Part- 21

Hello readers 😁😁😁

If I don't tell the timing in previous chapter just assume that all things ( from Suga work) happens in the early morning . Sorry for inconvenience guys.

And here is a long chapter for you guys . Hope you like it.😁😊

Let's start...❤️❤️❤️

Tae- No...( Facing other side )

So the seen started from Kim mansion wher Suga is trying to pacify his bear and failing miserably 🤭

Suga - bub.. atleast look at me na

Tae- No..go from here..why you come now..go..go..and sit with that computer and do your , ( whisper ) which is more important than me..

But Suga listen that and feel bad .

Suga - bub I am sorry.. please listen to me...

Tae- no I will not...I am bad na..I irritate I will not do..( sobbing)

Suga- bear... why are you crying... please don't...

Tae- Why you cared now..

He didn't complete and starts crying . Suga immediately embrace him & hug him.

Suga- shh...tae baby.. don't cry na

Tae- leave are scold tae tae...

He try to free himself but Suga hug him tightly. Suga know if he not console tae now then it will get worse. Taehyung is talking in third person which is an absolute sign that he is completely scared and feeling alone. After there parents death it took a lot of time to tae to become normal. Tae cry increases.

Suga- don't cry tae...I am really very sorry...I will not scold you..

Now tae also hug him.

Tae- why you shout at taeta ( crying )

Suga- baby there is so many work pending because hyung is not here..I have to complete it alone.. that's why I am in strees and frustrated and took out on you...I am really sorry...bub... please don't cry...

He gave soothing circle on his back and after sometime taehyung stable but still sobbing.

Tae- you are not angry at tae

Suga cursed himself in mind for what he do. Taehyung is still talking in third person.
Suga cup his face.

Suga - I am not angry at you tae ( softly )

Tae- really...( Seeing with teary eyes )

Suga- really my bear ( wiping tae tears with his thumb ) now don't cry ....I don't like it...

Tae- it's you who make me cry...( Pout )

Suga sigh because tae is talking normally now.

Suga- i said sorry na...why are you making faces now...

Tae break the hug and again face opposite side.

Suga- now what.......( Little irritated )

Before Suga say something his phone ringed and he go outside. And our tae become more angry because his Hyung leave him.

Suga on phone call

S- hello..hobi..

              H- hello are you

S- I am fine hobi..( exhaust )

              H- why are you sounding tired Hyung are you over working again ?

S- it's not like that..tell me why you you have any work

               H- Nothing hyung , just to tell you that we all are coming at your place...

S- and who are all in this

               H- Me, Rm hyung , Jin hyung, jk,jm

S- when hyung came back

               H- I will tell you later..

Saying this hobi cut the call .

In Jeon Mansion

All are ready to leave to Kim mansion and reach to the cars.

Jin- Kim NAMJOON I want you in my study tomorrow at 7 am ( Stern)

Rm- But hyung....

Jin- Don't you listen

Rm gulped and nooded . He know now the hell is talking.

They are all set and leave to Kim mansion.

In Kim mansion

Suga enter in the room &. See tae pouting bigger. He cooed in his cuteness.

Suga- now why my bear fill so much air ..... ( He said touching his cheek with his fingers )

But taehyung again face on the other side.

Suga- tae now stop this...I am telling you

Tae- what will you do haa..

Suga huffed and cup tae face

Suga- listen to me..I am sorry for scolding please talk to me..

Tae- ok ...for now

Suga- what..for now

Tae- you again leave me for that stupid phone..

Suga told him about the talk. Tae nooded and now a smirk play on his lips. Suga see it and ask..

Suga-now what you upto

Tae- you have to compensate for scolding me..

Suga- and what I have to give you now..

Tae- prepare my favourite white sauce pasta & I want strawberry milk also...

Suga- you want it now

Tae- yes ofcourse...just go now from here and make it...

Suga- don't you think your audicity to talk to me increasing day by day...

Tae- so what...

Suga- let me show you...

Suga twist his ear..

Tae- ouch..ow..ahh.. hyungie..( closed his eyes )

Suga- now say... again what are you saying..( twist more )

Tae- ahhhhhh... Hyungie leave me.. its hurting..ouch..

Suga- i listen someone is saying I Can't do anything......

Tae- Hyung I am sorry.... please leave my ear

Suga- will you talk like this again..( twist more )

Tae- hyung..I am sorry...pls leave it now... it's paining a lot...ahhh...

Suga leave him . Tae start rubbing his ear softly making sad face.

Tae- that's not fair hyung.. you always pull my ear...first you scold me and now this ( still rubbing )

Suga- now stop making faces ...I am going to kitchen...

Tae- you are preparing it..( excited )

Suga- ofcourse..if my bear said to me can I denied

Saying this suga place a kiss on his forehead and left to kitchen.

(From Jeon Mansion to Kim mansion it takes 1 hr. But due to heavy traffic they took 3 hrs. )

Here Suga prepared everything in half an hour.

Suga- teahyung--ah... Come here...

Tae come there running and sit on the chair.

Suga- many times I have to tell you...not to run on the stair..

But tae ignored it.

Tae- Hyung...where is my pasta..

Suga serve him pasta and strawberry milk. Seeing the tempting food in front of him tae eyes sparkled.

Tae- Hyung thank you soo much..( hug Suga )

Suga- eat...

Tae dig in his pasta. He really eating like a kid . Suga adoring his baby bear.

Suga think
Ohh... how cute you are my baby...may you always stay like this... always smiling and happy....

Tae- you will not eat hyung...

Suga-  No..I just  filled by seeing you ...( Smiling )

After that tae finished it and then both go for study as tae college is starting .


So that's for today guys. Hope you enjoy it.

I think this is a long chapter
(1114 word)

Don't forget to vote & Comment  readers.

And for next chapter I will say that chapter will be funny because all are together and a whole chaos is gonna be happened. So stay tuned & reading.

Comment your favourite part 😊😊

Happy reading 🥰

