Part- 24

( if I don't mansion the age before just imagine that Rm- 18, Suga- 15 and tae- 9)

In Kim industry

Rm is continuously working from past six hrs. He is continuously busy in meeting and all the arrangements . Jin is also there with him to help. He completely forgot about tae.

In Kim mansion

( Note - if any of you is scared of dark or have Nyctophobia please skip 3-4 paragraph. )

Here tae is continuously crying because of the darkness in the room. He is sitting leaning to the door with his hand on knees and his face buried in it. He is continuously crying from past 30 min. But no one come there for help as all the workers are outside for their lunch only main door security guard are there. And his baby voice can't reach till there.
He was crying miserably. He is scared to death and his mind can't help him. Various things were going in his mind like - there is somebody in room or he will kill him etc. He is trembling in fear . Tears are flowing like a river. He is also hungry as he didn't eat anything from morning. ( 🙄 Thanks to Rm ) .He tried his luck again.

Tae- someone... the door..( crying ) please hyung I am sorry...I will never disobey you ... please open the's..too dark here...I am so scared...pls hyung...pls... yoonie hyungie please open it ...tae tae is scared... please Hyungie...

He yell for good 15 more min. and bang the door for last time. He has no energy now. His head is hurting due to crying and shouting ( and scared also ) . His vision is getting blurry now and headache is increasing and he fell on the ground unconscious .

After 1 hr.

Someone enter in mansion with tiredness written all over his face and three icecream ( chocolate, vanilla & strawberry ) in his hand. He examine the surrounding and find it dark. He settle on couch lazely handing the ice cream to one of the maid and order to put it in refrigerator and inquire him why there is no light. The maid tell him that a shot circuit happen and it will settle in 20-30 min. . He nooded and stay there for good 10-15 min. And then open his eyes sensing that something is not good.




Yes it was Yoongi😁😁 . His classes over soon today but he has to submit a project. After completing it he stand to go home but remember that his bear said to bring ice cream for him. So how could he deny it. He buy three icecream for all of them and heed to home.

He lazily settle down on couch, closing his eyes but suddenly his realisation hit him.

Suga Pov
Wait....a minute...( Open eyes ) why there is so much silent. Where is tae. As far as I remember today is holiday for junior school. Why didn't he came down till now...

Suga thinking all this because today is Saturday and junior school have holiday and tae must be at home. ( Tae school timing is 7am to 12 pm )
It's a routine of them . Whenever suga reach home ( Suga timing- 7:30 to 2 pm ). He always find tae there waiting for him and as soon as he enter tae jump and hug him tightly.
Even if tae was not waiting in hall still he came downstairs running when he hear suga car horn.

But today nothing happens and Suga was so confused he stand up start checking in home.

He first go in living room but couldn't find taehyung there . Then he goes in kitchen, drawing room, and then check Rm and his room but he didn't find him.

(Those who are thinking why he didn't check in tae room . So our tae is naughty boy he can't stay still or silent . Most of the time he roam in the home . Sometimes in living room, drawing room, Suga room or etc. He rarely go to his room .

In the morning he go to school and when he came back he is alone for two hrs. So he do whatever he want. After Suga came he stays with him in his room ( Suga) till next morning.)

Now suga is so worried . He couldn't find him in the whole mansion there is only two rooms left . One is his secret room in which nobody enters. Other is tae room. So he think to check in tae room.

He go towards tae room and see that the door is locked from outside. He frowns tae room is never locked ( inside or outside ) .

He go towards the door and knock it. But no sound came. He think that no one is there.

His anger reach on top. He couldn't able to find his bear in the whole mansion and didn't even know where is he. He came downstairs and yell on top of his lungs.

Suga- COME HERE EVERYONE ( anger laced in his voice )

Everyone gather there within a second. Everyone is praying for their life. Angry Suga is not a good news

( No matter how old he is...he will take no time to turn into agustd.. and manage to scare the person even if they are older )

Suga- where is taehyung ( angry dead voice )

Shivers run through everyone body . (Who say he is 15🤣)

Suga- I am asking you all something...answer me now ( yell)

No one want to me a pray for this angry lion. So one of the maid came forward and tell Suga everything about the morning incident after he leave. As far she is telling as much Suga face pale.

When she ends telling everything. Without any delay Suga run upstairs. Tears are flowing down through his eyes . He is worried for tae loke hell. He bang the door loudly but again there is silence . He try to unlock the door but the door is jammed. He shout for help and a guard came. He order him to open the door . Guard tru but can't able to open it.

Suga- Idiot...just open the damn door

Guard- the  lock is jammed sir...

Suga- so what.. why are you hire here..I want this door open..or ready to say goodbye to your job if not ...

Guard gulp and nooded then check the door once again .

Guard- we have to break the lock sir

Suga- I bloody don't care... break this fucking lock or open the door..

Guard open the door . In next second Suga enter and see the dark room.

Suga - tae baby....( Softly ) come here..I can't able to see you ...

But no sound..

His eyes are searching for his baby and suddenly lights turns on. Suga see his baby lying on the floor lifelessly. He ran towards him and hold tae in his arms and starts patting his cheek but tae was completely unconscious. Suga feel that tae was burning in fever . He took him in his arms and settle him on bed. Now suga is crying miserably.

Suga- please open your eyes baby..see hyungie is here...tae please say something ( crying )

After that incident taehyung took 1 month to recover.

End of flashback

So that's the end of flashback guys 🤗.
I will give more flashback if required in the story.

1235 words 😲😲 that's maximum no.of word I write till now🤭🤭

The chapter I uploaded yesterday. I received good amount of vote and comments in a short time. I am so happy 😁😁 seeing that . Then I think to give you another update today .Hope you guys enjoy it 💗🥰

Guys , i want to show you something 🤭🤭🤭🤭 . Don't judge it guys because I never learn it professionally . I love to draw . I just do this as my hobby.

If you want you can ignore this no problem ☺️☺️ . I just want to show you ...

Hope you like

See this 🥰🥰❤️


draw this 🤭

How it is tell me in comment section.

If you don't like than it's ok to me.

Vote & comment everyone pls.( Silent readers also ) chapter )

Bye 👋

Love you all guys ❤️
Stay happy and safe

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