and then make him sleep properly he then go to his room and freshen up . He was about to sleep but go to check tae. 

In tae room

Suga enter and smile seeing his bear. Tae was  sleeping  hugging a pillows between his hand and leg  with a cute pout on his face. Suga go towards him caressed his hair . Tae  grip on his hand.

Suga - my cute bear..I will always protect no matter how..

He kiss his forehead. He was about to go but tae hold him . He see towards tae whose eyes are close .


Suga - what

Tae- don't wants cuddles..

Suga smile and pull out the pillows from tae grip and he lay down. Tae wrap his hand around Suga hugging him tightly and put his face on his chest .  Suga also hold him protectively . Suga rub his back and tae sleep again .  After sometime Suga also drifted into sleep while cuddling with his bear. Both sleep in his other embrace .

That's how a peaceful night went in Kim mansion.

End .....

That's for today . Hope you guys like it 😊.

I never write about mafia stuff and I know the mafia part is not good . I am sorry for that 😅 . You guys have to cop with that part .

And today I see that in one of my chapter I got 82 votes 😁 and that was the highest . I am so happy you guys give a good response on the previous chapter too. But

Now votes have to increase more . Increase the votes guys I want 80-90 votes . One time reader are  about 400 so I think 90 vote is not a big deal. 🤷. Do it guys. Show your love & support more.

Bye vote & comment

Take care 💗

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